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Show pfffoT jlffiJI COL j Marketed Shows Aver-IJage Aver-IJage Gross Value of fj $41.34 a Ton. iiftptpilvcr King Consolidated Alining 'ifey has elected tho following of-K of-K Solon Splro, president . and gen-'Wannscr: gen-'Wannscr: O. K. Lewis, vice- presl-jfeohn presl-jfeohn rinsree, vice president; R. rris. Charles 15. Kaiser, L. R, Kc-mia Kc-mia D L. Wertnclmcr, directors. G. 'owning, was again chosen secretary EoniPany. TI A. Lee Is consulting Lnrv of Manager Splro'? annual cltBfllollows: litSrliiK the year WIS two dividends cnts per share each, aggrcgat-'TW30S aggrcgat-'TW30S "01.1". have boon distributed liWtie the stockholders, and tho lls-:cnv lls-:cnv closes witli all liabilities llqui-'d, llqui-'d, the titles to the property dear, wH-a balance of cash assets of $3S4.-Av7 $3S4.-Av7 Wltli the exception of a suit June for tho partition or the 'iles Vesuvius and other mining K0' owned in common, and a con-over con-over attorneys' fees In tho Iltiga-lately Iltiga-lately ended, all litlgaUon has, iUisV 'settled. , ,, -.iKe total cost of sinking the shaft ect to tho 1800 level, cutting the .b- stations, timbering, etc., was JB9D.77, exclusive of shaft timbers, liSsupplieH and other work. AKm November 10. 1013. to Feb--jo, 131-1, inclusive, a period of and one-half months, tho varl-5? varl-5? drifts, crosscut, upraises, fees and slopes opened on the 1500, ft 1550 and 1700 levels aggregated lillneal feet. fern tho 15:57 feet of development he mineralized r.ono adjacent to rShaft there have been extracted Hons of first-class ore and ap-tlmately ap-tlmately 2100 tons of second-class i This lower-grade oro carried an rage value of ten qunccs of silver, Br cent lead, some gold and Copland Cop-land will bo luter utilized, fithc first-class ore. 1011 tons, dry tht, have been marketed. Hit tons sin transit or at tho public sam-e sam-e works, and there is at this time tons in the oro bins at the mine. h"e ore marketed shows an average value or $41.3-1 per ton and a lvalue, I. c., less transporta- sampling, assaying and smelter fees, of ?:::U0 per ton. The oro transit and at the mine Is of il If not larger grade. The gross luctlou or this work ia thcre-!H32U thcre-!H32U Ions, which has in part led and will yield ?33.90 per ton, or btal or $11,051.-10. ie total cxpenso for operations ng the past three and one-half iths (the last few days of Feb-y Feb-y calculated) may be summarized follows. Jrolls at mine $20,015.00 airs and Improvements of Bij .... 1.6GJ.GD e equipment, machinery, ; ..: 6,i7:t.0G e supplies 2,430.59 jr..,.. fi.93G.00 riding house supplies 2, ."96. 49 irance, lire protection, is 1,110.74 nlnlstralion and - main flee expenses 1,243.05 ptal $41,330.52 l my humble judgment the com-yf com-yf should now be placed on the ingest rlnaneiul basis, In the In-iBt In-iBt and for the protection of all stockholders, by creating a Ireas-7 Ireas-7 reserve sufficiently strong to Sic tho company to meet all unseen un-seen and extraordinary expenses, i- as a sudden rush of water and .keeping of tho dead work far in mco of ore extraction and to iu-ilthe iu-ilthe payment Indefinitely of rcgu-fixed rcgu-fixed quarterly dividends and also ijends from tho funds on hand In iss of such reserve. if ( Accident at Daly. rU was suspended at the old Daly iree days this week, because of an pable blunder on the part of the hg engineer on duty, says tho Park vRecord The accident happened cfcdnv last. "While the cage was fhoisted from tho S00. something .wrong with the air compressor, and (igineer, evidently for the time being fthis head, rushed over to the corner, corn-er, forgeltlnsr to shut off the steam v engine. The result va? that the yid not stop when it should have so, hut went up into the sheaves, flog the gallows frame and putting lant on the "bum." Metal Market-, ill prices posted in yesterday's mnr-k;ere mnr-k;ere as follows: Silver. 57f cents: r copper. $11,271. Boston Mining Stocks, run & Bryan, members of all lead-ixchangrs. lead-ixchangrs. 169 South Main street, m the following, received over their m& wire yesterday afternoon: iKgBOSTON- COPPER RANGE. ijfc I Sales.l II. L.-IC1B6 Jmah .i Ta il u K& Superior . 300 sr. ;t5 1 354 Timet &. Arizona 1150 H7-J C7A C7i Mi-Con u 1 1 m. Hange 100 371 37A 37i JKf1 U 2i T 4 Con SO sr, 841 85 19 B Can :;a as 3S fl k 13J in 13 a Copper ... r, 51 iM Copper ;i Sj SJ W. Me 12 16 v tf ' Valley . zi V.'i lit lJ"B 400 03 01 Ijg ii Halite afi 2S3 liS3 it 1 Lake 2 '12 tfi lor & Rostoii.. 400 2J 4 lh J;" 46 U 41 rtl Bmeltcr, com... UIO 111 41 41 0t ferred :i0 JSQ ISi 4SJ gj fcCrfcck -.-I.- VJi ISi 1K4 5; aBOSTO.M COPPER CLOSI0. $ ''- 1 "hi. lAskecT 3 107 1074 flfjj Bit 205 r.oo el & ll"da isu .i:;n 25 ck. 2S3 20 ;?S ac!? 42 sjs :nc : o50 tio Mines '? 3 tf "OI)1)0r 37 3D i& lr l?rt :: mi in? 'fj 5 104 41 J ipex v ; ' 1 Ely 10 r,t IB.2 1 2 M Blue Bell ....r... Xi ioo He s y,S Douglas , U H L; , 1 o-u; i5 Dij rt ... .... ,c On 7' :::: o5 3a !w! i t - jklj "New York Mining Stocks. n! Brva'l members of all lead- P ?cila,I?e?,' 1?3 Soulh Main street, fl'E . iU"ow'g. received over the r ISBl wlre ycatorday afternoon: jgBW TORK LISTED STOCKS. "jW I Kales. I II, L. IC'Ihh SCO 43 Iig 42 B'.PW Goal 00 2SJ 215 22 -iSUIon ... 171 -17 17 )BS Copper :Oo 22B 5"3 JM? Con oo 16 lCJ 16 Tn soo -m 20 20 opper 700 Uo5 351 3n IfcsnVor01"' 100 22i 2 -ilj I ftPF -a -a |