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Show ! I SSmfl fllf ""tt ingin the round-up, to the millionaire IW'' f polo player, riding nell-for-leather to win ship ever leaves port without a supply of "cBull" Durham on board no U. S. Army Post ever runs short I . "BulC Durham SMOKINO TOBACCO -.Enough for forty hand-made cigarettes in each 5-cent sack") I 11 ' As many cigarettes are rolled from cBulin Durham in a year I I I as all brands of ready-made cigarettes in this country combined. j I And the sales of '"Bull'' Durham are steadily growing. I 1 The freshness and flavor of "Bull" Durham hand-made cigar- I I ettes are a revelation. Get a sacE of I I r Ask for free 10 "Bull" at the nearest dealer's today I uithcach!Back Sljpf and rolhr OWn." llMr An Illustrated Booklet, .fell PAY BY CHECK ' VM It is tlio safest, most ?flP conveniont mcUiod, and Vimiw each check is a receipt ftf for the amount paid. ?JffllT 1 1 $ 1 1 il'ifiS Open- your account i witli "Tho Old' Bank." jj 'j'lj'jjjj Walker ?,! ! !!.B Brothers wiH'n u-uu-wo :iiminttj! Bankers gfi 212 MAtN STREET. , I Honest Work ' j Honest Prices ' J Painless extraction of teeth or no pay. I All work guaranteed. I REMEMBER US, 1 We Treat You Eight. I Office hours: 8:30 a. m. lo (3 p. in. i Sundays, 10 to 2. Phone 112$. EEiMjit ABOUT CARRY-jjtra CARRY-jjtra RYING YOUR SraTfj ; FUNDS ABROAD. Why risk taVUng a EMrTT Wn largo amount of money with yoj. when you o abroad? By-far By-far tho safest and best method i to carry your funds in tho form of Travelers' Trav-elers' Checks. You can obtain ob-tain Ihcm of ues at very rca-ionablo rca-ionablo coat. Frank Kno.y, President. J. A. Murray, Vice Pres. J. C. Lynch, Vice Prca. W. F. EarlB, Canhler. E. A. Culhcrtson. Asot. Cashier. DeWItt Knox, A. C. Geo. G. Knox, A.C. i The National Bank of the Republic United Statca Dopoaltory. Capital 5 000.000 Surplus :;oo.ooo Deposit:; 5.000,000 A bank whoso resources, equipment and wide connections enable it to extund tho best possiblo service to every corporation, corpo-ration, broker, merchant and individual. Four per cent Intercut paid ou time do-posits. do-posits. "Wo are a member of tho Salt Lake City Clearlnu House. NOTICE OF BOND SAJjE. Notice is hereby given that a salo of bonds of Blue Bench Irrigation district No. 1 to the amount of thirty thousand (5aO.UOO.00) dollars hatj been ordered by the hoard of directors of said district and sealed proposals for the purchase of said bonds will be received by said board of directors at the officii of said district at Duchesne, Wasatch county, state or Utah, up to the hour of - o'clock P. m. on the Z&ih day of March, A. D. l'Jl-i, for the said bonds or any portion thereof in amounts of $250.00 or any multiple thereof. there-of. Said bonds aro to run from ten to twenty years and will bo made payable ns provided by section 15 of chapter 7-1 of tho Session Laws of Uta"h, 1U0U; as amended by chapter 53 of the' Session Laws of Utah. 1911. and as furtnor amended by chapter 101 of the Session Laws of Utah, 1013, and will bear Inter-eat Inter-eat at tho rate of six per cent per annum, an-num, payable semi-annually on tho that day of .lune and thu first day of December Decem-ber of each year; principal and interest to bo paid at tho offico of iho county treasurer of Wasatch county, state or Utah, and at such other placo as m:i.v hereafter bo determined by tho board of directors of said district. No proposal will bo accepted for a less sum than OH per cent of tho face value of tho bonds bid for, Tho board of directors rcaervo the right to reject any and all bids. All proposals pro-posals must bo addressed to L. S. JJood, secretary of Bluu Bench Irrigation District Dis-trict No. 1, at Duchesne, Wasatch county. Utah. TIih paid bonds will bo instied in conformity con-formity with a resolution of the board of directors duly passed and adopted on the 3rd day of February, 1014, as follows: Scries No. - No. 1: No. of bonds, S; their numbers, 1 to S, Inclusive; value, $3000.00; date of maturity, December 1, 1021. Series No. 2 No. 2; No. of bonds, 9; their numbers, D to 17, Inclusive; value, $2250.00; date of maturity, December 1, 1025. Stories No. 2 No. IS; No. of bonds, 10; their numbers, 13 to 27, Inclusive; value, J2C00.OO; date of maturity, December 1, 1026. Scries No. 2 rso. i; iso. or bonds, 10; tholr numbers, 2S to S7, Inclusive; value, $2500.00; date of maturity, December 1, 1027. Series No. 2 No. 5; No. of bonds, it; their nuinbors, US to IS, Inclusive; value, 52750.00; dato of maturity, December 1, 1028. Series No. 2 No fi; No. of bonds, 12; their JiumherB, 19 to GO, Inclnelve; value, $3000.00; dato of maturity, December 1, 1920. Series No. 2 No. 7: No. of bonds, li; their numbers, Gl to 74, Incluslvo; value, fSCOO.OO; dato of maturity, December 1, 1030. Series No. 2 No. S; No. of bonds, 10; their numbers, 75 to 00. Incluslvo; value, $-1000.00; date of maturity, December 1, 1931. Series No, 2 No. 9: No. of bonds. IS: their numbers, 91 to 10S, inclusive: value, $4500.00; dato of maturity, Decembor 1, 1932 Series No. 2 No. 10: No, of bonds, 12; their numbers, 109 to 120, nclun!ve; value, $3000.00; date of maturity, December 1, 1933. Dated nt Duchcsno, Utah, this 26th of February. .A. D. 101-L By order of tho board of directors. J. a BrRCIT. President. S. H. BOTTOXf. ; JOS'EPH JOLLY. K Directors- J L. S. TTood, secretary. P132 ASSESSMENT NO. 8, Yankee Consolidated Mining company, a corporation. Principal offico and place 1 of buslnc&s, room 1120 Nowhouse build- IH ing, Salt Lako City, 'Utah. Notice Is hereby given that at a meet- B Ing of tho bonrd of directors of tho Yan- IH kee Consolidated Mining company, held IH on thu 4th day of February, 1914, an as- H sessment of two (2) cents per sharo was H levied and assessed on tho outstanding ll capital stock of said corporation, paya- IB ble February 5, 1914, to A. B. Canfield, secretary of said company, room 1120 H Newhousa building, Salt Lake City. Utah. 1 Any stock upon which the assessment M may remain unpaid on the 7th day of H March, 1911, will be delinquent and ad- IH vertlsed for sale, at public auction, and IH unless payment is made before, will be IH told on tho 23rd day of March, 1014, to H pny dellnnucnt assessment thereon, to- H gcthcr with costs of advertising and cs- H penscs of sale. A. E. CANFIELD, M Secretary Yankoo Consolidated Mining IH Company. 066? iH ASSESSMENT NO, 8. jH O. K. Sliver Mining t Milling Coin- jH ' pany; principal place- of buslnebs, Salt H Lake City. Utah; location of mines, Iu- IH dian Springs, Tooclo county, Utah. M Notice Is hereby given that at a meet- fM ing of tho board of directors of O. K. IH Silver Mining & Milling Company, held IH on tho 16th day of February, 1914, at- H sessment No. H of one-half (1) cent per JH ehatu was levied upon the capital stock H of tho corporation, Issued and outstund- H ing, payable Immediately o tho secre- H tarv at his office. 1235 Bccl: street. Suit H Lake Cltr. Utah. Any stock upon which this assessment IH may remain unpaid on Tuesday, the 24th day of March, 1014, will bn delinquent and H ailvcrtisea tor saie jiuuui. ouwuh, ,i u, unless pavment Is made beroro, will bo sold on Saturday, thq 11th day of April. 1014, at 10 o'clock a. m., at tho com- Mm puny's office, to pay the delinquent as- H'fl sessment thereon, together with tho coats HJfl of advertising and expense- of sale. Kl B. M. HOLT, Secretary. First publication,. February 21. 10155(J IH NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. H Llbcrtv Mining, company. Principal B nhice of business. 503 Utah Sayings & l'S company building. Salt Lako City, UNotIco is hereby given that at a meet- Ing of tho directors, hold on tho 21st day of February, 1914. ah assessments of one (1) cent per aharo was levied on the H capital stock of the Liberty Mining com- pany, a corporation, payable Immediately to Daniel Ilamcr, secretary 50. Utah fcav- H Incs& Trust company building. Salt Luke nvtocic upon which this asseMmont 'H may Remain unpaid on the SStfa day of March. 1211, will -bo do inquont and ad- vertlaod for salo at pub Ic auction, and unless payment thereof la mado before. will bo solil on tho ICth day of April, H 1914 to pay the delinquent assessment. H together with costs o. advertising and Jm SaIC' DANIEL HAMER, Secretary. H Room 503 Utah Savings & Trust com- H pany building. o3-G- B |