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Show NEW YORK LIST IS LOOKING OVERSOLD Logan & Bryan. 1GI) South Main strcol. members Now York and Boston stock exchanges and Chicago board of trade, furnish the following, received over their private wire yesterday afternoon! From New York Offices Market still suffering from lack of Interior participation. partici-pation. Mexican news conflicting. Wash-' Ington advices meager. Foreign situation situa-tion somewhat Improved. Traders lack Incentive, but list looks oversold. British Brit-ish government will Ignore Carranza's demands In Benton matter. Fromo Paine. Webber & Co.. Boston The market was again entirely professional. profes-sional. As was tho case yesterday, most ,,, c business from London was on the selling side. New 'Haven was tho weak feature in the local market todav, scll-Inj; scll-Inj; down to the lowest on record, on poor report of earnings, which shows loss than ?1 per share for tho vcar. Little Lit-tle can be expected for next few duvg unlqss some Important development occurs oc-curs In the Mexican situation, but liquidation liqui-dation on a large scale seems unlikely in any event. |