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Show ACCUSE RAILROADS M OF PAYING REBATES WASHINGTON, March 3. Ccrtiflc 1 copies of entries on the books of the jJ United Slates Steel corporation, allege 1 jH to show the payment of enormous re-bates re-bates by railroads on the corporation's ore .shipments, were promised to the in-tcrstale in-tcrstale commerce commission today b, William H. Green of Nebraska. Green was testifying before Commissioner Hat-Inn Hat-Inn in the Inquiry into alleged rebating authorized by the senate. He proniis" I to have the copies on hand tomorrow David Lamar of New York, from whom Green admitted getting much of the In-formation, In-formation, told the commissioner 11 a. the Slccl corporation's books would show the payment of rebates and that the pay-uionts pay-uionts were made through dividends on the stock of the railroads, "which wu JM pure wind and water." When Commissioner Harlan was cio.sk-examining cio.sk-examining Green .as to his sources of in-formation, in-formation, the witness protested slren i-ously. i-ously. "I paid my own fare down here. ' he said, "and had been trying to Oo a public service, but It seems That I )ue gotten into deeper water than I i- VM peeled to.'' IH |