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Show ODE TO IRRIGATION AGAIN TO BE SUNG That music lovers will be Riven another opportunity of hearing the "Odo to Irrigation" Ir-rigation" In the same form that made it tho biggest feature of tho opening session ses-sion of the National Irrigation congress Monday was assured yeBterday, when the committer, in charge of the testimonial In honor of Professor J. J.-McClellan at tho tabernacle next Saturday night announced an-nounced that the "Ode"' would be repeated re-peated under "Professor McClollan'a direction, direc-tion, with the aamc orchestra, soloists, chorus and organ accompaniment as on Monday. The ontlre body of muHielane engaged In the big production tendered their services to the committee and the "Ode" lias been given a place of honor on tho programme for Saturday night. That tlie next rendition will be even bettor than the flrut la certain. With til's audience seated and the building finiet, the real beauty of the composition will bo brought out as possibly novet before, and even many of those who heard the rendition Monday plan to take advantage of what may prove to be the last local presentation of tho number on such an elaboiuto scale. All plans for the testimonial are progressing pro-gressing satisfactorily. The executive committee meets today at noon at the Commercial club to adjust all the eleventh-hour details and to complete tho definite programme. All indications point to n rousing tribute to Professor Mc-Clellan. |