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Show REBELS ROUTED BY FEDERAL SOLDIERS MUSQUIZ, Mexico. Sept. HO (delayed In transmission). Heavy loss was Inflicted on the rebels by Colonel Guardiola and the federal troops In a battle fought near here today, when the rebels attempted to cut General Aurollo Blanquet's line of communication. The federals lost five men killed and twenty men and three officers, including Guardiola, wounded. A force of some 200 rebels appeared suddenly at Aura, eight miles to the south .of this city and fifty miles from the rebel base In the mountains near Rabla ranch. Colonel Guardiola, who was In command com-mand at Aura, requested reinforcements from hero, and on their arrival attacked the rebels and forced them to rotlre after several houra' sharp lighting. The rebels, when they left Babla ranch, took with them Manuel Travino, a nephew of General Geronlmo Travino, and are holding him for ransom. A convoy of stores and ammunition belonging be-longing to the federals foil today Into the hands of the rebels while on the way to Santo Domine, an outlying post, owing to the disloyalty of tho escort, consisting of a hundred rural guards. All but one offlcor and eight, men of the escort mutinied mu-tinied and, cheering for Oroczo, went off to Join Marcclo Caraverro, the rebel field j commander. |