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Show - !FirstYear Men to Play; Coach Criticises His Men Conference Rules Abated for Wyoming Game--Bennion Says Players Not in Condition. The manager of the Wyoming university univer-sity football team has wired Coach Ben-nlon Ben-nlon of Utah university, stating that the Wyoming team will be unable to live up to tho rules of the Rocky Mountain conference con-ference In the game Saturday. This Is startling news to the entire conference, as the Cowboys ate held in respect this fall all around tho circuit and have been considered as strong possibilities for the championship. The Wyoming management should bo congratulated on Its spirit in coming out before the gaino and stating their position posi-tion as to the conference rules. The rules state that a man In order to bc eligible for a championship game must liave attended at-tended tho school which he represents for at least one year. Some of the stars of the Wyoming team are unable to fill this requirement and, although they arc students stu-dents In full standing nt the school, they are not eligible to play under the governing gov-erning rules. Bennlon had advertised the game and promptly replied that he would not let the matter of eligibility stop the game and that It would be played for the sake of the game Itself, even though the result re-sult will In no way affect the final standing stand-ing tho University of Utah in the conference. con-ference. The very fact that the Cowboys will not play under the conference, rules means that the game will bo well contested, con-tested, as there arc some wonderful players who will he In the game who. under the rules, would not be permitted to be in tho lineup. Last year the Lara-mlo Lara-mlo team wont through the season with an enviable rocord. and with all the men back will undoubtedly put up a real battle. bat-tle. They have been practicing for a month, are in fine condition and have their teamwork fully developed. Tho report that tho famous quarterback quarter-back and kicker. Burgess, had not yet reported at school was disproved by the message to Bonuion last night. He will be in the game. Besides Eur seas jlxers are many other men who.?,re of the. best class. Chief among these men Is Fullback Full-back Irish. The Colorado teams who met Wyoming last fall claim that he is the hardest plunger as well as tho roughest rough-est player in tho conference. This is saying considerable when one considers the prowess of such men as Nelson of Boulder. Coach Bennlon h!o had some very Interesting In-teresting (hlngs to say regarding the condition con-dition of his team. ITe said: My men arc In nowhere near tho condition they should be ln this time of the season and It Is due to their failure to train properly This failure fail-ure to train conies' as tho result or the idea, on the part of several mon that they can win the championship without training. For tho past couple cou-ple of weoks the work has been ragged because of the players' refusal to take the proper care of themselves. them-selves. T was actually ashamed of the showing they made against the freshmen In their scrimmage work Monday afternoon. The freshmen w'oro able to gain yards on them and they held the varsity so well that tho latter was frequentlv forced to givo up the ball on downs. This kind of work will never win the Wyoming game, much less the championship, and T am going to put a stop to It. Tomorrow Is a school- ljolldav and the players are going to work from 1 o'clock until dark. Thev will assemble as-semble on the field at. 1 o'clock and will bo put through an hour's oral roview, This will b followed by an hour's blackboard work, after which I wll send them aftor freshios In a practice game, and every man who shown himself to be lazy will b asked to turn In his suit. This, coming from tho coach himself, shows how th Cowboys aro rated, and that he exp.ecte.ajMltIc..xflai next at- |