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Show Uiy Janncy of Los Angeles, Who Is Here, for a Visit and Is at p' the Hotel Utah. M yL1 BEADTinJIj and elaborate aff.T 9 cJ lut evening was tfce .niicr VI rfvtn by .Mr and rim irl lfthtld at their hospitable home 'Mi In compliment to Mrs. Sidney A. who is here on her way to the ift. Tlie other gueHts Invited to the Mfcrc mainly thj former frlruids of KSoman ivjicn hc made hor home M?1" 30mc few years 5150, and W Col. nnd Sirs. James A. Trons jMl-t Doiisla?. Mra M. S. Woodward, Jllrs. Ferdinand J. Fabian, Mrs. IK Woodruff, Mr. nnd Tdrs. .T. Wal-JKliomruon, Wal-JKliomruon, .Mr. and Mrs J. R. JJr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Uas-Ur, Uas-Ur, and Mi-s. r. BIdwoll, "R. O-MM, O-MM, V, H. Shearman nud 15. S HK3rd. The whole decorat schomo pink, and quantities. af lovoly .Hceaand pink. Mhadcd candles wero I lo malic till- table a rosy hed or t vhWt at the plaera wore ox-ftriT ox-ftriT beautiful Imported place cards by the liOHfp.is from a recent P found tlio world, ftiimln locioly event of today will charity brldsc tea tu he clven W'wt Sltlo N'clshborhood House Hftmoon at the home of Mrs. John n. ylJch lilds ralr Mo he the most a!c charity affair In many month?. Mm4 lg largo enough to admit of Pt Fathering v.'lthont crowding. anl ih3!o In cliarire have fold some forty ! (0 partita of friends who will en-ft en-ft cimo together. Resides these fi thtre wll bo a f?rca.t number In H folloivlnj; the matlneos and the. n attractions. Mrs. W. W. Arni-"fijjre. Arni-"fijjre. w. u. Cunlnghnm and Mrs C Alexander have managed the af-iM af-iM all the ladies of the assocla-gwl assocla-gwl be uwilstln Ibcm. M-. Seidell gnou. MI53 Webber, Mrs. C. 15. J and Mrs. J. 15. Gallphor will "tarn.- at the tea table, and a bevy WS girls will aa.slst them. Collie 8ta.yner cnlevlalnnd nearly of friends at bridge yc-sleidav rlncoinpilmcnt to Miss Ruth C'tawtord. dozen more coming in later 'iJ.jOi 'ea ar which the hostess was a-sshtcd hy her jlstr. Irs. Clifford Jennings, Jen-nings, and IUr5. Wllford Moyle- The roomsi were brlsht with rich nntiimn col-orp, col-orp, yellow predominating In th dining room and yellow sachet bags being used for the favors. A great basket of autumn fruits fn the yellow (ones was used for the centerpiece of the tea table and a yellow sallu cover under the lace addod to the rich color effect. -i Russell A. Chapln is bore for his first visit to Salt Lakn on a short, business trip, and Is at the .Llotel Utah for a few days. Mr. Chapln Is known to a number num-ber of Salt Inkers, howover, as ho Is tlio husband of one of -Salt TjiifcnTs favorite fa-vorite daughters, who was Miss Margaret Park, tlio only daughter of Boyd Park and Fister of Mayor Samuel C. Park. Mrs. Chapln was unable to accompany Mr. Chapln at this time, as her father. Mr. Park, la spending tho winter with her on the const. MrK. William P. Kiscr and her small son, Philip, will Inavo today Tor the eaut. They will go direct to BroeivIllc, Mich., to visit relatives. Mrs. I:!. J. Chambers 5b there nnd will accompany them to Chicago. Horn Mrs. W. D. Donoher will loijj them and together they will go on to New Yorlc to spend a few weeks, Mrs. Chambers remaining to visit her son, Tjvater, who Is thore for thB early winter. On her return trip, Mrs. Klser will visit In Davenport, la., and probably In Keokuk - Queen LatcHe 1. and her court. oo"n-sliitlng oo"n-sliitlng of all tho maids from the various vari-ous counties, thc chaperon and other attendants, were guests of thc Colonial management last evening to witness "The Man I-Vom Homo." The company occupied all thc lower boxes and a few seats above, and thy added much to the brilliant appearance of the playhouse, play-house, which wan filled with a representative repre-sentative society audience- i Mrs William U. Child entertained the members of her bridge club yesterday at a delightful luncheon at hor country home, following the midday meal with three tables of bridge. The card tables were arranged out on tho broad veranda and tho whole place was gay with quantities quan-tities of lovely autumn flowers from tho gardens surrounding the houue. The ladies of .St. John's gtiild will bold n scries f silver teas through thc winter season, giving them on the tlrst Thurs-dav Thurs-dav in each month in thc guild room, In-atoad In-atoad of In their homes as has been thc custom. Thc tlrst of the leas will bo given tomorrow afternoon. Mrs. Walker and Mrs. Mampson will bo the hostesses on that occasion. Miss Josephine Campbell arrived yesterday yes-terday from San Dlogo and is the guest of her aunt. Mrs. Kidney A. Cloman, at thc Hotel Utah Miss Campbell will remain re-main here, for thc rest or tho week with Mrs. Cloman, when they will leave for the west together to join Major Cloman, Clo-man, Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard W. Reed arc at the Hotel Utah for a short stay, but will favo soon for southern California to spend thc winter there. They will stay at Santa Barbara for a time and later will go to Long Bench to be at thc Hotel Virginia. .t The Misses May and Frances O'Neill will entertain at bridge, tonight for Mrs. Charles Jyon? and Miss Dorothy Jannoy, daughters of F. J. Jnnney, who are hero from Los Angeles on a visit and arc at the Hotel HI ah. , M 1 Mrs. John P.ced left yesterday for her " homo In Denver, after a pleasant vfsil 5 with' friends bcro for a fortnight or so. S Mr and Mrs. Reed have taken npart- 9 n-nts at the Altatnaha, on Colfns and Lafajcttc streets, where they arc at home to their friends. Miss Lconao Koote has returned from a stay of two weeks with friends in Logan and in Rrighain City. . -V ft Mrs. Hal Kusscll and her d lighter. Miss l.orna. Russell, will leave tomorrow-morning tomorrow-morning for New York, after a summer spent in the west. Mr. and Mrs. A. 15. Rockier' arc up from rV'tvo Tor a stay or a few days with Mr. Ruckler. Thoy will move up hem shortly for thc whiter. Mrs. J. W. Houston and Miss Grizelle Houston loft yesterday morning for the east to spend a few weeks In New Tork and vicinity. y 4 Mr and Mrs. Charles A. Henry and Mr and Mrs. Fred U en 1. sell arc down from Ogden Tor a few days and are at the Hotel Utah. t 9 fi Mr. and Mrs. .1. Frank Judge nay taken thc Hubbard Rood homo at 7m East South Temple street for tho winter and arc at homcto tficir friends there. Air nnd Mis. 15. B. Hoislor ontrlainod a 'few friends last evening at cards at their home on Kathcrlnq street. Mr Karl A. Sehcid will entertain on Frldav with a luncheon at her homo foi Mrs Windsor V. Rico, w ho leaves shoi t-lv t-lv for the -oast lo spend . the win nr i ml Mrs. Hoyt Sherman, who is recently homo from thc cast. ,. Mr George Harris Smith will be the hostess today at a luncheon at the Alia club for a number of her friends. l(e8 TAm Poy will cuterlaln a party of friends at the miituicc at the GatilcK this afternoon. Mls 151 vie Arnold will cnlcrlaln at cards tliis afternoon for Miss Ruth Crawford. Craw-ford. . . Mrs. W. B. Scarlc is up roni Prove for a visit or a fcwdM.vS with trlcuds. Mr and Mrs. 1'. W. Madscn will entertain enter-tain 'a party of their friends this evening even-ing at the Fecund In a series or evcnin0 canl parties, s ,t Miss Pluma Pnrccll has left Tor a month's visit in Denver and Kansas City. The ladies of l.loyd Alliance will hold thc regular business meeting followed by sewing today at -.aojn Unity hall. The regular meeting of thc Clcofan will bo held todny with Mrs. LI. I. A. Culmer at her home, -7 C direct. Tho art section of the Ladies' Literary club will meet this morning at the club house to contlnuo the study of Italian luU , s. Mrs. 0. R- Meredith entertained a Tow friends vcrv pleasantly yesterday afternoon after-noon for her niece. Miss 1511a Morrdilh. Mrs. 'O. .11. Meredith. Jr., assisting her. s- n Mrs. I.ydia Morrison announces tlio engagement en-gagement of her daughter, Tsabcllc, to Lee Murphy or tills rity. n Mr and Mrs. Claud W. Trend leave lo- day for Xcw Toil: and Boston to seo tho . world's series baseball games. They will also visit In Baltimore, Washington and Chicago. I I Miss Jennie A. Brown, who has been I spending tho summer on thc coast, lias I returned, materially Improved in health. I |