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Show ran sues for S11JF ESTATE Romance .Uncovered in Life of the Late Artas L Agnew of Columbian Optical Co;4 Special to The Tribune. DENVER Colo-, Oct. 1. A suit for $1800 was filed in tho county court hero against the estate of Artas T. Agnew, principal owner o.f tho Columbian Opti-eial Opti-eial company of thin city, with branch offices in Salt Lake City nnd in other cities. Miss Ora Brambam states in her complaint that she lived with Agnew as his ...wife for twelve 3'cara, until be met and fell in love with Mrs. Bertha Buchanan, vndow of a -wealth' lumber dealer, formerly of Portland, Or., whom be married in Salt Lake City, November 1. 1911. Prior lo thc marriage with the Buchanan Buch-anan woman, Agnow told Miss Brambam Bram-bam of tho transfer of his affections and entered into a contract on November Novem-ber ?., 1910, which was signed by both parties, to pay thc woman who had helped him amass a fortune. ?ib000,( .$1000 at the time the contract was signed, thc balance in monthly installment!) install-ment!) of $100. According to tho suit there is yot remaining $1S00 which has not been paid. It is for this sum that Miss Uramhain is suing. When she .signed the contract Miss Bramham rn-HncpiiHbcd rn-HncpiiHbcd all her legal claims upon .Agncw except those contained in the instrument. The instrument was witnessed by Mrs. Tracy Berndcs. 'former wife of tho present Cuban ministor to Prance, and sister of M.iss Bramham: S. K Agncw, brother of thc dead man, and Attorneys Carl H. Cochrane and War-wick War-wick M. Downing. Agnow was estimated esti-mated to bo worth $10.0,000 at the-time oi! his death. ':.'' |