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Show II Finding a Room j j; ; Going to change your room this winter? Would you p:'; take the right sort of a roomer or two? II TJiese are questions addressed to the' hosts of people !;i who live in single rooms and the many householders who '"It augment the family income by faking one or more boarders. - There's a practical, quick action, clearing house of in-formation in-formation for all roomers and boarders it's The Tribune J n Want Columns. Private families and rooming end boarding hpuses make j li use of the Wants in securing the better kind of roomers and I fll boarders. ' I H t To get in touch with .the most desirable rooms and I he ! M best boarding houses have The-Tribune Wants point; the I ; wny. j II FUNERAL DIRECTORS I EBER W. HALL. UNDERTA ICER ,iD , cmbalmer, 164 So. West Temple. Phone I E. G. O'DONNELL. UNDERTAKER f and cmbalmer, has moved to now loca- I lion, 225-227 South Wnsl Tcrnplo street, t Realty bldg. Phone 580. o3399" I CUT FLOWERS iTpDDARHUaI G2 SO. MAIN st. Phone 106. Cut flowers and fu- 9 noral designs. n!632 THE LEADING FLORIST. W. W. KING, 214 E, 2nd So. Phone. 37. h297 - LTnGETCJCKrOETCT FROM. R. McKenzlc. Display yards. H2 So. State. TAILORS i ROSe'l lTtI nT T A I LO R . 75 SO. STATE. ' Suits and overcoats from 1C up. g C. w! IWUh. 22C CONSTITUTION ! building, opposite Z. C. M. I. Your owmi material made un. hl"4 IB' VAPOR BATHS lEf1 vapor""bath Hk' magnetic and vibratory massage, facial ft and scalp treatments. New York method. K: The public courteously Invited. Room 20 Ib! Galena hlock, corner 2nd South and Stt: Bj CHINA DECORATING Hi misTet7lXvagener K 77 East. Third Sohth. China sultablo K for zUls 3,1(1 P"3 Class and private HI! lessons. c963 IB IJ?2IJ2S I 1 dTffeiTent kTnds of buttons H I made at Eabbel's Ladies' Tailors, C8 I TV. 3rd So. g3527 I tTTpatent inventions, register i trade mark or copyright, see J. M. l j Thoma.'i, Eagle block: 0124 I PYORRHEA SPECIALIST and oral prophylaxis. gso KEARNS BLDG. ' a'J353 I DUCK SHOOTING. I ENaAGlrTYoTnrM for duHc shooting no". ' Farmers Ex-HSS Ex-HSS change. Was. 475S, ?37S4 II DRESSMAKING Iff FArnoTrABLE d!?eslu?Sgand B millinery; women's and children's work B a epeclalty. 226 So. 10th East g3239 II LIVERY STABLE In SreYTBLEs oTrrCgTand m HfJnt livory horses bought and :iold. JIB Phona 81. cHl IB HSSHSSlSHS8,1131116 IB uATTRESSES AJTrPEGrE BR paired. Salt Lake Mattress & Mfg. J Co. Phono 3299. pI555 I RUBBER STAMPS, SEALS I SLVnLTKETGu:pa Phones 304. 05 West 3rd South. I HAT FACTORY I misantIXadIf J and veblocl:ed. Salt Lake xlat Factory, J 6 V 2nd South. Wnfi. 2707 f35H I EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT j produrt), not "made In Gcrnian." J 30-31 Continental Bank blrig. y3P6S Wm SEWING MACHINES II WEEL?rE7?rTNE jl makes 109 East 2nd So. "Wasatch 47u:i. If TYPEWRrrnG, shorthand II GTELL IlNTQUECtro OF jf shorthand and typewriting. 31U D. F. ju Walker hldg. g2731 l FURNITURE REPAIRING II TrTwuAAAhisn Jl 1515-W. Upholstering, chairs recanifl. 1 o32 If BJLJCACOJLJNTANTS Hfl j THE GOdIdAtTdABE? CTXijDIT HJ Ing- and general accountancy. r22 .k- jK In tyre bids "Wasatch ."16!. C2033 If WHERE TO STOP. II lincolnSoueTFI IEb ' room.'; rales, 35c, 10c and 50c; inod- llp cm; baths, 15c, n!339 II OLD FEATHERS Hlf MADK INTO vTlLOU PLJJMEsT Cl conihlngs mado Into fiwitchea. 10C Ho. 1 2nd J'-.ast. fl31 2 TRIBUNE "WANT AD S PULL LOST AND FOUND MRS. W, C. VAN divjoii, .":; WEST .Sth North, found ?l in a ,;ack of Hurler's. Hur-ler's. Who was it that said the coat of living' Ik Koing up" liOH MRS. .fOUN PIKILLO, 131S WEST 7TII South, found $1 in a sack of Husler's: you aiioulil usi lluslnr's; it. pays. h!)C M. I.. BARNES, NO. t KELVIN APTS., found fl In a snclt of Husler's; you ought to try Hurler's, h'J7 MRS. R. .IOHSTON, 012 WEST 1ST South, found 51 In a sack of Husler's. Why don't you buy Husler's? Ii08 MRS. TI. . DAVIS, .10 VINE STREET. found ?l in a sack of Hurler's. Wouldn't you be glud? liOH GOLD LOCKET AND BRASS FOB. initials "M. R." Return 11 IG East South Temple, Reward. hi 09 LOST GOLD BEADS, FOOTBALL. with owner's name attached. Return to this office; reward. bl22 LOST WHITE FOX TERRIER. ONE side face brown. 271 West 2nd South. Reward. hH5. PERSONAL ATfrGTRLNElsDlNGR ENDS WILL find them at the Salvation Army. Ad- dross all communications to Mrs. Adjutant Adju-tant Sloate. 521 East-Third South street, Salt Lake City. SISTER OF D. H. BOGGS, KINDLY communicate with Mrs. Abraham, 2247 Millard ave. Chicago. 111. g2617 WILL PAY FOR INFORMATION OF Henry Langdon. A. Langdon, 1476 73. Joffei-Bon. Detroit, Mich. g3643 TYPEWRITERS "vT3"r13NT All make's repaired, exchanged, aad sold. Utah Typewriter Exchange Co., 66 West 2nd SoutlL Phone 190., Established 1301. Q21.S7 HIGH-GRADE TYPEWRITERS OF ALL makes for sale or rent. STEWART -GLEESON CO TYPEWRITER EX-CHANGE. EX-CHANGE. 30 West 2nd South. ' g2B71 MERCHANTS BANK of Salt Lake City Foroign exchange; travelers' cheques; interest paid on time and savings deposits; de-posits; your account, largo or small, will receive careful attention- H. P. Clark, president; John J. Daly, vlco president; A. A. Peabody, cashier. t23S2 M'CORNICK Ss CO., BANKERS. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, ESTABLISHED 1873. bl612 STORAGE, MOVING, PACKING, SHIPPING newTkjdernTf house for household goods 200 private rooms you carry the key. Moving, packing, pack-ing, shipping. Cut rates. Phoiies 555. Redman Moving & Storage Co. cl503 FURNITURE SHIPPED AT CUT freight rales; list your shipments with us. Wc can sa.vc you money. ICoyser Fireproof Storage Co. "The "Finest In the West " ol70fl WE SIHP H. H. GOODS TO ANY PART of the United Slates. CuL rates. Kimball Van & Storaso Co., 7fi So. Main. m2663 BANK, BAR AND OFFICE FIXTURES baTjkTdfIkSeTar fixtures; special designs Mtibmltted on application; household refrigerators, carom and pocket billiard tables, bowling alleys and supplier!. Brunswick-Balke-Collrjiidor Co., 150 to 160 South 1th West. Phone Wasatch -158. aiOSS LADIES' TAILORS HAVE YOUR' SUITS AND COATS mado by Teerllnk Biop.. wo guarantee perfect (it; low prices. 037 South nth East. Hyland 107S-.I. g2630 CEDERHOLM. LADIES' TAII5R, 415 Security Trust bldj., opposite Z. C. M. I. g2355 GROCERY SPECIAL TWOS0C PACKAGES CArIAtToN wheat or Oat Flake. 45c: loj pounds sugar, $1 lard, 5 pounds. 7oc; 10 pounds, $1.10: Sea Gull sardines 10c; tall can salmon, sal-mon, 10c. Chicago Store, 11 i West 1st South. h24 UNDERWRITERS. FOR SALE AT HALF PRICE; LIMITED number copies of "Your Own Collector," Collec-tor," whole books JG, half books 53.50: (luartcra 52.50. Address 2sT-28, Tribune. K231 WELDING we"weld'"7?a1 sleel or any othor metal; bring your broken machines and water Jackets to us for repairs. Utah Ornamental Iron & Bronze Works, .155 Wet South Temple. Wasatch 1678. g2150 DOG KENNELS nrlsRTrtouNT 1 West 13th South; De Frank Kennel Co., No. 2, HIS 4th ave. Phone 3S66-M. . s-108 SIGNS AND SCENERY CHAS. PETERSON. 20 RICH A RDFStT, brass, chipped glans and painted. Phone Wasatch 1508. x28 HAIR GOODS combingmXdeintcPwTth $1.50. Ladies, brliig them to Vclvtlnu parlor. 62 E 4th South. g3544 k WANTED WANTED MUST BE A-l CONDITION, 1 concentrating mill, complete, 30 or 40-ton lead zinc orea rolls, Glggs' sliming tablos; ono 4-drII compressor with drllla and steel and receiver; I tons S or 10-pound 10-pound rolls, fish plates, bolts and splkea. Send speclflcatlona piano complete, pow-or, pow-or, gau or steam. Would like sufficient power. Central plant mill and compressor, com-pressor, giving welghtn and frlght. rates to Palisade, Nev. GIvq price al mine, or L o. b. cars. State condition. Direct, Mount Hope- Mine, Eureka, Nev. g-IOSl WOULD YOU TRAD 13 SOME ARTICLE of household furniture, would you like to realize cash for something ot value for which you no longer have use? Do you seek a business helper, or additional capital, or u skilled worker, or ai'o you In need of employment? Would you better bet-ter your position, woulck you like to devote de-vote your spurn time fo some kind of profitable work" All such opportunities may had by Want .Advertising, A GOOD POLITICIAN Should be up-to-date and have his shoes repaired In neat styJe. MONARCH SHOE REPAIRING CO.. 21 East Jnd South. Wasatch 3b33 13894 WILL SHIP CAR 1 1. H. GOODS TO LOS Angeles and one lo Chicaco ami onn to Portland, and ono to Florida next ten days; very reasonable rates. Kimball Van Storage Co.. 72 So. Main. n2S08 WESTERN CLOTHING EXCHANGE All kinds second-hand clothing, trunks, valises; best prices paid. Rear 141 So. 2nd East. Wasatch 1922-J. Reply by postal card. - e86fl LIST YOUR SECOND-HAND AUTOMO-blle AUTOMO-blle with us. We have customers for all klmla and slr.es. Fowler, 53-59 So W. T. g33G2 FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS WANTED; will pay you first-class prices. H. C. Fisher & Co., 1G5 So. W. Temple. Wasatch Wa-satch 5171. e2E3 WANT TO BUY A HALF ACRE LOT on north or east bench: give location, price, terms, Address R-7, Tribune. g3S03 WANTED TWO FIRST-CLASS REAL estate atrents, men or women, good nay guaranteed. Apply Intcrmountaln Realty Co., 205 Templeton bldg. g!627 ALL KINDS SECOND-HAND CLOTH-lng, CLOTH-lng, trunks, valises; best prices paid, 23 Commercial st. Reply by postal card. Phono 3771. t74 UTAH JUNK CO. HIGHEST PRICE paid for iron, brass, rags, bottlen. rubber, rub-ber, copper, etc 840 So. 4th West. Phone Wasatch 22D. ml 972 BEST PRICES PAID FOR COPPEr! brass, rubbers, botlles. Iron. etc. Western West-ern Junk & Metal Yard, 1041 So. Stale street. g?.705 WANTEY TO BUY SET BOOKS. 13 N-tltlod N-tltlod "Messages and Papers of the Presidents;" must be cheap. Address R-30, R-30, Trlbuno. h!23 TO DO YOUR UPHOLSTERING AND mattress remaklntr. Utah Bedding & Mfg- Co. Phono 383. b202 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND-hand SECOND-hand furniture, carpets, stoves, trunks and valises. Wasatch 80C. g3373 I PAY THE BEST PRTCES FOR YOUR old clothes. Bell G021. a25 YOUR OLD CLOTHING; WILL CALL. Salvation Army. Phone. t2191 WANTED SITTTA -TTOTTF? MALE YC)UNGr"'3LX!?r worker, wisheo any sort of work, clerical cleri-cal or manual. Address R-ll, Tribune. R3S13 RELIABLE PARTY "WANTS CHARGE of apartment or rooming houae In exchange ex-change for housekeeping rooms. Address R-27, Trlbuno. hl20 POSITION AS STATIONERY ENGI-neer ENGI-neer or flronian, 10 years of experience. Address R-28, Tribune Ml 8 G00-ACnE GRAIN AND FRUIT RANCH? 100 acres In alfalfa, larxc lako and reservoir; res-ervoir; first water rights "from river; good new buildings; all kinds of farming Implements, Im-plements, horsee, etc; want good Salt Lake property In axchange. "W. M. Tuf-ford. Tuf-ford. Fort Duchesne, Utalu e3020 40 ACRES GOOD LAND, ARTESIAN water, fine for chicken ranch; close to R, R.; for team and harness or team work. Grant Hotel Co., Grant, Utah. g3740 TO EXCHANGE LOS ANGELES Business, Busi-ness, residence and acreage property; J5000 to $250,000 values for clear Salt Lake City realty. Hyland Ofil-W. g3G26 wanted to kent bTTJoupli or small, house (unfurnished); must be within 2 blocks from postoffico. Address P-51. Tribune. g3048 MAN, WIFE AND CHTLD WANT 3 housekeeping rooms or small furnished house. Please descrlbeand 3tate lowest price. R-39, Tribune. g3?9D FIVE OR SIX-ROOM FURNISHED house; no children; excellent references. refer-ences. Phone Hyland 107S-M. h7 ONE OR TWO HOUSEKEEPING rooms, walking distance of temple. Reasonable. R-27, Tribune hi 19 10-ROOM HOUSE, PARTLY F17R-nished, F17R-nished, modern except furnace, ?33. 30 D at. Waautch 25PS-W. IilOS WANTED TO BUY SECOND-HAND CHILD'S INVALID chair. Call Hyland 1254-J. g343S BOARD AND ROOM ELEGANTLYFURN. ROOM'S. HOT WA-tcr WA-tcr heat, walking distance; also first-class first-class tabic board. If you are looking for something nice, call at 254 Brlghaih st. h1fi3 NEW TEMPLE HOTEL. COMFORT-able COMFORT-able rooms, hot and cold water, steam heat, good table maintained; terms reasonable. rea-sonable. 12 W. No. Temple. gl33S FOUR YOUNG MEN OR WOMEN FOR board and room in private family: good homo cooking. Apply 277 I st. Phone Wasatch 4573 -M g3S33 FIRST-CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD for conforenco and fair vusl'tors at new Tomple hotel, 12 West North Temple. h31 IN REFINED PRIVATE HOME. WELL furnished room; nlso one or two table boarders. Rates r?aftonable, with all conveniences. 271 East lt South. hK8 HANDSOMELY FURNISHED FRONT room with board for ono or two gentw. Wasatch 460S-.7. 350 East 4th South. h31 MODERN PRIVATE APARTMENT. with or without board, for gentlemen. 312 So. 4th East. pl8l7 BOARD AND ROOM, $5 A WEEK. Rooms, $1.50 up. Rear 111 E. Second South. bl029 FIRST-CLASS BOARD AND ROOM, rcasonablo prices. 259 South 2nd West Btj g2C13 MODERN FURNISHED ROOMS, STEAM" heated, with or without board. 71 No. Stfcto gl348 ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS. strictly modern; reasonable. 242 FJ. So. Temple: Phone Wnsatrh 434.1-J. fl7::S ONE OR TWO LADIES WILL FIND RiDod home board nt 761 Blair si. gl02fi FURS AND TAXIDERMISTS wITdotVeryt and tajiidrmlst line. We carry complete com-plete lino of manufactured goods. Cleaning, Clean-ing, repairing, re-dylng snd remodeling nt cut iati. 23 vears In Halt Lake. R. Stenzel Fur Co., 07 E. 3rd Soulh. 206S WANTED JWANTED FEMAIiE HELP GIRLS WANTED IN PACKING DE partment: steady work; good wages. Sweet 'Candy company. 218 Soutli Flr3t West. glo77 GIRLS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. AP-, AP-, PLY READY FOR WORK AT S A. M. AND 1 P. M. DAILY. TROY LAUNDRY. 431 SOUTH 6TH EAST. gSOl AT ONCE. THREE BRIGHT, CAPABLE ladles over 21 to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers; $25 to $50 pur week, r. r. faro paid; Utah and northern territory. ter-ritory. Goodrich Sales Co.. G2 East 4th South. Salt Lako City, Utah g3534 WANTED REFINED. GOOD LOOK-. LOOK-. Ing, tall young lady, brunette, about 22, for vaudeville sketch, one with some experience ex-perience preferred; must have good speaking voice. No singing. Address R-29, R-29, Tribune. hi 3.1 SUCCESS INSURANCE UTAH Business Busi-ness College preparation for business life. Start a course now, Boston bldg.. day or night. ol53S FREE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, BASE-ment BASE-ment First Congregational church: wo get you a position frco of charge. Telephone Tele-phone SS22. 12773 NOW IS A GOOD TIME TO ENROLL at Henager's Business College. Pay to get the best. Positions guaranteed. g4042 EXPERIENCED CHOCOLATE DIP-pers; DIP-pers; good wages; steady position. Apply Ap-ply J. H. R. Franklin Co., 26S So. Main. g3S09 WANTED FIRST-CLASS MARKER and assortor. References. $15 week. Idaho Steam Laundry. Idaho Falls, Ida. g40G6 MIDDLE-AGEJD WOMAN TO TAKE care of child and do some light house-Work, house-Work, ono to go home nights " preferred. Pood wages. Phone Was. 1059. g4070 EXPERIENCED GIRL OR WOMAN FOR general housework In small family; good wages, light work. 721 So. 5th East. Phone Hy. 14R5-J. h 1 37 WOMAN TO DO REPAIRING AND A fulcra fu-lcra linn work. Apply earlv, Paris Cleaning & Dyeing Co., 125 East 3rd So. hi 40 OPERATORS FOR UNION SPECIAL sewing machines. Apply Mrs. Bywater. Z. C. M. I, Overall Factory. g3240 MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN FOR COOK-lng COOK-lng and general housework. Apply 341 So. 4th East. g3244 STENOGRAPHERS, TAKE SPEED DIC-tatlon. DIC-tatlon. day or evening. 435 Constitu-tlon Constitu-tlon building. Wasatch 6706. g3276 CAPABLE GIRL OR WOMAN FOR general housework. Wasatch C71. Ap-ply Ap-ply 24 L st. B2610 WANTED MIDDLE - AGED WOMAN for general hotjseworlc Was. 4659. g2140 COMPETENT COOK FOR GENERAL housework; no laundry. Call mornings. 1061 E. Brlgham. g2434 A DRESSMAKER FOR GENERAL repair work for 3 or 4 weeks, $1.50 per day. Regal Cleaning & Dyeing. R28S2 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK and cooking. Call 439 Ea6t Brigham. g2SD5 WANTED A GOOD SALESLADY WITH experience In cloak, suits and ladies' Bhoes. 18-20 E. 1st So. g3377 WANTED CVOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. 4 Perry apts., 3rd ave.. between be-tween A and B streets. g3387 GTRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; no washing. Call 25 i W. lBt North. g355 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; S6 per week; references required. 37 So. 6th East. g3661 MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN FOR GEN-cral GEN-cral housework, two in family. Tel. W. 354S-M. B3621 YOUNG EXPERIENCED LADY FOR confectionery for Wyoming; good wages. Apply 72 West Broadway. g3604 GIRL CLERKS WANTED. MUST BE experienced. Palace Candy Co., 245 Main. Phone Wastach 1440. g!040 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; small family; good wages. 129 G st. Wasatch i45.0-W. g3S76 EXPERIENCED SEWERS FOR ALTER-atlon ALTER-atlon dept. Apply manager, Z. C. M. I. dry goods dept. g3S62 STUDENT GIRLS TO WORK FOR room and board. Wasatch 2J2L-M. S3 ft street. 3700 WANTED GTRL FOR GENERAL housework; no washing: good wages; good home. Call Hyland 418-W. glOSS GOOD GTRL WANTED WHO CAN SEW on men's tailoring. Apply 231 Atlas block. g4087 GIRL WANTED FOR PLAIN SEWING on men's coats; must be first-class. Room 35. Board of Trade. h33 COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; no laundry. Applv 41 South 6th East. ' WANTED, EXPERIENCED JACKET hands for alteration department. Apnlv L, & A. Cohn. 222 Main st. h29 A-l FAMILY COOK TO TAKE CHARGE of kitchen. Best reference required. Apply IS East 1st So. hill GIRL TO CARE FOR TWO CHILDREN and assist with housework. 1042 East 2nd Soulh. hill LADY SOLICITORS WANTED. $15 TO 520 week: must be rustlers. Call 1 to 6. 10C Soutli 2nd East. hi 21 WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST IN BALL rack at fair grounds. Apply at rack near merry-go-round. hl57' EXPERIENCED CHAMBERMAID. Apl ply Roy hotel, South State st. h27 TWO GIRLS, A NURSE GIRL AND A cook. Wasatch 4653. g3769 CASH GIRL: REFERENCE REQUIRED. Hudson Bay Fur Co. g3299x EXPERIENCED GTRL FOR GENERAL housework. 713 3rd ave. g3045 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. No. 2 Louie e apts. g3371 GIRLS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. PAL-. PAL-. ace Laundry Co., 75S E. 4th So. g.19S9 FIRST-CLASS HELPER ON COATS and pants. No. 57 West 2nd So, hl51 GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE-, work. 376 North 1st "W est. hti:; WANTED A GENTS AGENTS. EITHER SEX, WA.ErTTO sell memory and self-Improvement course. Good Will Co.. box 533, Great Falls, Mont. g352l MALE OR FEMALE, ALL OR SPARE time; experience unnecessary. 161 State st. g3053 PORTRAIT AGENTS. MALE OR FE-malc. FE-malc. Mr. Schackctt. 60 Posloffice blk hKItj VETERINARY DR. T- J. LA UM a"n EtIsIuNrTaN Pet animal praclir a specialty. 32.-East 32.-East Third South. Hospital for all animals. ani-mals. Phono Wan. 1S05-M. No, 6 Concord Con-cord ct , 323 15. 3rd South. g2130 WANTED WANTED MADE HELP THE FORT FRASER DEVELOPMENT CLUB will give, rellahle Information regarding tile Fort Frascr district. Fort Fraser Is the metropolis of the interior of Iirlllsh Columbia. Farm lands, town lot or business busi-ness opportunities. Sawmill, government buildings, bunk, stores, hotel. Other buildings build-ings now built and under construction. Railway grading. Transcontinental lino next year. W A. MAT MESON, Secy.. P. O. Box 1756. Vancouver, Canada. g37M EMPLOYERS HAVE COME TO LOOK to Tlie Tribune Wants as the means of summoning to them applicants for positions In every line of human endeavor. en-deavor. Skilled specialists, capablo helpers in the office, shop or factory thoiie who can hear responsibility and make good In their tasks. WANTED 3 FIRST-CLASS M ILL wrightH for construction work In a Htnnll stamp and cyanide mill. None but those having high grade, easily accessible references, ref-erences, will bo conisldored. 920 New-house New-house bldg. hi 07 WANTED A , DRAFTSMAN, PRE-ferably PRE-ferably one who has had experience In telephone or electrical engineer drafting. Apply F. IT. Clark, room 207, Telephone building. li 1 (it WANTED ACTIVE MAN TO SELL groceries, wholesale), to llw consumers. Exclusive territory. Good commissions. For particulars write" Edgar Jones Company, Com-pany, 333 25th street, Ogdon. Utah. d3103 MAIL CARRIERS; POSTOFFICE clerks wanted, $80 month. Salt Lake City examinations Nov. 6. Froe coaching. coach-ing. Franklin Institute, Dept 456-S, Rochester, N. Y. g!751 WANTED, A HIGH CLASS BUSINESS man for traveling representative, to appoint ap-point district managers In Utah. United Adjustable Window Shade Bracket Co., box 207. Focatello. Ida. "0 STROCK'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Hotel, restaurant and household help. Headquarters for laborers. fi5 West 2nd South. Phones 464. c743 WANTED AN EXPERIENCED LAND-scape LAND-scape architect and superintendent of grounds. Applv at tho office of Stephen L. Richards, 1025 Koarns bldg,. Salt Lake City. S3 439 WANTED LABORERS INSIDE FAC-tory FAC-tory work out of town, wages 20c an hour and up. For further Information apply ap-ply Utah-Idaho Sugar Co., Sharon bldg. h3G M. J. DIXON. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. Skilled nnd unskilled laborers furnished. fur-nished. 40 East 1st South, corner Commercial, Com-mercial, Phono Wasatch 32S8, p43 BY THE MERIT HAT CO.. 81 E. 2ND So., one thousand men or more to wear their $2 and f 3 fall hats. "Exclusive Hatters." f388 SHEPPARrVS TCMPT.nVMfNT Am-NTTY- "The Red Front." 112 West 2nd South. Headquarters railroad and mining help. Wasatch 3534. el513 PERSONAL ATTENTION AND THOR-oughnesB THOR-oughnesB characterize Utah Business Collogo training. Day and night. Begin now. Boston building. 81537 FREE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. BASE-ment BASE-ment First Congregational church. Wo get you a position free of charge. Telephone Tele-phone Wasatch 5822. t365 MEN WANTED AT FOCATELLO, $2.80 a day of nine hours, for paving and cruarry work. Strangc-Magulro Paving Co. g3433 GOVERNMENT POSITIONS ARE EASY to get. My free booklet Y 219 tells how. Write today now. Earl Hopklno. Washington. D. C. glO ENROLL NOW AT HENAGER'S BUSI-ncas BUSI-ncas College, the leading commercial school of tho west. Largest and best positions guaranteed. g4043 MAN AND "WIFE, WITHOUT CHIL-dron, CHIL-dron, to do Janitor work at fine apartment apart-ment houKe. Address R-22, Tribune. K4059 FIFTY YOUNG MEN WITH BICYCLES; good wages; steady employment; chanco to learn telegraphy. W. U. Tel. Co. a2S43 3 MILLWRIGHTS, OREGON, $5 DAY. 5 pilo drivers, $3 day. STROCK'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 55 W. 2nd So. St. hl4S FIRST CLASS BUSHELMAN WANTED; good wages and steady work to right man. The Hand, 53 East 3rd South. hl2 PRESSERMAN WANTED; GOOD wages and steady work to right man. Tho Hand. 53 East 3rd South. Ml WANTED, EXPERIENCED PRESSER for alteration department. Apply L. &. A. Cohn, 222 Main st. h28 WANTED REGISTERED PHYSICIAN. for advertising office. Address P-46, Tribune. g2352 MEN WANTED TO WEAR HOLT'S $2 HATS. NO MORE. NO LESS. 35 EAST TT-imD SOUTH. gl725 TEAMS -WANTED; 3 3-HORSB FRES-no; FRES-no; for grading cn east bench. Call Wasatch 2894-J. McKay & Reed. g3183 FIRST-CLASS SOLICITOR MAY BE used as partner in business. Apply box R-1S. Tribune. g3920 50 MEN WANTED, SEWER WORK, long Job. 10th East nnd 6th So. Heuser & Sim. contractors. g3616 COATMAKER WANTED. $10.75 CHEAP-est. CHEAP-est. Coup, Gordon & Mitchell. 17 W. 2nd So. h2 YOUNG MAN. EXPERIENCED IN WIN-dow WIN-dow trimming. Apply Sweet Candy Co., 220 So. 1st West. M54 SALESMAN TO DRIVE WAGON TO Solicit So-licit orders. Address P. O. box 1258. hl06 PHYSICIAN FOR ADVERTISING OF-ficc OF-ficc Good salary to right party. Address Ad-dress R-26, Tribune. hl02 .JAPANESE GENERAL AGENCY. Help of all kinds furnished. Phone Wasatch Wa-satch 1311. 256 West 1st South, f3104 TEAMS WANTED FOR FRESNO WORK on cast bench- McKay Sr. Reed g-3551 EXPERIENCED DELIVERY BOY WITH bicycle. Call Wasatch 2557-W. g3S71 BOY "WANTED WITH WHEEL. HOD-gerfs HOD-gerfs market. 476 E. 2nd So. g40SO GOOD BARBER WANTED. 70 WEST 2nd South. g4091 BOY WITH SCHOOL PERMIT AT 13S East 2nd South st. hJ35 NIGHT PORTER. APPLY WITH REF-encc REF-encc at 11 a. in.. Hotel Scmloh. h!50 WANTED YOUNG MAN FOR BUSS work. Wilson Cafe. bI3l WANTED SITUATION FEMALE LADY STISNCRTplnim DESIRES position: reference given. Phono nights, Wasatch 549S-J. Address P-10. Tribune. g3188 BY COMPETENT, EXPERIENCED stenographer with excellent . references. Address P-29. Tribune. g2318 YOUNG WOMAN AS HOUSEKEEPER; hijihII famllv. Address R-l, Tribune. g3644 MAN AND WIFE DESIRES POSITION as cook in mining camp or boarding train. Address R-25, Tribune. hl3 PLAIN SEWING. VALLEY HOUSE. First South, hi 6 WANTED SALESMEN WANTED TWO STOCK SALESMEN, first-class proposition; good commission. No adanco. Call after 7 p. m., room 129, Wilson hotel. hl39 TKIBUfJ E W A N T A D S PULL FOR RENT FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED 9- ROOM M.OD.. 118 SO. 2ND W., $35. (146 South Main, 7-room modern. $27.50, 5G No. State si., 12-room modern. In Ann condition, steam heat. $75. 4-room apartments, steam heat and janitor service, Oaks apartments. $27.50 and $32,50. LITTLE &. LITTLE. No. 1 W. 2nd So. g29l7 FIVE-ROOM MODERN HOI 'SIC, FIM.L basement, large front porch and lawn-Will lawn-Will be vacated Oct. 7th. No. 237 Modern Mod-ern place. 2nd So., 6th and 7th East :ts. S25. Phono Wasatch 501. hllG 7-ROOM MODERN, WITH LARGE sloeplng porch, gao range, furnace hea! and barn. 332 Sth East: 6-room modern, 520 South 2nd West. Phone Wasatch 3327-W, or 4979-R. g3019 4- ROOM BRIC'K ON WKSTSIDE. $10. 9-room strictly modern, ga3, etc., on cast bench, $35. FRITSCII. No. 201-2 Felt Bldg. g38SI. $30 UP-TO-DATE. NEW fi-R. MOD. bungalow, furnace and gas range, close In. Call No. 5 Concord, No. 325 E. 3rd So.. 11 to 4. g?,53S 0-ROOM BRICK, NEWLY PAPERED, with sleeping porch, bath, fireplace, el. It.; deep lot. well fenced. 1020 So, 3th East. Hyland 2095-J. g38S7 2 5-ROOM MODERN COTTAGES, $15 and $16; 2 4-room cottages, $9. Apply O. K. Furniture store. 209 So. W. T. Was. 1996. g3530 ; THREE ROOMS, PANTRY AND CLOS- et. part of double house. 5th South and 4th West. Inquire 70 West 3rd So. K3782 5- ROOM MODERN BRICK; ALSO ONE largo furnished room, with bath, for one- or two gentlemen, Inquire 520 East 10th South. gll43 6- ROOM HOUSE- COAL AND GAS. range; also laundry. 216 So. 7lh East. S2094 MODERN 3-ROOM COTTAGE. Disappearing Dis-appearing bed, gas range. Inquire 49 or 51 E. 6th Soutli. g2601 SEVEN ROOMS. MODERN HOUSE. HOT water heat: $35. Wasatch 6017. Between Be-tween 2 and 5 -p. m. g2110 10- ROOM HOUSE, CLOSE IN: ELEC-trlc ELEC-trlc light, bath, flno yard. Inquire 31 West 1st North. g1928 7- ROOM MODERN. 1076 1ST AVE. W. E. Ware. Phono Wasatch 5422-W. fl229 MODERN 3 ROOMS AND BATH, $10.00 per month 455 East 6th South. Phono Wasatch 2744-W. g2797 5-ROOM HOUSE NEAR IN. NO CAR fare. Jnqulro Mr. Murk, care Z. C. M. L office. f2744 27 HOUSES. ALL KINDS. PRICES AND LOCATIONS. TUTTLE BROS. CO.. 159 MAIN STREET. f2248 8-ROOM MODERN UNFURNISHED house. 273 "W. 3rd So. Phono Hvland 84 q. "g2CGl 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. GOOD CON- dltian, $20. 113 N st. Wasatch 3466. g876 MODERN 4-ROOM COTTAGE, CLOSE In; no children. 122 W. 4th South. S028 MOD. P-ROOM HOUSE. CORNER 3RD ave. and J bL; rent moderate to suitable suita-ble tcna.nt. Apply 610 3rd ave. g3056 7-ROOM MODERN. EXCEPT HEAT. UN-furnlahcd UN-furnlahcd or partly furnished. Apply 534 2nd East. g30S4 522.50; G-ROOM BRICK, STEAM HEAT. gas, two pantries. 858 East 2nd South. g3037 MODERN HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS. 410 E. 3rd South, Annly 420 Eat 3rd South. Phone Hyland 3181. g3300 5-ROOM MODERN COTTACE ON R street. Inquire 744 So. 1st West. Wasatch Wa-satch 54 S2. g3512 SDC-ROOM. STRICTLY MODERN, 135 W. Cf It So. Inquire 744 So. 1st W. Wasatch Wa-satch 54.82. g3511 MODERN. 2-STORY. 6-ROOM, WITH furnace, gas and coal range; nice Inwn. 107 Sth East st. g3S24 COTTAGE OF THREE ROOMS. PAN-trv. PAN-trv. closet, gas. 968 Soulh W. Temple. Call' 245 So. Main, Wasatch 1440. g4011 MODERN 3-ROOM TERRACE, CLOSE In. Inquire 260 East 4th So. Wasatch 2633-M. g!052 S-ROOM MODERN; 5 ROOMS USUAL-ly USUAL-ly rented to students; close to university. univer-sity. 36S University st, g3997 4-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. CEMENT cellar. 112 East 6th So. Wasatch 8282-M. hlil 4-ROOM MODERN BRICK HOUSE. 243 Iowa ave. Call Hyland 907-J. h!30 4-ROOM MODERN; GAS RANGE; IN A nice yard; 2?. blocks from Broadway. f.Bt! So. W. Temple. m hJ04 NINE ROOMS. STRICTLY MODERN. 503 10th East. Phone Was. 3050-W. h110 FOUR NICE ROOMS AND PANTRY. ?10; two nice rooms and pantry, $7. 123 No. ith West. g:(S6." $20 5-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. LARGE lot and poultry house. Key at 715 East 3rd South. g3773 HOUSES FOR RENT NEAR UNIVER-slty. UNIVER-slty. Call at 315 S. 13th East. gl46S 4 AND 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSES FOR rent. Inquire 476 W. Sth South- g!930 3 ROOMS. HALL, ETC . 154 D STREET. Enquire 367 3rd avenue. gl933 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. .297 NORTH Main. Phone Wasatch 4S14-M. f2233 FOR RENT 7-ROOM MOD. BRICK. 341 So. 5th E. Wasatch 2027-M. gn70 NEW 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 310 11th East. e3133 MODERN, 6-ROOM BUNGALOW, WITH garage. 72 T st. g3623 4- ROOM HOUSE. REAR 527 E. STH SO : modern; rent $16. phone 950. g3998 1 5- ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 336 SOUTH 3rd East. Wasatch I96.""i-J. g!005 2 LARGE SUNNY ROOMS. PANTRY ami water. 560 So. 2nd W. g3S0S MOD.. NEWLY PAPERED, 3-ROOM brick. 556 So. 2nd West. h37 6- ROOM FURNISHED BUNGALOW, with piano. 27.50. Hyland 4I2-J. hl03 FOR RENT HOUSES FURNISHED tRjolPnUTlA MODERN BUNGA-low. BUNGA-low. furnished, on the northeast bench. $35 per month. See us. HOFFMAN BROS. LOAN & TRUST CO. 22 E. 1st South. Phone W. L'4 4. g39SS MODERN C-RM. HOUSE, COMPLETE-ly COMPLETE-ly furnished. No. 59 11th East st. Open for inspection afternoons. Phone Wasatch Wa-satch 678. gU47 FOUR ROOMS. MODERN, FURNISHED; IwU months or longer; reasonable; three blocks from tomple grounds. Call Wasatch Wa-satch 3354 -W. S3S70 6-ROOM BRICK HOUSE. FURNISHED, modern. 523 South 9th East, $20 per month. Inquire Langton Llnic & Cement Ce-ment Co.. 316 South 3rd West. gS3S3 4 ROOMS, PANTRY. BATH, E. L., GAS. close In. Northeast. Phone Wasatch 4714-W. g3S$2 4-ROOM HOUSE, NEW, FIRST-CLASS. 421 Lovcndalo nt., 4th South bot. 3rd and 4th East . , g!017 STIUC'TLY MODERN S-ROOM COT-tage, COT-tage, completely furnished, with garage; ga-rage; 247 6th East. glOSO FOR RENT Tw FOE RE N T HOU SE s" rUENIj FOUR -ROOM COTTAGE. Pti modern, no children; 237 KfmMwa East street. w ELEGANTLY FURNISHED Tmk C" modern house, close hi. Hyland UflRtf 0-ROOM MODERN; COSY HOMEslfctfO piano; good locution. Hyland iiMStii 3 OR I ROOMS. MODERN COTTWF furnished for housekeeping. GaW coa range. 121 East Sth South. -Mr ELEGANTLY FURNISHED TBwfl bungalow and bath. Rent rhS l taken al once. 2419 So. State. jWjj 4-ROOM BRICK COTTAGE. JIODWrt clean, good location. Inquire 390rft ELEGANTLY FURNISHED tIjB house. Call morning, 503 3rd jMg-Q FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSB-wL1' water hent. 67 C st. 4-ROOM MOD. COTTAGE INO 32?. E. 2nd South, Mr THREE -ROOM MODERN COTTMi Inquire 631 East 5th South. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS W j MODERN ROOMS, FOR iCKM'' range; rent very reasonable; 13'TfcTf da.ll terrace. 4th and 5th So,, off y. ENTIRE FLOOR. 3 ROOMS. BJf' room, cellar, telephone, gas and'Mi cooking. t. 1. 825 So. Main et. WuW range furniture to suit. ''mZtt! NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS 3fl light housekeeping, for men onbjB 1 per month. 44 So. 2nd East. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS ELEcS? lights, gas, close In; prices reaaaifl" The Vines. 443 East 1st So. "MOD. 3-ROOM SUITE. STEAM walking distance. 184 W. 7th NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEK ing rooms; cheap; strictly rcppectM closo in. 57 So. State. ;Xs ELEGANTLY FURNISHED RfJbT also housekeeping rooms; with heat. 679 So. Main. TWO CLEAN ROOMS FOR Ulf housekeeping; close In. 269 E. SrA TWO FRONT ROOMS. NEWLY PAM ed and tinted, $12.50. 123 NorthiBsST West. W 2 OR 3 NICE ROOMS FOR LlMf housekeeping, heat and gas. 661 Xrf 2nd East THREE LOVELY MOD, I-L K. RO(Mk completely furnished, 315. 400 Main. Was, G09-J. PLEASANT ROOMS BY DAY i week; strictly respectable. 57 So. S J TWO ROOMS. GAS RANGE, ST heat. 261 Main st Phone Ha 3240-W. FOUR-ROOM HOUSE, NEW, FII class. 421 Lovendalo st "j MODERN LIGHT HOUSEKEEf rooms. 134 E. 5lh So. st. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOt keeping, 150 No. Main. 'j IS IT CONVENIENT FOR YOUV rent a room to congenial, pleasant-, pic whom you will be glad to ha your home? If you want to commun with people to whom you would ra room you may locate them through" Tribune Want Columns. IF. YOU ARE NOT THOROUGHLY isfied with your rooms, make use of Tribune Want columns to locate for just tho kind you want. f NICELY FURNISHED ROOM IN V ern private home; bath, furnace A $10 per month. 25 West IbL North i - ELEGANTLY FURNISHED RO( strictly modern; with board: rea able. 242 E. So. Temple. Phoney satch 4845-J. f THE CUMBERLAND, 307 EAST i South, strictly modern rooms. 25 week up. ; NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, W or without board. 506 East 1st Sou 2 J NEWLY FURNISHED. MODI rooms. $1.50 to ?4 a week. Idaho,?' E. 4th South. I LARGE FRONT ROOM IN MOD? house, near car line. 354 W. 6tli jl COZILY FURNISHED ROOM. LAR well ventilated. 556 South 10th B Phone Hyland 2311. J TWO NICELY FURNISHED FRC rooms suitable for two gentlemen.1! 12 Cottage court. 9. FURNISHED ROOM IN STRICT modern home, steam "heat, closa in, of telephone. 666 So. W. T. Jk GOOD MODERN HOME CHEAP: lady to llvo with elderly lady. N Oaks apts.. 4th East, 3rd South, g TWO FURNISHED ROOMS FOR R . . cheap. No. S Chamberlain ct, eai 5th South. I FURNISHED ROOMS IN PRIV! family, with or without board. 173 Sth South st. I HANDSOMELY FURNISHED FRJ room; also side room; strictly prt, family. 55 S. 3rd East VISITORS TELEPHONE WASAJ 2S94-W for rooms In private fa) FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. 140 TV 6th South. ' NICE ROOM WITH BATH. APPLJ Woodruff apts. M ROOMS FOR RENT AT 356 W. North. . FURNISHED ROOM FOR ONE OR i gentlemen. 26G Easl 4th South. I FURNISHED ROOMS FOR BJ near university. 31o So. 13th E j FURNISHED ROOM. WITH BATHi heat. 81 Woodruff apts. a LARGE, SUNNY FRONT ROC close hi. 2G9 E. 3rd So, LARGE. WELL-FURNISHED FRC rooms. 326 So. 3rd East. TWO FURNISHED ROOMB THR01 jj conference. 553 3rd East Xi FOR RF'NT UTJFTTRNISHEDJtCH jcgfsTln MODE $ n?w ga s range.' clothes closet and b 073 0th avenue. Phone Wa5tch 55J I 2 BEAUTIFUIj VPB?;1.niiCMMS,"i So. 7th East. Hyland 2013-M. I FOUR ROOMS AND BATH. 267 CANj ft road. ' fc, BEDBUSEXTEJEgVJED s, -j $ FURNITURE MOVING HOI'S ICHOLD GOODS, PIANOS, OFJ S. r;-iitur safes, etc. Alex ricl L Tnnisfer Co. TR-TORSJ "wWnXSAVE YOU pNE your mill work. Utah Casket V Wasatch 40G3. t . |