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Show SERVES "SPOILED" CRABS, IS CHARGE Salt Lake Restaurant Proprietor Faces Complaint Filed by Food Inspector. . That it. doesn't pay for a restaurant man to tell a pure food inspector that his knowledge of food is limited was demonstrated yesterday when a complaint com-plaint charging "Billy Sunday." proprietor pro-prietor of a restaurant on Second South street, with selling spoiled crabs was filed with tho county attorney. Tho complaint was sworn to by deputies of the stale dairy and food department. Tho complaint came as the result of the visit of a puro food expert to tho restaurant Tuesday, lie says ho was not looking for troublo, but as a lover of crab meat ordered what looked to be a tempting morsel, and was served by the proprietor. When the crab came lo his plate the inspector says he looked at it and then sent it back and ordered something else. The second order was served, but Mr. Sunday came back, tho official declares, de-clares, and said: "You don't, know when crab is good." The iuspecLor nssorls that this "riled" him, beinc an attack upon his professional knowledge, so together with a deputy of tho state dairy and food department, he went back and secured two samples of the crabs being sorved. The shellfish wero taken to Stato Chom-ist Chom-ist Herman ITarms, who declared after an analysis that tho meat was in a "decomposed "de-composed condition." The restaurant man assorted the crabs were received fresh Tuesday morning. Officials of the food dnpart-ment dnpart-ment say they wore- received last Saturday. |