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Show CHARLES If ill TO SUCCELMIEDGE Local Democrats Surprised When News of Nomination of Assayer Is Received. Special to The Tribune. WASHINGTON". Dee. IT. The president presi-dent today nominated Charles Gammon, assistant assayer of the Salt Laku City assay office, to be assayer to succeed Joseph Jo-seph U. ' Eldredgc, Jr., the present incumbent. in-cumbent. Gammon, who was a resident of Colorado, Colo-rado, was appointed assistant assayer from the state of Utah. It is not known what his politics arc. and his nomination was made at tho Instance and upon the recommendation of the treasury department depart-ment and without regard to thu recommendation recom-mendation of the local Democratic organization. organ-ization. Ills salary of $1000 per annum as usslstnnt will bo increased to ,$.'1000 as assayer. It Is expected thet'o will bo no opposition to Gammon's continuation from the Utah senators. It is believed the nominations of Hay and Nebekor for the places of district attorney and marshal, respectively, will reach' the senate this week. Tho action of the department of justice In submitting submit-ting their names to the president is deemed equivalent to a nomination, as the procedure in the "White house in cases of this kind Is mainly routine. . The appointment of Mr. Gammon came :is a distinct surprise to local Democrats yesterday, Inasmuch as his application, which was tiled in "Washington shortly after the resignation of J. U. Eldredge, Jr.,. did not have thu recommendation of any of the party leaders of the state. It was generally .supposed locally that the place would bo given to John w. Gelger, who had been Indorsed by the state committee com-mittee and by National Committeeman W. R. Wallace. Mr Gammon Is a practical assayer and came to Salt Lake from Denver ten years ago. Ho lives at 379 Tenth uvenue. The action of President Wilson Is believed be-lieved to Indicate that the assay office will remain in Salt Lake ami that it foreshadows a policy of having practical assnycrs at tho head of 6uch offices. Mr. Gammon last night had not received re-ceived oftlclal notincatlon of his appointment ap-pointment and was not prepared to make any announcement of his future conduct of the office to which ho has been appointed. |