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Show pffl TO FIFTY la HTSiE TIME fl'moute Farris and Her Par-SlEnts Par-SlEnts and Sister Arraigned I for Swindle. fDlAAPOMS, Dec. 17. Martin Fnrris of Princeton. 1ml., who with rife ami dauehteifi, lionise and Oro, 5 indietoil hero npou a charge of. isinj tha mails in operating a matri-jal matri-jal bureau, today told Judjrc A. U. frooi) in -no f2 dor.il court that ic was responsible lor what res Miller, district attorney. aclPiucrl as one of the biggest- mat-lDial mat-lDial swindles operated in I his tv Karris and 'his wile appeared jnrt iodav d withdrew their )loa ,ot guilty llul enf,or,C1 n P'on of : r wim'h they withdraw alter Mr. CY h.id outlined the government's jlit-5 Louise pleaded guilty to I charges when arraigned yesterday, ha uot been sentenced. Miss Ora not been arraigned., r Miller, m outlining the govern-L's govern-L's c'C, declared that the j)Jan of jwinnle was or Louise to write r, (o men who wished to marry Mrs. Karris mailed the letters, he "Ora named away prospective CTOoms and if they became in-nt in-nt the father threatened them. Five if men who had proposed to Louise v in Princeton at the same time, filler said, and at one limn she pycnL'ed to fifty men. One of the ms, who sent. Louif-o $100, was a im'nt pugilist, the district attbr- conling to Mr. Miller thcro ai-.vas ai-.vas a scramble at the Karris home rincctou when packages or letters Strived and 'he first member of the Lniily to open a package or letter kept fftonlcnti. Mr. Miller 1 old ot many prospective IrWezrooms who had sent diamond bracelets, diamond rings, money and railroad tickets. Louise, who confessed her part in the Kheroc, Mr. Miller .said, told Mr. Mill-t: Mill-t: tbnt slie wrote to the disgruntled lov-je, lov-je, threatening to have them arrested fdi "trving to lure a voting, innocent, pjl a'fiy from home. ' if return of ionev or jewel rv was demanded. C.Ufer Knrns and his wife had listed lis-ted to Mr. Miller's story of their nrindle they withdrew their plea of ijiltv and again pleaded not guilty, rju'drc Anderson ordered the bonds Fnrris and bis wife increased to ."BlOOD and they were taken to jail, be-JHsg be-JHsg unable to 'furnish the amount. The ahelc of their trial was not set. |