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Show IfST HOB FOR NBLje Pius X Visibly Aff ected ) flews of the Death of 1 Leo's Adviser. twneral PLANS MADE rvices Will Be Held in St. UBfeter's; Body Viewed by Hr Foreign' Diplomats. y"j;0ME, Dec. 17. Tho death of Car-VfKoal Car-VfKoal Rainpolla, Xormor papal socrotary mjjW state, was aol made known to Popo Rf'lKus X until this morning. Cardinal V.jjfcjrjr del Val and Consignor Giovanni mfmcti tD0 PP'S privito Bocrotary, ent to see Iiis-holiness at an early '.Ipnir, jnfendinr to break tho sad nows J,t gently as possible. But -when tho fft wOP8 e e namo Cardinal Itam-coupled Itam-coupled with the word "indispo-Miwioa" "indispo-Miwioa" he grow palo and begged thcra WKdlifni the truth without hesitation, MFsncoty and uncertainty affected him -jiEore than anything else. Tho two )0U " H'U10a id Pope Saturday, ocenfly as Saturday the popo ' ceived Cardinal Pampolla, who n apparently in his usual good and spoko at length about many pope later issued the following tliiinl Ranipolla was one of the ; men in tho church. Ho had even greater sinco he retired ate a flairs." loliiicss ordered that the highest should bo paid to the doccaeod lunday evening last Cardinal la received Silas McBoo. former if the Churchman, and his wife York and discussed with them stion of bringing about a bot-crstanding bot-crstanding between all religious to Leo XIIT. oal 3?arapolla was the closest ator of Popo Loo XIII in the nt for tho reunion of tho Chris-urches. Chris-urches. When Popo Leo was cablegram was received in ying that tho American Prolos-agregalions Prolos-agregalions wero praying for very, fiardhtal Rarapolla took atcn iniincdiatolv to tho dying poua to write that tho mesiao Wl ooen a great conation to h n? as i hap provoc that hi? scholar- for " thl to yesterday morning Cardinal It-. polla Vont to St Peter, to insncc X lie felt :t gonera! indisposition which developed into profound nrostratJoii rotarv tn"'' ho.WOVC.r. to alio 1 .f l& rcma,n ?lth alj mcht in the little palace behind St. Pe er's secretaryship of state ; End Came Quickly. Tho cardinal's socrotary, alarmed at ThoClnHll,t,0-,C0?slllte(1 Plvsician. Tho latter visited tho cardinal, But discovered dis-covered no serious symptoms d ordered him to take a complcto rest. ItnrZ "oUiC c,vc7n,uR tllc cardinal grew ?"c, ftnd great diuiculty in V J1 8 EccrclaT and phvsician, but Sd! 7 arriV0d th0 C1 was The phj-sician declared death was due to angina .pectoris. Tho cardinal's secretary performed the Una rites of the church and then sent for tho ftre,,,t01'1s Tjsist0r. Baroness Carolina jampo In-Pczzana, and informed Merry Might Have Been Pope. It had been thought in many quarters that Cardinal JRumpolhi was the- most likely candidate for tho papal chair in case of the death of tho popo. . Tho body of tho late Cardinal -Ram-polla is lying m the drawing-room of his palace, which has been transformed into a duipollo ardent. Tho room is draped In rod and decorated with oil paintings. .On ono sido is a small altar. A black cloth with silver frinires is draped over the body, and nearby stands a column with a terra cotta group representing St. Peter's boat tossed by tho waves. Punoral services will be held in St. Poter a. Tho cardinals and many of tho ecclesiastics attached to tho Vatican, as well as the diplomatic representatives representa-tives to tho holy see, viewed the body this afternoon. |