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Show BURGLARS FASTIDIOUS. Loot Home of Physicians, but Take Only Most Valuable Jewelry. Special to The Tribune. OGDIDN, Dec. 17. Daylight burglars were apparently particular in their choice of articles and secured about S500 worth of jewelry from the home of Drs. Margaret Mar-garet Burns and Anna Davidson, 2555 Monroo avenue, this afternoon. There was more than $100 worth of Jewelry left In the house. The missing articles Include several rings, some of which were set with diamonds; lockots, pendants and other pieces of jewelry. Those who shared In the loss and the amounts are: Dr. Burns, $275; Dr. Davidson. David-son. $40; Miss Margaret Stewart, vho resides at tho same address. fl20. The robbory occurred between 3 and 5 o'clock this afternoon and was discovered early In tho evening, but was not reported to the police until about 11 o'clock. From the manner In which tho burglars opened the jewel cases and drawers it was apparent appar-ent that they knew tho location of every piece of Jewelry ln the house. Entrance was gained through a rear door with a skeleton key. |