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Show NOTICE OF SPECIAL STOCKHOLDERS STOCKHOLD-ERS MEETING OF THE DALY MINING COMPANY. I Public notice Is hereby given that a special meeting of the stockholders of i said corporation will be held at the of- M lice of said company, room 91S Kearns ,i building, in Salt Lake City, Utah, on Saturday, the 10th day of January. A. D. at tho hour of 3 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of considering the question of r amending tho articles of incorporation of said company in respect to diminishing the amount of capital stock and the denomination de-nomination of shares by changing article V thereof, as heretofore amended, ao that the same will read as follows: I "ARTICLE V. f "The amount of capital stock of the corporation shall bo three hundred thousand thou-sand dollars ($300,000). divided into two hundred thousand (200,000) whares of the denomination or par value of one dollar and llfty cents ($l,r0) each." ' EN'OS A. WALL. President. fj GEORGU W. PARKS. Secretary. a Dated tills" 15th day of December. A. D. 1913. k2H9 |