Show A lied letter day five sinners appeared on the anxious seat before his honor justice alexander this morning all looking truly penitent for indulgence in looking upon the wine when it was red david williams had just come in town last night he was not favorably impressed with the place and offered to leave provo inside of ten minutes if liis honor would let him the court had no particular objections merely insisting upon mr AVil lams leaving for the entertainment lie had had at the cites expense james williams had been a little full being a stranger he was taken in 5 or to give his valuable services on canal street for live days james Sir derland had just had two or three drinks but fell in with a company who had done their enthusiasm over the near advent of santa clans a little too freely five dollars let him off james anderson think lie was very full but a spell of dizziness had overtaken him and lie needed the assistance si stance of tho city to lead him to the city five dollars was the charge fc r alie accommodation gus per had taken an overdose of the fluid and as lie had baen overtaken in a similar weakness be ore he was assessed 10 H was alie last sinner he forked over i Y and was allowed to depart his ways in peace |