Show IN ANY such contest between france and russia on the one side and germany austria and italy on the other a has for years been talked of as ono of tho probabilities of the near future the advantage would be decidedly on the side of the latter even if franco and cussia could put as much men in the field as their antagonists they could not liking the two together do it so edly SECRETARY TRACY suggests that the new battle ships bo named after states the cruisers after cities the armored coast defenders after historical names or events and the ored coast defenders after rivers this would bo an improvement over iho system and enable the reader of naval news to know at a glance just what sort of a vessel he may be reading about when ho sees its name A D CLERGYMAN in arocena sermon said that some people are BO in iove with the mighty dollar that they would walk across the mouth of holl on a plank to got A strong way of putting it HERB is one that should put the average projectionists protectionists to shame the poor people of paris daring the past year have devoured head of tale boree flesh owing to the exclusion of american beef no excuse for persons oli K ablo neglect ine to voto next february for city officers if you are not naturalized court is on if you have not registered registration is in progress EMPEROR WILLIAM of germany has authorized the establishment of a lottery to raise the funds for building a monument to r is grandfather THE LAKE victoria JS discovered by STANLEY covers square miles making it the largest body of fresh water on tho earth BILLS havo already been introduced in congress but the real work of tho session will not begin until after the holidays EVERY vota is needed in february if you do not registrar you cannot vote so be suro your namo gets on the roll ane VERDICT of tho jury in the DR murder trial will bo heartily endorsed all over tho nation GUM paralysis ig tho latest form of disease recorded in medical literature |