Show TO ins SOOTHING for children tec thinK is alio proscription of one of the best female and physicians in the united states and has been used for forty years with never failing success by millions of mothers for their children during the of teething its value is incalculable process it relieves the child from pain dysentery and diarrhoea griping in cures the bowels and wind colic by giving health to the it rests the mother price a bottle 3 cured with br Bosan koa coash syrup mrs M pilcher a most estimable lady baa beon a resident of springfield III for years her present residence is at no 1107 east capital abc in conversation with her druggist mr ER sayler of no eleventh st she said 1 I have been afflicted with lung trouble for the capt twenty years coughing most of the time have been under tho care of the besl physicians of this city and liams used all lands of medicine for my disease without any benefit last was recommended to try dr Bosan kos cough and lung syrup and can cheerfully av after using 1200 worth of it I 1 am sound and well I 1 would recommend it to sun ering liu manity as tho best medicine on earth for chronic coughs colds and consumption sold at 60 bv pyne maiben liver biliousness the chief symptoms of this disease are depression of spirits foul coated tongue bad tasting mouth disagreeable dry skin with blotcher blotches blot ches eruptions sallow complexion and yellow eyes tired aching shoulders dull pain in ight side faintness dizziness und irregular bowels tina complaint in all its forms can be readily cured by taking dr gunns improved liver pius as directed anda lingering spell of sickness will often be warded off bv their use sold at 25 cents a box maiben a arnica sveal THE SALVE in auts bruises sores ulcers salt cheum fever sorce setter chapped bands chilblains corns and all skin eruptions and positively curts piles or no pay required it is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded price 5 cents fsr hot for sale by wt A co prof Loi MEMORY DISCOVERY AND TRAINING METHOD in baite of adulterated which mina the theory and practical reaul of tha ly envious would be competitors 0 the nut of hi labors all of which abo undoubted and ot prof kever ia today to day in loth hemispheres ln n ia mentory II 11 bant pit freu in all parts of the globa iho havi net nolly studied his system b com that his system IB while bainy wt can be learnel learn fl in aitt nolt dmd i e for terms and isis address prof fifth john klinc it is evident from the speed attained by john dupins horse that it wag well cared for and all owners of live stock should exercise caution and care by having a reliable remedy at hand veterinary CarboU save cures cuis rounds bruises collar and saddle galls sores mange scratches thrush inglam lations and all abrasions of the skin and diseases of the feet of horses and cattle quicker than any other remedy and is the only preparation that invariably renews the hair in its original color it ia endorsed by jay eye sees driver and by prominent horsemen generally largo cans small cans sects hold by all druggists from wednesdays DAILY derangement and constipation after years of suffering from nervous derangement and constipation and after being treated by several leading physicians from whom I 1 obtained no relief I 1 was induced to try S S S soon after commencing its use I 1 found my appetite couch improved and that the use of cathartics which I 1 had taken almost daily for twelve months was no longer necessary since childhood I 1 have been subject to sick and nervous headaches but since december 1 at which time I 1 commenced taking S S S I 1 have had only one attack and that was when I 1 neglected to lake the specific I 1 dr not now have to take purgative medicines JA HEID boiling ala tormenting SKIN for twenty years I 1 was troubled with a tormenting itching skin disease which at times caused me great annoyance and loss of sleep I 1 was treated by best local physicians but received no relief from them I 1 finally concluded to take swifts specific S S S a half dozen bottles of which effected what I 1 consider a permanent cure as have felt no symptoms of the disease for over a year W T COWLES texas treatise on blood and skin diseases mailed free SWIFT SPECIFIC co atlanta ga bastoria STORIA tA A abr infants and children 1 j cutitto earea colia I 1 recommend it as sa to any I 1 stomach eructation known to me n A D kalls ns aites sleep aad promote dl m bo orial st brookstra Brook tra K Y wiit 77 murray street N Y SPECIAL NOTICES i ladles long wraps at jones new arrivals of gage downs corsets dress silks serges ladies broad claths cloths at jones loans on farms and city property made by B bachman jr room 8 courthouse new arrival of those exquisite broadhead dress goods new styles and designs at JONES if your watch or clock is in need of repairing take it to W G hig mey at R S hines store the west oo op has fust opened an elegant line of ladies misses and childrens cloaks and the prices are away down we will pay the price in cash for about seven ton of lucerne seed to furni sli cars now ordered F W C hathenbruck bupt supt sea gull tea is the best for sale at leh i by trane evans american fork by coop co op store and A dunkley pleasant grove by frank beers provo by the principal merchants springville Spring ville by deal bros mendenhall and boyer bringhurst spanish fork by coop co op store and A A dahla salem by coop co op store payson by douglass sons santaquin San by coop co op store bryan sanpete county by most of the merchants notice thoroughbred jersey bull cotakas Po mirabeau on service at S S JONES first ward provo thorough bred jerseys S S jones has a few thorough bred jersey cows for sale each animal is registered in the books of the american jersey cattle club terms reasonable wanted to exchange six head of good young milk cows with calves by their sides for bay or grain delivered at our stables MARTIN DRAKE live stock association and still they come irvine barney have just received another shipment of boys and men clothing boys and mens rubber boots mens slickers and rubber coats comand see them cut until cut depend upon us for clieaf coal we will sell the celebrated castle gate or pleasant valley coal at yard per ton delivered per ton leave orders at smoot richards co provo book stationery co or at depot SMOOT DEAL undertakers we are the agents for joseph E taylora homemade home made and imported caskets and coffins for provo city which we furnish on short notice and at reasonable rates shop one block north of railroad depot 0 H co notice the american farmer tor 1890 as we have done in alie past six years to all conr subscribers who pay three dollars in advance for a years subscription of j the ENQUIRER the regular subscription drice of the american farmer is one dollar but taken with the ENQUIRER it will coat you nothing horses broke on reasonable terms mr H J flowers an experienced is staying at wm bullocks farm on the county road where he will be on hand to attend to tho breaking of horses the terms will be very reasonable and lie guarantees liis work to be first class in every respect call and see him 1 m s w change and removal johnson evans have now removed the carter sward building west of tabernacle block and have entered into partnership with W H brown the firm will now be known as brown johnson bevans will be prepared to do all kinds of blacksmithing wagon carriage and uia clune repairing and horse shoeing which they make a specialty instruction in masic vocal anu in miss M C goodell is prepared to give lessons on the pianoforte piano forte and in boice building having had the best opportunities tuni ties for years under tha leading musicians of new england and having been eminently successful as a teacher her drill is scientific and her methods the latest and most approved special attention to technique and thoroughness in culture will mark all her work with scholars who put themselves under her training hours may be engaged fey calling at the residence of geo W jacques provo city td 27 the emigrant butcher robert Bir kiri the english butcher ia doing a good trade in the meat market two boora north of the post office this ia really the best quality market in the city porterhouse steak sirloin steak and round steak all at 10 cents per ib all other steaks 3 ib for 25 cents go and encourage the emigrant butcher robert birkin eight cents per pound ifor fat hogs 5 j cents for fat steers each for fat ROBERT BIRKIN two doors north of the e read this if your clocks and watches need repairing take them to G hartley practical clock and watchmaker established in the old country in 1882 where you can get them cleaned and timed prices for 30 hour clocks 60 acts 8 day clocks 75 acts watches 1 all kinds of spectacles and jewelry neatly repaired on the shortest notice watch hands glasses fitted while vou wait all work guaranteed to be done in first class style give me a trial and I 1 will give you satisfaction you will find me on the old tithing block opposite the GEORGE HARTLEY ns sm NEW BUTCHER SHOP at the old stand of the coop co op meat market wholesale and retail dealer in the best beef mutton york veal sausage etc A choice selection constantly on hand give me acael st l ali hay aid ail kass of proa ace FUR I 1 OUR WELL ASSORTED STOCK OI O we guarantee Gna rantee lowest arices and courteous treatment nsf free delivery to any part of thu city REYNOLDS BROS springville Spring ville git xetah OP VARIOUS KINDS atthe fair the fair and wholesale exporters of gooby SOLD AT THE LOWEST MARGIl NS highest cash prices paid forthe peoples produce i buggies ipg mag amis M MACHINES OP evera we have the exclusive agency for utah county of the bain and brothers also for the DEERING AND CHAMPION MACHINES complete line of hardwood waon tire WELL AND OTHER BRITO WELL i W C superintendent Xe beiler iler wy aaa BOOTS SHOES HATS CAPS NOTIONS etc COME AND OTJE LARGE STOCK OF GOODS courteous treatment and low prices JOS A HARRIS proprietor co cind af pf r AU kinds of done on short notice manufacturers of doors and window frames screen doors stairs stair kaehn Ba lusters briches Brich ls all kinds work wholesale and cretai dealers in lumber sash and locks screws nails an ill kinds of building cement chimney flues portland cement plaster of paris plasters hair centre pieces etc also tho celebrated combination slat and wire fence all 01 which we sell at bed rock prices orders by mail promptly filled people desiring glois in bouc lina can save buying from us office factory ani yard opposite TJ P and D IL G W ry depots UTAH W R H bupt supt t |