Show and no action taken towards lighting the streets A MOVE MADE TO TEE BODIES FROM THE OLD GRAVEYARD an appropriation of made to help alo work on the east drain from tuesdays DILY the city council met last night in adjourned session mayor dusenberry in alie chair the absentees were aldermen alexander and holdaway and councillors councilors Counci lors and kean the petition of henry W davis re queuing the privilege of erecting a platform plat lorm and roof over a part of the factory race adjoining his livery stable was presented on motion of councilor farrer the petition was referred to the committee on streets and alloys alie application of har gray asking ahe council to grant them alii ense aa retail liquor dealers was read as the application did not comply with the requirements of the law the license was not granted the petition and claim of tars au guala akward requesting alie council to grant lier lor the relinquishment of certain water that had been granted to august Sward was presented the petition furthermore requested the i changing of the water course of the race and the building of a sidewalk adjacent to her property on motion ot alderman scott the petion was referred to the committee on irrigation mr scott reported that the committee on streets and alleys had entered into an agreement with alie salt lake novelty company for alie numbering of the streets and houses of provo city mr scott then read the agreement on motion of mr the report was adopted A plat of a second addition to oakdell was presented with the request eliat it be approved by the council on motion of mr maiben it was referred to the committee on streets and alleys A resolution recommending the removal of alie remains interred in the old bench graveyard to the city cemetery mr maiben stated in support of his motion eliat alie giaves there were in a very neglected state there being neither fences trees nor anything else alie place was also a very desirable location for building mr farrer stated that a number of alie graves on private property and alie owners of said property desired removal alie gentleman thought there were about eighty graves located there and alie expense of removal would be about mr scott favored alie removal of the remains interred in the old graveyard for alie additional reason eliat there is a running gli the centre of the land which would make it very inconvenient when the neighborhood became more closely settled on motion of mr scott the further consideration of the resolution was postponed till next meeting the claim of the committee on quarantine amounting to 1550 was on motion of mr farrer allowed alie committee on streets and alleys certified to the correctness ef the claim of andy stewart for assisting in the survey of alie streets of provo the claim amounting to 9 w as allowed tho application for license as retail liquor dealers of the firm of avidson knight on motion of mr farrer was granted the claim of the bell telephone co amounting to 15 was allowed on motion of mr scott alie sum of was appropriated to the detective or secret service fund mr scott made a statement in behalf of the committee on public grounds in relation to the trees eliat the city had purchased from the utah nursery company he stated that the contract could not he closed for less than ten thousand trees the nursery com ganv however wished to furnish alie city a different claas of trees at a different price alie company sold their trees by size and not by age as the committee had been instructed instruct pd to purchase mr scott desired that the committee should he authorized to pun base aliat trees they deemed necessary for park and cemetery purposes on motion of councilor maiben the committee were authorized to purchase aliat trees they deemed necessary mr farrer stated that the committee on tho east drain were in need of funds and requested the council to make an appropriation for alie same on motion of mr scott were ap Om of mr brown alie council adjourned till next saturday evening |