Show A TAXPAYER PROTESTS against the county court granting judge jones modest bequest editor of the I 1 see bv yesterdays enquirer EN QuinER that J D jones is begging the other members of the county court for more money I 1 think it cheeky for a man to allow himself to be forced on the people by the president of the united baates when he knows very veil he could not get the vote f one out of twenty of the taxpayers of this county for the position of county judge 1 I dont think he could get one in a hundred of the members of the peoples party and you will remember that many of the liberal party sent a protest to the president to prevent his be gnp appointed now as a taxpayer I 1 protest against any money being paid to the present incumbent of that office out of the county funds if he dont like the salary let him please the people by resigning TAXPAYER CITY december |