Show f how a predicted his occurrence in louisville how a schoolmistress makes a fellow take it all back special to the ENQUIRER louisville ky dec 6 george lytle a colored teamster died here today of heart disease were a good many singular circumstances connected with liia death chih have set alie colored people of the neighborhood into considerable excitement lytle arose about 10 yesterday morning and after eating his dinner lie went out for a walk and returned about six after lie attended alie fifteenth street methodist church and took his turn shouting with the rest at the conclusion of alie sermon lie arose and said lie would like to speak a few words he told the congregation that lie was in the best of health but lie thought his time had come and lie was going to die they all ridiculed him hut he told them to go on and have all alie fun they wished for it would be the last time he would be with them ho said that he did not feel ill hut he was unable to explain the way he felt he returned biome about 11 and eat up until 12 talking and joking the rest of the family but telling them all that he was going to die during the he retired about midnight apparently parent ly in the best of health but at 5 this morning his wife went to call him and found him dead coroner miller was summoned and rendered a verdict of death by heart disease the dead man leaves a wife and three small children STANLEY ARRIVES AT special to the ENQUIRER NEW YORK dec 6 stanley arrived at zanzibar Zin today to day TO BE EXECUTED BY electricity I 1 special to the ENQUIRER NEW YORK dec 6 charles mcelvain the condemned murderer of the brooklyn grocer lucas has onla tac weeks to live unless his lawyer obtains a respite pending an appeal for a new trial if no respite is granted mcelvain will be executed by means of electricity tri city the new brick building in which the execution is to take place will be completed by saturday next the electric chair in which mcelvain will meet death will be in the centre of the room the dynamos two in number have a combined capacity of 2000 volts A DOMESTIC TRAGEDY special to the ENQUIRES VIENNA dec 7 domestic tragedies have been rather numerous in hungary of late but nothing recently reported equals in horror an aclair which has just occurred in the town of Deb reazin in that town there was living in good circumstances cum stances alie family of andreas moritz consisting of a grandmother her son andreas his second wife a son who was a sergeant in the holved army and a pretty daughter quarrels arose about a son by the first wife moritz having maltreated mal treated liis wife and daughter in the presence of his son the soldier the latter attacked his father with a hatchet and killed him this was several months ago the sergeant was sentenced to death and then alie widow and daughter began their efforts to obtain a reprieve for him today to day aliey received a letter from besth stating that their petition for pardon biad been rejected immediately after receiving the letter the girl age was nineteen went out and bought a quantity of cartridges for a revolver they had in the house on returning home she at once procured alie revolver and without delay sent a bullet through the right temple of her cioth er and immediately arda shot herself through alie licad of the family who appeared quite prosperous and happy a short time ago the only members belt are the aged grandmother and the soldier under sentence of deatle remarkable DECREASE IS CRIME Spec fal to the ENQUIRER LONDON dec 7 although poverty ia on alie increase in the united kingdom statistics shows that crime is decreasing in twenty years notwithstanding the great increase in population alie number of convicts has decreased by nearly one half at the close of 1869 the number of persons suffering penal servitude was while now the total number is the decrease in the number of female criminals is something remarkable this year only fifty seven women altogether were sentenced to penal servitude in england and wales and the total number of women now undergoing penal sentences is ane mere pecuniary value of this decrease of crime to the country is a large one the convict prisons cost less last year than they did in 1877 and less than in 1877 alie indirect moral and material value veering from the change it is impossible to estimate but its causes are traced to alie spread of education the of temperance and alie amelioration of the criminal liw OPENING OF TUE ANNUAL MEXICAN FIESTA special to the ENQUIRER EL PASO tex dec 9 once a year the whole republic of Mexico celebrates the solemn fiesta of its patron saint our with all the possible the fiesta begins today to day and ends on christmas day it commemorates alie appearance of the virgin mary on a barren hill a few miles out of tho city of mexico at the village of guadalupe hidalgo to a poor indian named juan diego to eliom she delivered a divine ne nesine Sige was on the ath of december 1531 and shortly after the indians were converted en masse 0 o the catholic faith since then the lady of guadalupe haa been the mexican patron and her memory is honored the greater part of december by high and low from tho to the of do camber many of the people enjoy themselves by witnessing bull and cock fights and bv participating ia the wildest kind of gambling the bull fighting is considered the autocratic sports for admittance to only be en coved by the comparatively wealthy die bulk of the patronage comes from el paso and the crowds of travelers and tourists passing through the first performance for mance in the bull ring was given this morning and was witnessed by 1500 american 6 with enough mexicans to teat the seating capacity ol 01 the ring the ring is situated in the rear of the ancient cathedral not far from the barracks and jail in which cuttings detention a few years ago nearly caused an international imbroglio it is feet in diameter and feet in circumference the half of it the space filled for seats has six tiers of seats and the other portion four tiers this accommodates nearly people almost every seat was occupied when the performance opened among the spectators were large crowds from the refined cities of the east moat of whom are on their way to southern california the jiin structure of the amphitheatre is built of heavy logs with substantial cross pieces in the northeast corner of the arena a wide and ponderous gate leads into a corral from which the bulls are admitted when they are wanted for a fight A prominent feature of the assemblage was a company of soldiers from the mexican garrison of paso Dele birte with a full compliment of officers shortly after 10 the bulk of alie military company sounded a few blaring notes on their trumpets and the gate was thrown open for the entering rush of alie first bull his advent was calmly awaited by the professional fighting troupe ten young men of physique and dressed in costumes of bright silk and silver braid two of them the picadors pic adors were mounted on small but active ponies the began to wave large red blankets when the bull entered the ring the hilima tro bull dashed at the blankets but the mexicans jumped aside and escaped liis vicious thrust A special at was afforded today to day by antonio foentes frentes who jumped over the rushing bulls back with the aid of a long pole there were no accidents of a serious character during the performance and the sport was pronounced by those who frequently attended simi miar events as unsurpassed foentes frentes was regarded for iaia daring and skill with great applause ROBBING POOR washington dec 5 prom present appearances edward silcott cashier of the sergeant at arma of the house of representatives has fled carrying off of the funds entrusted to his care silcott was a trusted employee who came here from ohio he was appointed by leedom six years ago he had good business qualifications and soon possessed himself ot the unlimited confidence of his superior last saturday he notified leedom he was komg to new york and would be back sunday A message was received from him dated new york monday morning saying that he had been detained but would return that night A similar message reached his wife that night aa he did not appear tuesday leedom feared he had been overtaken by some accident but to satisfy hid rising suspicions began an investigation the information that silcott had drawn his bank balance de bened these suspicions and the inquiry was pursued the enormous office safe could not be opened at once as silcott had the combination but when an entrance was finally effected it was found apart for paying alie intact the next inquiry haq made at the treasury department where leedom was informed silcott I 1 had called there saturday and drawn about it was possible for him to draw this large sum without con ment as he had for a long time been charged with collecting the money with which the salaries of representatives are paid silcott is under bonds in the sum of this however is an indemnity bond given to the sergeant at arms and leedom who is himself bound to the extent of is directly responsible leedom says silcott could have taken quite as well A number of representatives were in the habit of keeping deposits with the sergeant at arms and their losses when ascertained may swell the sum total considerably later information is to the effect that the paying tellers fund although in the aade e silcott kept his money were protected by n separate lock and a steel door this may explain their preservation what concerns members of the house moat deeply is whether in giving signed certificates to the sergeant at arms on which ho obtained the money from the treasury aliey have not released the government from liability for their salaries opinions on this point vary the object of Sil cotta visit to new york saturday Satu iday it is said was for the purpose of collecting from ex congressman balge of ohio which amount silcott had loaned him out of the funds in his custody among the congressmen who lose personal deposits are rice of pennsylvania taylor of Ohio boutelle of maine 1500 bayne of Penne sylvania 1000 ohio herman of oregon 2300 of north dakota nebraska Nebi aska 2100 and owen of indiana i several congressmen had left their salary in the sergeant at arbri hands I 1 for nearly a year and these arc thelea losers mr turner of kansas said the question of members losing their salaries would depend on whether the act creating the office made the ser gesiot at arms a government representative of theirs in the birst case the government and in alie second the members themselves would be the losers VISITING THE HOLY LAND special to the PITTSBURG dec 7 fifty hebrews from points between chicago and have passed through pittsburgh en route to jerusalem they go to inquire into the feasibility of re occupancy of the holy land as advocated by lord and other jewish leaders in europe and america since his death the tour was arranged by the western railroad and the travelers were rather they declared that the outcome of the pilgrimage depended largely upon the laws of this country and the concessions to be secured there by future settlers the party will go direct to the holy landane lan dand apon returning report to the various colonization societies in america SOME one would do well to start a gondola factory in provo this city vill soon be a second Venice especially alie western half of center street HOV romantic to go gliding down the street canals on a aice moon light evening listening to the sweet prattle ot your best girt and idly watching the rippling of the waves as you swiftly pass through the crystal waters mud I 1 ugh |