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Show Modified Decree Filed in Federal Fed-eral Court Permits Plant - fl to Hun. B" CERTAIN RESTRICTIONS ARE STIPULATED B Fumes and Solid Particles Must Be Cared for and Capacity ;. Limited. i I A modification of decree naming I stipulations wheroby ihe American Wn Smelting and Refining compnuy's smel- Wa ter -would be allowed to continue the MM operation of its smelter nt Murray was I filed in the Federal court. Monday. The other smellers unable to pet concessions conces-sions from the farmers must cloeo down or treat only such ores as would bo unprofitable. un-profitable. "When the case of Godfrey or. al. against the smelters was carried to the Circuit court of appeals In' tho smcltor-mon, smcltor-mon, (he Americau company made concessions con-cessions with tho farmers, instead of appealing its case, but since the grangers grang-ers have been victorious in the Circuit court of appeals, they have refused to concede or even treat with (ho smeltor-men. smeltor-men. The modification of decree grants the American smelter the right to j handle 1.100 Ions of crude ore per day, but otilv one-third of this may bo sulphides. sul-phides. " Neithor can tho ore contain more than 10 per cent of sulphur. It will also be necessary to conduct all fumes and smoke through ISO feet of bonier fines into chambers and bag-honsrs bag-honsrs so as to eliminato all solids and vapors of lead, arsenic and antimony. Inspection of Smelter. Tli.' plant is to be inspected at various vari-ous times by persons suitable to the complniuauts and the cost of the inspection in-spection is (o bo borne by tho smcltcr-meu. smcltcr-meu. Tho costs of any one inspection is not to exceed $100. Tho American smeltor will bo put, to ?, great, expense in equipping tho plant with these fines, chambers and bughouses, bug-houses, but otherwise it. would be compelled com-pelled to shut down and discontinue nil operntiou. . While not tho slightest intimation I has been given bv the management of iho "United State's Smelting, Refining unci Mining company that the company will mnko au endeavor toward secur-in' secur-in' the sumo right of operating as the American Smelting aud Refining company com-pany will ou.ioy under this modified decree, de-cree, local circles deem such action probable. Tho United States company lias complied with the same regulations, having installed a complete baghoiise svstem at an expense o1' c,oso to 0(10, and solid particles arc all retained "bv virtue of this equipment. ' President Sharp of the United States -ouipauy reached Salt Lake City from Boston Sunday evening, lie spent all day Mondav at. the smelter of tho company com-pany down" the valley, and when seen Into in the day he said that at the present pres-ent time he could not give an interview regarding the probable course of the company. ' F intend to be here for severnl dav5.'7 said Mr. Sharp, "and J may have ?omethiug to give to the public before I" leave." |