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Show ALWAYS GOOD MARKET FOR ORES OF PIOCHE "You always can rest assured of one thing, and that Is, there never will be a time when tho big mines qf Pioche, Nev., will be unable lo find a market for their ores," said Charles S. Miller, president of the Boston-Ploche Mining company, on Monday. Mr. Miller stopped over In Salt Lake for a few hours' business chat with friends, leaving at noon for the East. His company is ono of the largest operating organizations in tho Pioche district, dis-trict, nnd recently secured the Ube East property, which was at one time a record-breaking shipper of rich silver-lead ores. Continuing, Mr. '.Miller said: "We sent in a car of this silver and lead ore from the Ube East property late in last December, the shipment reaching Salt Lake on December 28. We not onlv sold It at a good profit considering consid-ering the level of silver on the day of settlement, but we got our money for it without a moment's delay. This shipment ship-ment was more of a trial consignment, for we wanted to see just what we could do under adverse circumstances. We do not intend to make any more shipments until the metal market improves, but you cannot emphasise too strongly what T have said thero always is a market for the highly-desirable ores of the Pioche camp. "Yes, the Boston-Ploche company has a great mine; so has the Ohio-Kentucky company, and others that we all appreciate appreci-ate are opening up great ore chutes at depth. With a settlement of the labor troubles at the cump, we start th'e new year with everything extremely favorable for successful results." Metal Market. The metal quotations for Monday, posted post-ed by McCornick & Co.. were as follows: Silver, 5U8p: lead, no quotations: copper castings, 13ic; copper cathodes, 13 9-ltic. |