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Show Issued even' morning by Salt Lalce Triliune Publishing Company. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Daily and Sunday Tribune, week...? .25 r Dally and Sunday, one month J.ou Uallv and Sunday, three months... 3.00 Daily and Sunday, one your 12.00 Sunday Tribune, one year Sundav Tribune, six months ... Semi-Weekly Tribune, ono year I-''0 S. CY Ueckwlth Special Agency.. Solo ISaateni Advertising Agent. Eastern or-lice. or-lice. Tribune Building. New York; Western West-ern office Tribune Building. Chlcaeo. Business communications should bo ad- dressed: -'The Tribune, Salt Lake City. - j i Mnitors Tor publication, lo "Kdltor The i Tribune, Salt Uiko City, Utah.' Whcro The Tribune Is on Salo. Murray. Utah Excelsior Stationery Co., Ind. phone 177-1. , . . Ogdcn, Utah Branch office. Broom hotel. Provo. Utah A. V. Roblson. 27 E. Center II Nev$rlc Hotel Imperial: Waldorf-As- ! toria; Hotnl Jug's. Broadway and Thii- I ty-clsrhlh street. , . ! Philadelphia Ryan's Theater Ticket OC- Chlcn'so Auditorium Hold: Palmer Houpc; Van's Book and Exchange-Washington Exchange-Washington New Wlllard News Stand. Omaha Union Station News Stand. 1 Kansas City To ma News Co. Portland Bowman News Co.; Oregon I News Co. r.os Angeles R. E. Amos. San Francisco Amos Nows Co.: Footer M Orear: Ferry Bid?.; Hutchison News Co.; Parent's Stationery Co., N. Whcatley. .Seattle Acme News Co.; A. NT. Keys. Denver Brown Palace; Kendrlck Book and Stationery Co.: II. P- Hanson; Harvey Har-vey News Service. Boise Idanha Hotel: Bolso Book and Music Co Pocatello Chaffe & Co. Bnltc Tohn G. Evans; Keefc Bros., P. O. News Sland. Entcrod at the Postoffico at Salt Lake Cilyas second-class matter. Tribune Bell Telephones. F.200 Circulation .1201 Advertising ' Bookkeeper .1203 Manager S204 City Editor ."205 Managing- Editor r.20fi. Editor in Chief 5X07 Toll desk "20R I.... Administration I r.209. Composing Room -j 5210 Telegroph and Art j' 1 5211 . Engraving Dep't Independent Telephones . For all Departments 360. .".SI. .".IS ? i " - .pm. , j Tnoc?llcou-cii. 3 :fi Tuesday, January 14, 1908. |