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Show AVBBK STARTS OFF IX ! LIVELY WAY ON 'CHANGE ' i Tho week started off briskly on the lo- I cal e.tchango yesterday, there being a great many buying orders distributed round the rail. Lower Mammoth was much stronger over the previous week, owing to the discovory of tho chute on the lowest level of the mine, and tho new Elans of the company for placing the ower Mammoth on a sound financial basis. During the day 90,057 shares of stock sold, having a value of ?41,94fi.30. The following were the unlisted stock transactions' UNLISTED STOCKS. ! 1 Bid. Aeked.l Sold For Newhouoe ? D.37J $ 9.40 fS.OO ir$9.0 Ohio Copper. 2.S5 2.875 2. 85 d 2.S3 Stand Cop... .22 fr S K Coal.... 2.90 fr Emma Cop 08 Cop Glance.. .12 .U Vinson Valcy .SG 1.00 1.00 fr Federal Ely 10 fr McDon Ely.. 10 3 Ely Witch.. 1 .51 8' LISTED STOCKS. 1 A. P.M. I Bid. lAsked.H Bid. Ask"cT. Albion i ? -HO ? ? -50 Ajax 20 .25 .20 .25 Alico 2.60 3.50 ....... Boston Con 13.25 14.50 13.50 14.3ii Black .Tack. ,21 .22 .21 .214 Bui Beck... .So , 1.00 Beck Tun.. .M .55 .54 .ou Butler Lib.. .03 - .03 .05 Bullock OS 03i Cyclono 05 10 Col Con 1.90 1.95 1.90 2.00 Carlsa. ;25 30 Crown Pt.. .13 .15 .14 J .lo Con Mercur " Century 01 .0b Colo Mining 2.25 2.27i 2.20 2.22j Creole 25 .-5 Dalton 04 Daly .So Daly-? .... 3.15 3.50 3.2n S.oO Daly West. 7.00 S.50 S.65 B Sz B B 1.J5 Eaglo's N .23 .2o Emerald 01 .10 Grand Cent 2.50 2,775 2.57i 2. SO Horn Silver 2.00 2.00 Ind Queen. .10 .12 .11 .14 Iron Bios... .23 .25 .23 .21 Ibex 0i .20 .05J .15 Ingot 04 04 Inyo 25 3o Lou Dillon. .03 .08 .04 .10 Joe Bowers 02 .01 .02 Littlo Boll. 1.00 1.30 1.10 1.30 Lead King. .OS .12 .08 .10J Little Chief ,03e 03J Lower M... .68 .70 .C4 ,G5 Mt Lako... -29 .30J .30s -32 Mammoth . 1.50 1.721 1.55 1.77J May Day.. .28 .28i .28$ .291 Nov Fair... .03 03 .10 Nev Hills.. 2.25 2.75 2.25 2. 85 New 'York. .07 .095 .07 .09 Ontario S.OO 3.00 Bleb Ana 20 Scot Chief. .012 .02 .02 Sevon Tro. .35 .35c -345 .35 Sioux Con.. .13 .14 .13. .13 Stray Dog.. .05 04 Swansea 26 50 Swan 10 .03 Sacram OS .03i 51 Shield.. 10 .03 -.071 So Col Cn.. .50 .53 .51 .53 Tetro ,. .011 .03 .02 U S Con-.-. .46 .47 .46 .461 Utah Mine, 1.321 1.471 1.35 Victoria' ... 1.00 1.25 1.00 1.15 Victor Con- .05.V .08 .061 .07 Wabash ! , 35 Yankee Con .30 .35 ; .30 .35 FORENOON SALES. Columbus Con.. 100 at 51.95. Indian Queen, 200 at 12ic. Lower Mammoth. 100 at 59e; 200 at C2c; 50 at 61c; 200 at C5c; 100 at 66c; 200 at 67c: 200 at 69c; 200 at GSc. Mav Dav. 500 at 271c; 5000 at 25c. Uncle Sam. 1600 at 45c; 500 at 16c; 100 at 40c; 1000 at 46c, seller sixty days. Beck Tunnel, 1200 at 54c; COO at 53c, seller slxtv days; 100 at 52c; 100 at 55c. Colorado", 1000 at $2,273- Mountain Luke, 500 at 29c; 100 at 29 jc. Sioux. 1000 at 131c. Soven Troughs, 600 at 35c; 3 500 at Sojcr 1500 at 35c. seller slxt aays. Shares sold. 18.450. Selling value, $8942.50. OPEN BOARD. Black Jack, 267 at 20c; 1500 at 21c. Colorado. 100 at S2.25: 300 at S2.25, buyer thirty days; 100 at 32.271. buyer thirty days: 200 at ?2.25. seller thirty i days. I Lower Mammoth, 500 at 70c; 500 at 69c, seller thirty days; 1200 at C9c; 500 at 68c, seller thirty days; 1200 at 6Sc; 100 at C7e, seller thirty days; 200 at 67c; COO at GSc; 500 at 65c. seller five days; 1200 at 64c. Seven Troughs, 500 at 35c. Scottish Chief, 1000 at 2c. Sioux Con., 500 at 13jc. Uncle Sam, 500 at 46c, seller thlrtv days. Shares sold, 11,667. Selling value. $6363.40. - AFTERNOON SALES. Indian Queen, 500 at 121c Lowor Mammoth, 100 at 66c, 3400 at 65c, 4700 at 64c, 100 at C3c, seller thirtv days; 200 at 63c, seller ten days; 100 "at 63c. seller twenty days; 500 at 65c, seller thirtv days; 500 at fi5c, buyer sixty da vs. May Dav-. 5300 at 2Rlc. 6500 at 2?c. Uncle Sam. 500 at 46c, seller thirty days; 500 at 46c, 200 at 46jc, 1000 at 4flc, seller sixty days, i Victoria, 100 at SI. 15. Black Jack, 2400 at 21c. 500 at 2 He, buv-er buv-er sixty days; 2000 at 21c, seller slstv days. Colorado. 1050 at S2.25. 300 at $2.22. Crown Point, 5500 at 141c. Mountain Lake, 500 at 30c, seller thirtv days: 500 at 31c. seller sixty davs: 100 at 311c, 500 at Illc. seller thirty days. Sioux, 1300 at 33ic. Seven Troughs, 3300 at 35c, 1000 at 3c. seller thirty days; 1000 at 3oc, buyer sixty days; 1000 at 34c. Victor. 1000 at ic, 1500 at (ic. Shares sold, 49,500. Selling value. $18,796. OPEN BOARD.' Beck Tunnel, 500 at 54c. seller thirtv I I daj's. . i Colorado. 300 at S2.22j. I Lower Mammoth, 200 at 64c. 900 at 63c. Seven Troughs, 1500 nl 35H. 1500 at ' 3ur, i Sioux. 4000 at !.3c. Uncle Sam. 500 at ISc Victor, 1000 at 61t . Shares sold. 11.450. Selling value, 57S45. No Eastern Quotations, Owing to wire trouble Monday no mining min-ing stock quotations were obtainable from the Bottlon or Now York markets |