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Show MYSTERY SURROUNDS DEATH OF ITINERANT Authorities Order Autopsy to Determine Cause of John Farris's Demise. Refusing to allow a physician to bo colled, John Karris, mining man, died from poisoning, presumably ptomaine, in tho rooming houso at 3tU West South Temple street, about 11 o'clock Monday morning. Thero is some mystory mirrounding his death, however, and Junticc Dana T. Smith, acting Coroner, has ordered an autopsv, which will bo conductod by County Physician W. R. Calderwood at Joseph William Taylor's undertaking parlors par-lors at S o'clock Monday evening. The findings of tho autopsy will determine whether an inquest is necessary. Justice Jus-tice Smith says. Policeman Glllesplo found Farrls wandering wan-dering tho streets, in serious condition from an Illness, the nature of which he was unable to detormlne, Sunday night. Karrls's condition was alarming, but ho was ablo to tell where he roomed and tho patrolman carried him to his rooming house. Robert Walker, tho proprietor, aided the policeman and started to call a physician, physi-cian, but Fanis objected bo stronuously that medical aid was not summoned. Instead. In-stead. Walker himself attended Farrls" all night and tho next day until death came. To the policeman and Walker, Farrls said that he had eat on in a restaurant) a short time before the patrolman found him, and that ho thought ho had been poisoned by tho food. He could not tell tho namo of the restaurant. From Far-rls's Far-rls's actions the suspicion arose among friends that ho might have been drugged, hence the autopsy. ' So far as known Farrls has no relatives rela-tives near hero. Ho owns property at Grand Encampment. Wyo., and has been coming hero at Intervals for tho last year. Usually he stopped at Walker's placo and bocamo known there. Ho came hero previously about six weeks ago. From Salt L.nko he went to Bows, Nev., where ho worked on a Western West-ern Pacific tunnel, presumably to get money to furthor mining enterprises. lie returned hero from Nevada Saturday. Farrls was about 40 yoars old. |