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Show WHEAT OPENING RI; BEARS MAKE A RAID Prices Arc Forced Sharply ' Downward; Buying by Shorts : Steadies Market. CHICAGO. Jan. 13. The wheat market opened llrm on " fairly active demand, which was based on tho strength of the Liverpool market. Before tho end of tho first half hour, however, prices had declined de-clined nearly 1 cent on profit-taking. Then a bear raid, led by a loading commission , house, caused a further break about the mlddlo of tho day. Thore was considerable consider-able changing from May to July delivery, which resulted In a narrowing of the spread between the two options. At the close the market was very poorly supported, sup-ported, would-be buyers being hold back by tho absence of news, duo to the crippled crip-pled wire service. Buying by shorts during dur-ing tho last hour caused a really of nearly near-ly 1 cent from the low point. Tho close was steady. May opened unchanged to i5Jc hlghor at. 51.058 to $I.053fj'l.05Ji, ad- ' vanced to $1 07jtg'l .0G and then declined to 51031. Tho close was- at $1,044 1.04J. Liberal recolpts and lower cables caused modcrato weakness In tho corn markot oarly In the day. Sentiment, however, became be-came a trifle bullish during tho last half of the session, owing to a possible ln-croaso ln-croaso in the movement because of the severe storm. The closo was steady. May opened ltfj)(c lower at 59Ec to SO'Jc. sold up to OOfcc and then declined to 534c. The close was at 60c. Trade In oatB was again dull and featureless. fea-tureless. The market was steady all day, price fluctuations being confined within ft half-cent range. .Sentiment was a Ilttlo bearish as a result' of the slump In wheat. May opened -a shade lower at 533c. sold ofT to 53?(fii534c and closed at 53?c. Immcnso receipts of live hogs had a depressing effect on tho provisions market, mar-ket, sentiment being bearish all day. Wostorn packers wore credited with the majority of sales. At the clone May pork was off 121c, lard was off 10c and ribs were 124c lower. RANGE OK THE LEADING FUTURES. Wheat Open. High. Low. Close. May 1.0CB 1.36 1.034 1.044 July .' 33 334 073 3S Sept 359 354 3lg 353 Corn May 533 60i 534 60 Julv 584 53 5S4 581 Sept 68 5S5 5S GSi Oats-May Oats-May (old) 53? .533 f34 533 I May (now) . 52 52 518 5J1 July (old) .. 47 47 46a 46X July (new) . 45J 451 45 45J Mess Pork, per barrel Jan 12.70J 12. So 13.774 12. SO May 13.30 13.35 13.25 13.32- Lard, per 100 pounds ' Jan 7.75 7.75 7,721 7.724 May S.00 S.024 7.05 7.375 Short Ribs, per 100 pounds Jan 6.30 6. SO" 6. SO 6.80 May 7.15 7.17J 7.10 1.124 CASH QUOTATIONS. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour, steady; No. 2 spring wheat, $1.10(5 1.12; No. 3, 5l.01tfil.02: No. 2 red. 0SSctfj?l 01; No. 2 corn, 5Sitfj57c; No. 2 yellow, 604tfi' 01c; No. 2 oats, ISJc: No. 3 whl.tc, 4Stfj) 5tc; No. 2 ryo. S2c; fair to choice malting malt-ing barley, 06ctff$l 05; No. 1 Northwestern fiax seed. $1.21, prime timothy seed, $4.40; clover, contract grades, 517-06; short ribs, sides (loose), $6.624tfj7.00; mess pork, per bbl.. ?12.S7JQ)13.00; lard, per 100 lbs.. 57.724; short clear sides (boxed), $7.00 7.374; whisky, basis of high wines, $1.35. RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels 20.600 10,100 Wheat, bushels 38.200 16,700 Corn, bushels 586,200 175,600 Oats, bushels 312,000 13,000 Rye. bushels 3,000 100 Barley, bushels 30.200 17,000 1 PRODUCE EXCHANGE. On the produce exchange today tho butter markot was firm; creameries, 20 23ic; dairies, 1825c. Eggs, easy; at mark, cases Included. 23tfi'2le; firsts, 21c; prlmo firsts. 2527c; extras, steady. Cheese, 11413c. London Wool Sales. LONDON. Jan. 13. The listing of wool for the first series of tho 1008 auction sales closed today with the following amount; " New South Wales. 72.17S bales; Queensland. Queens-land. 20.245; Victoria, 75.550; South Australia. Aus-tralia. 55,235; West Australia, 1S.02I; New Zealand. 38.S15; Cape of Good Hope and Natal, 61,157. Of this wool, 128.000 bales of Australian Aus-tralian and 53,000 Cape of Good Hope and Natal were forwardod direct to Hplnners, leaving the net available for the sales 187,825, Including 14,500 held over from thei last series. St. Louis Wool. ST. LOUIS, Jan. 13. Wool steady; nio-1 nio-1 dlum grades combing and clothing. 21 i 22c: light fine. I020c; heavy fine, 15 10c; till) washed, 2033e. |