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Show JNVICTUS DEFEATS BJG BOW, FAVORITE LOS ANOKLKS. Jan. 2. Tnviclus, held at 20 to 1 In tho hotting, won tho sixth nice on the card at Santa Anita today from Big Row, the S to 5 favorite, by a length. But. one favorite eamo home winner today, the other five races being won by outsiders. Rose Queen, at 5 to 1. won tho three-furlongs spring for two-year-olds First race, five furlongs Godfather. 112 (Boland). 9 to 7. won; May Sutton. 107 (Ross), 8 to 5, second: Rlllowv, 107 (Morlarlty), 10 to I, third. Time, 1:00 -1-5. Round and Round, Orcngna. Cherldahn, Decorator, Gold Bar, Rnslus. Mossbaclc, Costly. S. A. Carlisle. Black Domino, Joseph Jo-seph K.. finished us named. Second race. three furlongs Rose Queen. 107 (Preston), 5 io 1. wun; Achieve. 107 (Dugan), 3 to I. second; Mny Dleudonne, 107 (Ruins). 0 lo 1, third. Time, 31 1-5 seconds. Queen Grove, Bauthcl, Annie Wells. Matlio Russell. Rus-sell. La Relnc Hindoo. Beeswax, Clover-leaf, Clover-leaf, finished as named. Third rare, seven furlongs Chippewa, 101 (McCarthy), G to 1, won; Whidden. 07 (Dugan). tf to 1, second; Mcrllngc, 112 (Radike), 20 to I. third. Time, 1:25 1-0. Black Male. ICd Rail. Niblick. Can lone. Gateway. Vesme. Bonnie Prlnco Charles and Supine finished as named. Fourth race, five furlongs Lee Harrison Harri-son II.. 107 (Schilling), S to 5. won; Giovanni Gio-vanni Balerlo. 102 (Preston). 3 to 1. second: sec-ond: Ho7.il, 107 (Martin), 15 to 1. third. Time. 1:00 2-5. Dr. Crook. Reuben, Kirk Belle, Beautiful and Best, Commida, Neatness, Paul Clifford. .1. J. MeC. Search Me. Straightaway. Tho Fog, finished fin-ished as named. Fifth race, five furlongs- -Ta.ver. 102 (Preston), fi lo 1. won; Wisteria. 100 (Harty), 13 to 1, second; Aunt Polly. 100 (Musgrave), G to 5. third. Time. 1:00 2-5. Anna May. Daisy Frost, Don Han, Old Colony, Veritas Vincit. Interlude, Hallie Sherman. Lady Laughter. Prestige. Pres-tige. Louis Fltzglbbon. finished as named. Sixth race, mile and a quarter Invlc-tus. Invlc-tus. 101 (Ross), 20 to 1. won; Big Row 101 (Schilling). S to 5, second: Kd Sheridan. Sheri-dan. 101 (Dugan). 3 to 1. third. Time. 2:07 1-5. Kl Prlmero, Cambysses, Begun. Gentle Harry, Pay Me, finished as named: |