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Show OPIUM IS AGAINST ! HiO HUGHES i i Sfalc Fairs Would Be Failures if JJef ting on Race Tracks fs Barred. MEW YORK, .Ian. 2. Men interested in racing In Now York Slate express considerable con-siderable surprlso at tho stand taken by Governor Hughes in his inosshge to the Legislature on Mho racing question. It Is the general opinion that tho Governor will bo unable to secure the passago of a bill which will entirely wipe out betting nl race courses. Many go so far ns to blame ' lho nglluilon lo the poolroom interests against whom lho racing clubs have waged a bitter warfare and who are now said to be anxious to got evon with the clubs who have broken up the poolroom business bv driving out racing altogether. It Is pointed out by thn advocates of raring that the agricultural associations of the State will light any bill doing away with butting, ns they are tho bfiioflelnrles under thn r p.?r cent tax levied on the racing clubs. The revenues from this source have Increased enormously in the last, eight years, rising from $27,000 In J8DR to saoi.nni) M man. j Pphl years the eleven racing associations In lho .Slate have paid lii (his lax 51, 10 (.CM. |