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Show AN ORDINANCE. An ordinance amending nnd ro-onacting sections 357. 35S. 350. 362, 367, 3G9,' 371, 379.. 380. 387. 33S and 403 of tho Rcvlned Ordinances of Salt Lnko City of 1903; .unending and ro-ennctlng section 380 of said ordinances, as amended bv an ordinance ordi-nance passed )by the Cllv Council. May 9. 1904. ami npproved by the Mayor. May 18. 1901; amending and ro-ennctlng section sec-tion 401 of said ordinances, as nmended by an nrdlnnnce passed by the City Council, Coun-cil, January II, 1.107. and approved by the Mayor. January 15. 1907; repealing section 384 of said ordinances, nnd enact- lug two n-w sections, to be known us i seel Ion 359A. and section 38 i. Be It nrdnlned by the City Council of bait Lako City. Utah: Section 1. Thai sections 357. 358, 359. 3G2, .Hi 7. 3G9. 371. 379. 3S0, SR7. 3SS and 403 of tho Revised Ordinances of Salt J,ako City of 1903, be. and they hereby arc ! amended and re-enacted so as lo read an I follows: Section 357. City Auditor ox-officlo As- I sossor of license laxes. Appointments. 1 Duties. -The City Auditor shall bo ex- ui mm assessor oi license taxes. Ho mnv appoint, aubjoct to continuation by lho City Council,, such number of licence Inspectors In-spectors nnd clerks as may be necessary lo make assessments nnd keep accounts. Provided that the City Council shalt designate des-ignate the number of llcenso Inspectors ami clerks to be appointed nnd their compensation com-pensation and tenure of ofllce. H shall be the duty of the Assessor to assess eaclullcenftee in accordance with the provisions provi-sions of the ordinances and statutes. Tho assessments shall be based upon tho rates established by the ordinances, and all licenses, li-censes, except liquor licenses, shall be payable annually m advance, and shall date from the lirst cjav of January of each year nnd shall expire on the 31st day of December of each year. Provided, however, that when nn application is made after the 1st dnv of Jannarv of each year the licensee shall be required to make payment only for the unexpired portion of the year. and. If the application applica-tion Is approved, the license shall be la-sued la-sued for such unexpired portion of the year. The Assessor shall keep three separate sep-arate assessment rolls, vln., liquor license roll, merchants' license roll and miscellaneous miscella-neous license roll, and shall also keep a. su table Index containing the names of all licensees. The nnmos of the liquor licensees li-censees shall be arranged alphabetically In the liquor llcenso roll; tho names of lho merchant licensees shall be arranged alphabetically In the morchants' license roll, and the names of each class of mis- i cellaneous llconseos shall bo arranged al- nhabetlcallv in thr m kr-nlln rrric- 1l,.nt.n. roll. On or beforo tho 1st day of January of each year the Assessor must complete Ids assessment rolls. lie must take and subscribe an affidavit to the assessment rohs to be substantially as follows: "h Assessor of license taxes of Salt T.ako City, do swear that boforo , tho 1st day of January, 190 . I made 1 diligent inquiry and examination lo ascor- ' lain tho names of all persons, firms and ! corporations within tho city subject to assessment for license: that the persons, firms and corporations have been assessod on tho assessment rolls In accordanco with the rates established bv the ordinances ordi-nances to tho best of inv ludgmcnt information in-formation and belief: that 'l have faithfully faith-fully complied with nil the duties Imposed upon mo under this ordinance, and that I have not Imposed any unjust assessments assess-ments through malice, error or otherwise or allowed any one to escape a Just and equal assessment through favor, reward or otherwise." Failure to lake or subscribe such affidavit, af-fidavit, or any affidavit, will not in nnv manner affect the validity of the assessment. assess-ment. " ' Section 358. Applications. Bill for 11- 1 cense. Payment of license. Who author- I l7.ed lo receive payment. Enforcement of collection. All applications for license 1 except liquor license, shall be made in writing to the Assessor of license taxes. All ccrtllicntes of license, except certificates certifi-cates of liquor license, shall be signed by tho Mayor and attested by the City Recorder Re-corder under the seal of tho city The application shall show: 1. in. 11.1:111 ui me person, nrm or corporation desiring a license. 2. The kind of license desired, stating I the business, calling, trade or profession to be performed, practiced or carried on 3. The class of license desired, If such licenses are divided Into classes. 4. The placo where such business calling, call-ing, trade or profession Is to be carried on, giving the street number. If such business, calling, trade or profcsdo'i is to be carried on in any building or' en- I closure. 5. The period of time for which such license Is desired to bo Issued. G. The application shall also state anv other matter or thing required by ordinance ordi-nance or statute. The applications, with accompanving statements and bonds, shall be numbered by tho Assessor of license taxes in tho order In which they appear In the respective respec-tive license rolls, and, after numberlnji-tho numberlnji-tho bonds shall bo filed in the office of the City Rocorder. and the applications shall be ill oil In tho ofIce of the Assessor In the order In which thev are recorded In the assessment rolls. Each application applica-tion shall bear tho assessment roll number num-ber and a separate file, shall be used for the applications recorded In eni, ,.n After tho licensee has made application applica-tion for a license, as provided by the ordinances, or-dinances, tho Assessor shall furnish to the lloeiiFco cither personally, bv mall or leave at his usual place of business a' bill showing the amount assessed. No officer, offi-cer, deputy, assistant or emplovee ovcent the City Treasurer, is authorized to receive re-ceive payment for any license, and tho City Tieasuier is authorir.cd to receive such payment only when accompanied by the bill from the Assessor, as heroin nro-ylded. nro-ylded. If anv person, firm or corporation corpora-tion neglects, falls or refuses to pay the amount assessed when It becomes dul tho Assessor shall proceed to enforce collection col-lection as provided by ordinance Section 359. Content.-? of certificate Certificates to be posted. Certificates 'to be shown police officers nnd inspectors Assignment. Every certificate of license Issued shad bear upon Its face- 1. The name of the person, firm or corporation to whom such certificate has been Issued. 2. The amount paid to the City Treasurer. Treas-urer. 3. The kind of license and the class r,RVc l ,lli;e"c, If such licenses aro divided di-vided Into classes. I. The term of the license with commencing com-mencing date, and the date of Its exnlrn Hon. " ' 5. Placo where such buslnoss, cnlHnc trade or profession Is to bo carried on 1 Cver-y fiertincate of llconso Issued shnli be posted by the. licensee In a conspicuous conspicu-ous place upon tho wall of the bulldlnir room or ofllce of the Btorp or jjlucc lii which such licensed business, calling, trade or profession Is carried on, so that tho same may be easily neon, and when such cortltlcato of license shall have expired ex-pired It shall bo removed by the licensee from such placo In which it has been posted, and no cortlflcate of license which Ic not In forco and cfTcct shall bo permitted per-mitted to remain posted upon the wall or any part of any room, store, office or place of business after the period of such certificate of license has expired. It shall bo the duty of each and every person, firm or corporation to whom a certificate of license li-cense has been Issued to show the same at any proper time when requested so to do by nuy police officer or license Inspector. Inspec-tor. No license granted or Issued under any of the provisions of this chapter, or otherwise, shall be In any manner assignable as-signable or transferable, or authorize any person, firm or corporation other than is therein mentioned or named, to do business, busi-ness, or authorize any other business, calling, trade or profession than In therein there-in monlloned or named, to be done or Iransncled. or the business, calling, trade or profession therein mentioned or named to be done or transacted, at any placo othor than Is therein mentioned or named, unless by permission of the Council. Section 3G2. Half-yearly certificates of license. A license for any business, calling, call-ing, trade or profession for which a yearly year-ly llcenso In required may be Issued for a term of six months upon tho payment I of ton (10) per cent additional upon one-j one-j half of the amount of the yearly license, j Provldod. however, that when nn application applica-tion la mndo after the Inl'day of July I of each year, and the application Is np-I np-I proved by tho Assessor, the licensee shail I ho leqnlied to make payment only for the 1 unexpired portion of such half-yearly pe-1 pe-1 rlod and the certlllcate of license shall I bo for such period. ' Section 3G7. Boarding houses. Sworn statement Llconso. Any person who ' shall rent rooms, furnished or unfurnished, unfur-nished, and board the oecupants of such rentod rooms, or board ten or more persons, per-sons, shall be deemed a boarding houso keeper. Every hoarding house keeper shall make a statement under onth showing show-ing the location of the bouse, the number of rooms contained In such bouse and tho 1 number of persons which such house, will reasonably accommodate. Tho Assessor shall file all such statements, and yearly licenses may bo issued thereon as follows: fol-lows: For houses containing rooms sufficient suf-ficient to accommodate over ten persons and not exceeding twenty persons, 520. All houses containing rooms sufficient, lo accommodate over twenty persons shall be deemed to bo hotels. Section 3G9. Contracting electrician. 11 shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to commence or carry on the business nf a contracting electrician without llrst obtaining a license so to do, for which ho shall pay Into the city treasury treas-ury the sum of $25 per annum and tile with the Assessor of license taxes a bond In the sum of $1000, with corporate surety, sure-ty, tb bo approved by tho Mayor, conditioned condi-tioned that such llconseo will well and faithfully .observo and obey any and all ordinances, rules or rogulatlons of Salt Lake City pertaining to his business. Provided, Pro-vided, that the licenso provided for In this section shnll not permit the licensee to conduct the business of a merchant without obtaining a merchant's license. 1 The Assessor, after having completed hlR I record, shall file said bond in the office of tho City Recorder. j Section 371. Drain layers. Any compq-1 compq-1 tent mechnnic. of at least twenty-one. j years of age, having a permanently established estab-lished -place of business, with experience ! In laying drain or sewcr'plpos, upon making mak-ing application, and upon payment to tho City Treasurer of ten dollars for tho year or unexpired part thereof, ending in all cases December 31, and upon giving a j bond In tho sum or one thousnnd dollars, with corporate surety, to he approved by ' the Mayor, conditioned that the applicant i will save the city and the public harmloss from any and all damages that may arise by reason of his carelessness or negligence, negli-gence, or failure to properly execute or protect his work, may recclvo a drain layer's lay-er's llcenso, to lay private drain or sewer pipes, and make connections with the sewer system. Tho bond herein required shall bo In addition to the bond required by section G9S. The provisions of this section shall not be construed to apply ; to licensed plumbers who have paid for a license in accordanco with section 3S9. Section 379. Lunch cars. It shall bo , unlawful Tor any person, firm or corporation corpora-tion to engage In or carry on the business of selling lunches from lunch wagons or lunch cars in the streets of this city j without first having obtained a license therefor, ns herein provided. Any person per-son so engaged in said business shall make application for a license to carry on said business and shall pay for such llcenso the sum of $400 per annum, in advance. ad-vance. Section 380. Mcrchnnts, bankers, tc It shall bo unlawful for any wholesale or' retail merchant to commence or carry on his business without llrst making a statement under oath of tho cash value of all goods, wares and other merchandise j which he may have In his possession or ! under his control for sale, whether owned by him or consigned to him; or for anv I merchant to increase his stock beyond 1 the limit of his class of business during the period of his license, without procuring procur-ing an additional llcenso for such increase; in-crease; or for any banker or broker to commence or carry on his business without with-out first making a statement, under oath of the value or amount of the capital om-ployod om-ployod In his business. Tho Assessor of license taxes shnll flic all such statements state-ments In alphabetical order, nnd vearly i licenses may bo Issued thereon as follows- Over J500.000 shall constitute first class, and pay -5700.00 Over $400,000 and not exceeding $500,000. shall constitute second class, and pay GOO. 00 Over $300,000 and not exceeding . $400,000. shall constitute third class, and pay 550.00 Over S200.000 and not exceeding $300,000, shall constitute fourth ciass. ana pay ... .joo.OO Over 100,000 and not exceeding $200,000. shnll constitute flftfi class, and pay 150 00 Over $75,000 and not exceeding $100,000. shall constitute sixth class, and pay 300 00 Over ?G0,000 and not e.vcoedln-$75,000. e.vcoedln-$75,000. shnll constitute seventh class, and pay 0.1- nn Over $50,000 nnd not evceed'fmr $00,000. shall constitute eighth class, and pay o0n nn Over $40,000 and not exceeding $50,000, shall constitute ninth class, and pay ' 17- nn Over $30,000 nnd not cxceodhV- i $40,000. shall constitute tenth class, and pay trn Over $20,000 and not exceeding-$30,000. exceeding-$30,000. shnll constitute eleventh elev-enth class, and pay i on Over $15,000 and not exceeding $20,000, shall constitute twelfth class, and pay mo nn Over $10,000 and not exceed'ln-$15,000. exceed'ln-$15,000. shall constitute thlr" teenth class, and pay on nn U?,S0 ,,nd ?!,.. coedi;,B ' -0 I .1 1 wusuiuio iour- teenth class, nnd pay c0 nn Over $5000 nnd not exceeding $So66' shnll constitute fifteenth clas and pay 70 Over $1000 and not exceeding $5000 shnll constltuto sixteenth da' nnd pay rn nn Over $3000 and not exceeding $4000 shall constitute seventeenth cla-.-4 and pay ' 3 -n n Over $2000 and not excecdlng'$a666" shnll constitute eighteenth class' and pay 4n Over 11000 and not exceedhVg"$2obb' shall constitute nineteenth elas and pay " ' n Over $500 and not exceeding $1000 0 shall constitute twentieth class' and pay "' n. Over $200 and not exceeding 2500 shall constitute twenty-first class, and pav ,, nn Not exceeding $200 shall constitute twenty-socond class, and pay.... i0 on Provided, that the provisions nf t,i2 section shall not. bo construed 0 uii8 lae any person to sell splritous, vinous or fermented liquors In any quantity. Section 387. Metallic pjai.s exhibited and wagons marked. It shall bo un awrui for any person licensed as a peddler use a wagon, cart or anv other vehicle of any description or name wlm Isomer in he business of peddling or hnwkhic or to use any such wagon, cart Vir vJ&iJi )tt'10VS,:aVns,cons'l" displayed o, the rght hand side theiebf a inelalH rlate bavins" thoroon tho words "jJlccnsea cndor. the year in which sTM Is issued, with lho number in n,J' nres. Said metallic plates nhnlf v11 B nlshed by tho Assessor of Ilc.b hM and paid for by tho licensee. 5e Section 388. numbers. it hmi t lawful for any plumber to lav fnco pipe connected or to be r y m with the waterworks nystom nV"1'-! any kind of plumbing work unl,.1,0' licensed and glveti bond as nrn"i!i "6 4 section 3S9. Provided that th. lJ provided for In thlo section nhal V Cfl"tl mlt tho licensee to conduct tho c'DeN of a morchant without tho nnvmT1 'isn a merchant's license nt'i Section 403. Penalty. Any port -?f or corporation violating any 0f : tl ,flW visions of this chapter shall b guilty of a misdemeanor, and nnj?8'- vlctlon thoreof. shall bo pun'lshWi1LC:!;' fine of not more than one lnindri.bri lars, or by Imprisonment In the h? not more than one hundred da-. r & both such fine and Imprisoning;.0' W vldcd, that nothing herein contHlni'. P51 be construed to prevent Salt Lav from recovering the amount of Q,X C01130 herein required fo bo paid ii, r action brought for such piirpoae. 1 ctfJ vlded by ordinance of this city a-ProJ: Section 2. That section 336 of n. 1 vised Ordinances of Salt Lake n,! w 1903. an amended by an onllnanm Miy- i by the city Council, Atav 9 nffnwWr approved by the Mayor, May it'Mj' and section 401 of 3alrJ RpJum l.'.-nances, l.'.-nances, as amended hy f'n 'll; passed by the city Council. Jnnui 190,, and approved hy the Mayor 9 'J nry 15. 1907. bo and the name amended nnd rc-onactcd so aj .5 " as foiiowa: s 10 naj-i Section 3S3. 'Amount. Llcni. .4' peddling or hawking In the inamf3 ,5f under the restrictions describe i riri tlon .".85 of Chapter XXV3I of thj rJ-urdinances rJ-urdinances of Salt. Lake Clly. nl.H Bued on the payment ot the foit sums per annum: 1u!?ijh For a llcenso to peddle or hawV 3 lablen. garden produce, fruit, butter V' poultry, fish nnd game, for ouch JJn or stand, each wagon or stand tn ??1 a seporato license $80. "' For a license to peddlo or hawt J.V chandise nnd other property not enumerated, medicine excepted, for wagon or stand, each wni;on or giaiV' have a separate license $go a'lL For a license to peddlo 'any bavif5 produce, for each wagon or sUnd-JiiSi' For a license to peddle vegetable frpm hampers carried by tho whore no wagon 5s engaged tliori8 Provided, that nothing heroin hsll '& doomed to apply 10 porsonn offering 7!-sole 7!-sole butter, eggs, fruit, or v& raised or produced by themselves i? license shall be Issued lo peddlo or any medicines, nostrum or .rcmedr of arti character or description. No license ,1 be Issued for a less term than six monVI except that when application l3 made afP or tho 1st day of July of each year aPj the application is -approved by tli j! sossor of llcenso taxes, the Ilcenno' shdl be Issuod for tho unoxplred portion of tb year. Only ono person may peddle -xm, each wagon, hut each wagon may fi accompanied by ono driver or one t? tendant In addition to the peddler b-f such driver or attendant shall not'otd"' die. VHa In all coses, tho person peddlin? dor said licenso shall wear on his kill In a conspicuous place, while pcddllntn metal tag bearing the words, "Llceaiii Vendor," and tho yoar for which It? Issued. The Assessor shall furnl3h jntif tags nnd tho said tng3 shall be paid Ml by tho licensee. 'Ji Any license Issued hereunder mav revoked bv the CItv Council f- ,-..'jiifj honest or unfair act or practice on ttr part of the person operating under tfcii same, or for any disobedience or evasloa of the provisions hereof. Section 401. Metallic plates exhlbltedi All vehicles licensed under tho provisloa of section 400 of these ordinances shi! have fastened upon tho right hand iHt thereof. In such manner that the wail Is to be plainly scon, a motalllc plate '51 bo furnished by the Assessor of HctmC taxes, said plate to bo six by eight Jnclm In size and designating tnereon the kW of business to engngo in which such tm hide is licensed nnd the number of lift Plata and the year for which It i bj sued, said plate to bo paid for by tlrt j licensee. m Section 3. That section 384 of ths RPR I vised Ordinances of Salt Lako City cf 1 1903 be, and the same hereby if, r;f t pealed. .-stf' Section 4. That two now sections, to b? known as section 359A. and section 111, I be, and the same hereby are, enicUi to read as follows: M Section 359A. Board of Equalliafje? Meetings. The City Council comnlli on licenses is hereby constituted a tojrf of equalization for tho equalization of D-J cense rates. Said board shall hare ttT authority to examino the assesses!' rolls, to hear complaints of perwu,' firms or corporations aggrieved by iMf license as?edsments, and to males car-' rectlons of any such assessments dtinrf ; to bo illegal, unequal or unju3t. Frt? ; vided, however, that any correctfcsi' made by said board shall bo entsred In detail In a record of license abatemeali and tho memebrs of said board shall if prove in writing the said entries betel tho Assessor la authorized to adjust tM accounts. Tho sUid board shall mM twice yeurly. Tho llrst meeting shall b hold not later than the Eccond MondJf In Jnnuary of each year, and tho m board shall continue In session from tier to time until the business of equallziiW; Is disposed of, hut not later thon tho sK! ond Monday of February of each yeir." Tho second meeting shall bo held duricr the month of July of each year, com menclng not later than tho 5th day of; July, and tho said board shnll continue" in .session until the business of cqiiilljji nation is disposed of, but not later thii J the 31st day of July of the samo yisnW All complaints relative to asgessmsnlij made to tho 1st day of January of eacJ year must be presented to the said boirflB wRhln the period of lho llrsl meeting 1 .uicici uuntu, anu au cumpiai.iu latlng to assessments made subsequed to the 1st day of Jarfuary mu3t be prt: sentcd to the said board within the riod of the second meeting or be forerM barred. Section 3SJ. Special delivery or mei songer service. It shall be unlawful W any person, firm or corporation to engap In the business of delivering mesfajes packages, or parcels, either by vehicle otherwise, except dulv licensed esprcFfr men, without first having obtained a llcenso ll-censo therefor, and the payment of 15 yearly, and executing a bond to Salt Li 1 City in the sum of $1000, with corporal ."urety, approved by the Mayor, condP Honed for the faithful observance of ordinances of the city, and that they wfl save the city and public harmless froS any nnd all damages that mav arise It roason of the conduct of the said bu:!' ness. : Section 5. All ordinances or resolution!) or parts of ordinances or resolutions a conflict herewith are hereby repealed tj the extent of such conflict. Section G. This ordinance shall tV effoct on the 31st dnv of December. 19 Passed by the City Council of Salt Lat I City, Utah. December 9, 1907, and "5 fcrred to tho Mayor for his approval, y I J. B. MORETON. CItv Recorder.- fcj Approved this 10th day of December in07. J. S. BRANSFORD, J ee Mayor. ? I f Ifc Stale of Utah, City and County of SJil ' Lake. ss. .jj 5 I. J,. 13. Moroton, Cily Recorder of f Jj .Lako City, Utah, do hcrobv certify tWV I. the above and foregoing Is a full, 'j! I and correct copy of an ordinance Nj titled "An ordinance amending ana .v-KT enacting sections 357. 35S. 359, 3$?, jlU 3S9, 371. 379. 350. 3S7. 3S8 and 403 of Ihs TROt. vised Ordinances of Salt Lako Clly.ggi 1903; amending and rc-onacllng scctictfr 3SG of said ordinances, ns amended by jSwH ordinance passed bv the City Co'inciwt May 9. 1901. and approved by the Mayffdf& May IS, 1901; amending and re-enacltaWt; section 401 of said ordinances, ,am$;Mj ed by an ordinance passed by the uJKr Council, Janurary 14, 1907, and aPPro;,M by tho Mayor. January 15. 1907: iaB5 ing section 331 of said ordinances "r!. enacting two new sections "to be Knr!jRtl as section 359A, and section 38 J," r4-by r4-by tho City Council of Salt Lnkc W"Mk Utah. December 9, 1907, and approved w tho Mayor, December 10, 1907, as ZW pears of record In my office. iSKs: In witness whereof, I have licrcUn.3Kj my hand nnd affixed the corporate sIJjMI, said city, this 11th 1yJgf MfJltKToV |