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Show THURSDAY ANOTHER DAY OF LIGHT TRADING Another slump can be expected today on tho local exchange when It is known that the United Statos smelter Is lllcoly to be closed down within tho next few days. Thursday was rather a qulot day, with somo of the Tlntics slowing down In prlco beyond their usual figure. Dur-Ifng Dur-Ifng tho day a total of 08,125 shares of stock passed hands, representing u market mar-ket value of $2-l,752.'J5. The following wore tho unlisted stock quotations: UNLISTED STOCKS, 1 Bid. Asked. Sold Fo Ohio Cop ... $ 2.021? 2. 05 $2. GO Q)$2.G5 Cedar OS Stand Cop . .IG .20 .1G tfp .20 Cop Glance . 12& .13 Sll King C. 2.75 3.00 Nowhousc .. G.S7i 7;fi0 Mason Vnl . .S5 1.00 Thompson . .10 LISTED STOCKS. A. M. P. M". - ) Bid. IAskcd.ll Bid. Askcd. Albion . .20 $ .GO ? S .-15 Ajax .. .- .10J .223 -It' .-0 Alice 2.50 2.25 Boston Con 9.75 D.75 Blk Jack .. .205 21i .20 .216 Bui Beck . .S5 SO 2.25 Beck Tun . .50 .51 .50 .51 But Liberal .03 02 .12 Bullock 02 Col Con .. 2.00 2.12J 2.00 2.10 Carlsa 25 .2S Crown Pt . .1G .18 - .15 .154 Con Mcrcur .25 2b .32 Colo Mng . 2,20 2.221 2.15 2.171 Creolo 25 .2o Daly 1.50 ' .50 1,50 Daly Judge 3.021 3.50 3.07J 3. -10 Daly West S.35 C.75 S.00 E and B B 2.00 Eagle's N . .20 .25 .20 Emerald 10 10 Galena -01 Grand Cen 2.75 3.15 2.75 Horn Silv : 2.00 2.00 . lnd Queen 10 10 Iron Bios . .221 .25 .22 .23 Inyo .. '. '20 Ingot .. 'J I L Dillon 10 10 I Joe Bow 031 021 Little Bell. 1.021 1.371 1.00 1.40 Lead King .14 Little Chf . .03 Low Mam . . 12 .431 .47 . IS Mt Lake .. .'2S .30 .27 .29 Mammoth . 1.75 2.30 1.50 May Day . .241 -25 .211 .251 Nev Fairv.. .041 .OS OS Nov Trills . 2.05 3.15 2.93 3.25 New York . .031 03J Ontario C.05 3.00 Hoot Chf .011 .0U .014 Seven Tr . .33t .31 .33 .34 Sioux Con. .Mil -15i .14 .15 Stray Dog . .00 07 Swansea I .25 25 So Swan 015 .025 .0G Sacram'nto .03 .06 .03 Silv Shield 071 .03 So Col C. .50 .51 .49 .51 Tetro .01 .02j Un Sam C. -3RJ .37 . .375 .3S Utah Mine. 1.171 1.45 1.55 Victoria . . .75 1.1." .70 Victor Con. .053 .065 .05 .05 Wabash 10 Yank Con .j .23 .32 .24 .32 FORENOON SALES. " Grand Central. 25 at J2.75. Lowor Mammoth, 100 at 44c. May Day. 500 at 2Gc; 100 at 251c: 1700 at 25r: 1000 at 241c seller sixty days. Uncle Sam, 4500 at 37c; 300 at 37c; 500 at 37c. seller sixty days. Beck Tunnel. 3G00 at 51c; 500 at 50c, Roller thirty days. Colorado, 600 at $2,221. Mountain Lake, 500 at 2Sc, seller thirty davs; 200 at 29c. Scottish Chief. C000 at ljc. South Columbus. 1000 at 50c. Sioux Con., 3400 at 15c. ; Seven Troughs. 100 at 3 He; 1000 at 34c. Victor. 4500 at Gc. Shares sold. 30.125. Selling value, ?S4G1.25. OPEN BOARD. Colorado, 100 at S2.20, soller thirty days. Iron Blossom, 500 at 23c, seller sixty days. Lowe- Mammoth. 100 at 43ic seller sixty days: 500 at 421c; 1000 at 42c, seller sixty day?. May Day, 500 at 25c. Seven Troughs. 2400 at 31c. Undo Sam. 300 at 37c. Shares sold. 5700. Selling value. 52541. AFTERNOON" SALES. . Lower Mammoth, 200 at 47c. U;icle Sam. 1S00 at 37ic. Beck Tunnel, 100 at Die; 100 at 50c, seller sell-er sixty days. Black Jack. 500 at 201c. Colorado Mining, 600 at J2.221: 250 nt 52.20: 200 at S2.171. seller thirty days: 200 nt f 2.171. seller five daya; 200 at 52.171, seller ten days. Crown Point. 5000 at loc, seller ten days; GOO at 151c. Iron Blossom. 1000 at 23c. Seven Troughs, 7000 at 31c. buyer sixty-days; sixty-days; 500 at 33c, seller thirty days; 5500 at 331c. Victor Consolidated. 1000 at Gc; 1000 at 52r. Shares sold, 25.100. Selling value, 59766. OPEN BOARD. Bcclc Tunnel. 1500 at 50c; 2300 at 491c. Colorado Mining, 200 at $2,121, seller sixty days, Columbus Consolidated, 100 at $2.00. Lower Mammoth, 100 at 47c, seller sixty six-ty days. Sioux Consolidated, 2000 at 141c. Shares sold, GG0O. t Selling value, ?39S4. San Francinco Milling Stocks. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 2. The official offi-cial closing quotations for mining stocks today were as follows: Alpha Con ...5 .05, Hale & Norc. .2 Andes 14JustIco 05 Belcher 22,Mexlcau 33 Best & Belcher .62'0ecldcntal Con. .lfi Bullion 14 uhlr 1.15 Caledonia ., .21 Overman 07 Chollar 14.1'otosi .. ...... .07 Conlldenco . .. .GO Savago 37 C C and Va... ,57lSlcrra Nevada. .39 Con Imperial .. .02 Sliver Hill 49 Crown Point .. .27 Union Con 2fi Exchequer . .. ,20 Utah Con 05 Gould & Currle ,13 Yellow Jacket . 1.G5 NEW YORK MINING STOCKS. Adams Con .15 Llttlo Chief ... .05 Alice 1.60 Ontario 3.50 Breeco 10 OphUr i,i5 Brunswick Con .15 Potosi 09 Comstock Tun. .13 Savago 30 C C and Va... .53 Sierra Nevada. .31 Horn Silver ... .80 Small Hopes .. .20 Iron Silver 75 Standard in Leadvllle Con.. .00 BOSTON MINING STOCKS. Ariz Com. . 15.00 Mohawk . . 47,00 Advonturo .$ 2.371 M C and C. l.l"l Allouez . 28.25 Nevada ... s "5 Amalg . .. 4S.00 jNorlh .Butto 43.50 Atlantic . . 9.00 01d Dom. . 29.00 Bingham .. 4.50 Osceola . 8G 00 Butte Coal . 15. C21 Parrot . .. 10.00 Cal and Hec 595.00 Qulncv . .. 8.00 Col and A.. 102.00 'Shannon . . 10.00 Centennial . 21,50 Tamarack . G5 00 Cop Range.. 57.50 'Trinity . .. 1-L50 Daly West.. 7.00 U S Mng .. 33 25 Franklin . . 7.75 ,U S OH ... 10.25 Granby . .. 75.50 itJtah 30.00 Isle Royale. 17.7i:Victorla . . . 4.75 Mass Mng . 3.50 IWInona . . 4.871 Michigan . . 9.00 IWolverlnc . 115.00 Metal Market, The metal quotations for Thursdav, posted by McCornlck & Co., were as fo'l-Iowh: fo'l-Iowh: Silver. 54Jc; lead, $3.50: copper custlnira. 122c: copper cathodes, 12 3-ltic. |