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Show BACKERS OF HUGHES PLAN A CAMPAIGN Republicans of Empire State Get Busy and Expect to Secure Delegation. ALBANY, N. Y., Jan. 2. Plans for a Stato organization in tho interests of tho nomination of Governor Hughes for President were made today at a conference con-ference of Republican Legislators and others at the Kenmore hotel iu this city. State Senator Alfred B. Pago of Now York presided, and there wero also prcscut Congressman George E. Waldo of Brooklyn, Stato Superintendent Superintend-ent of Prisons C. E. Collins, Stato Wnter Commissioner John A. Sloicher, Jlepublican Stale Commander H. G. Tennant, Charles H. Young, president of the Now York Republican club, and A. B. Humphrey, who introduced in that club tho recent resolution indorsing indors-ing Governor Hughes for the Presidency. Presi-dency. Senator John Raines of Ontario, Republican Re-publican leader in tho Senutc; Superintendent Superin-tendent of Public Works "Frederick C. Stevens, Speaker Wadsworth and Senator Sena-tor Saxo of New York, tho altitude of each of whom is of special inlorcst in this connection, were uono of thcn present. Tho confereuco was called somewhat informally, Senator Page said, under tho auspices of tho committee appoiutod at a conference iu tho same interest held just beforo Christmas at tho Manhattan Man-hattan hotel in New York. This committee com-mittee consists of Senator Pago and Messrs. Sloicher, Humphrey, Young and A. R. Smith. "All those present at tho conference," confer-ence," said Senator Pago, "declaied that there was a strong public sentiment senti-ment in favor of tho nomination of Governor Gov-ernor Hughes, and it was agreed that n provisional organization should bo instituted" by tho selection of a man in each assembly district. Further mooting was loft subject ,to tho cull of myself as chairman." Tho organization, ho said, will bo confined to Republicans. ''I believo tho Stnte Republican convention con-vention will instruct its delegates in favor of Governor Hughes." ho cou-cludcd. cou-cludcd. The Governor wns informed tonight of tho action of tho conferenco, but declined to make any comment. 1 |