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Show CiPII IS PLEASED WITH FOREST COORSE Assistant Forester Returns From' Visit to Agricultural College at Logan. Assistant United Stales Forester Charles Sidney Chapman returned Tuesday night from .Logan, where he went to examine the forest courso which has been established at tho Agricultural Ag-ricultural collogc under the direction of Inspector W. W. Clark. Mr. Chapman Chap-man was accompanied by Chief Engineer En-gineer "V7. E. Herring and I. .K. Benedict, Bene-dict, chief inspector of district No. -I. Tho assistant forester is much gratified grati-fied with the worlc that has been accomplished ac-complished at Logan. 3Io said: "There arc fifty-two taking the courso. Some of ihese are forest service serv-ice men who have been givon furloughs of sufficient length to permit of taking the course, and others arc about to enter en-ter the service. The courso is thorough thor-ough and practical. It. is not as pretentious pre-tentious as tho courses at Harvard, Yale and some of Iho larger Eastern universities, but it is important, to this locality and of great value to tho forest service. "I can safety say a forest ranger today has more responsibility I nan rested upon a supervisor three years ago. The ranger has from 100,000 to 300,000 acres of land under his supervision, super-vision, and in order to properly administrate admin-istrate this vast territory he must ha'c a knowledge of grazing, timber sale and other problems with which ho comos in daily eontacl. Tho course covers all of theso elements of forest administration and, moreover, tho student stu-dent has the opportunity to devote some of his time to mat hematics or English or any part of his education in which ho thinks he is dolicicnt. "I believe this step of the forest service is encouraging colleges throughout through-out tho country to include forest courses in tho curriculum is tho most important taken thus far. The Agricultural Agri-cultural college at Logan is fortunate in having a member of the forest service serv-ice as an instructor. I havo wirod Supervisor Grandjean, at Boise, requesting re-questing that Forest Assistant Butler, a graduate of the Yale forest course, bo sent to Logan for the purpose of assisting as-sisting Inspector Clark." O. F. Pollock, chief of the division of lands, who accompanied the party to Logan, proceeded on his way to Idaho, where he will visit a number of the principal national forests. Mr, Chapman will leave tonight for Lead-ville Lead-ville to attend the mooting of tho supervisors su-pervisors of District No. 2. Chief Engineer En-gineer Herring leaves today for Provo lo examine recently construct od telephone tele-phone lines in the Manti forest. |