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Show WJIERK TUB EXPORTED . i COPPER HAS GONE I James A. Pollock & Co.. bankers and j brokers, 6 West Second South street, furnish the following, received over their private wire yesterday afternoon: Boston The greater pari, of 270.000.000 pounds of copper exported from the United Unit-ed States during the ias"t four or live months has gone Into the hands of consuming con-suming Interests, the speculators takljig an amount much less than generally supposed. sup-posed. On this point the British metal firm of Henry Morton & Company. Lid.. of London sajs: "The large accumulation accumula-tion In the hands of American producers havo now boon practically disposed of. and while a fair share of this quantity has mostly been transferred to European warehouses for account of speculators, tho great bulk has been absorbed by manufacturers manu-facturers whose workshops, after a long period of depletion, arc gradually resuming re-suming their normal aspect. India and China, who had suspended purchases throughout the hlsh-prlced period, have again become important buyers of refined and manufactured copper." Total supplies sup-plies of copper from Europe from all sources in the fortnight ended January 15 wove .'0,351 tons, indicating a total for the current month of 10.700 tons, which would fall short of the past December De-cember total of 10,000 tons. Supplies for the month of Dcccmbor totaled 50,905 Ions, which wcro the largest in recent years, and were about double supplies for the month of September previous. In" the following tabulation, wo present a I comparison 01" copper supplies in Europe, including shipments from Chill and A us- ! trla (In tons): Month ended 1907. 1906. 1903. Dec. 31 50.925 33.5RI 25.64G Nov. 30 -I3.22S 2S.16S 21.333 Oct. 3 32,650 2S.0IS 26.573 Sept. 30 25,9 M 26.609 2S.S26 Year 306,506 3M,S03 301,101) |