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Show LOW RATES OFFERED Now York Wants Western Buy-1 ers to Come to the Metropolis. Met-ropolis. FIRST TIME IN YEARS ;; FOR SUCH CONCESSION Railroads Are Ready to Join Hands With the Eastern East-ern Jobbers. For tho first timo in years Eastern jobbers aud manufacturers havo found it necessary to offer tho merchants of tho Middle West, West nnd intcrmoun-tain intcrmoun-tain country, reduced round trip fares to Now York and other Eastern points, in order to move their immense utocka of goods. Tlio Eastern manufacturers are backed by the Eastern railroads. Tho movo is one of the most significant and important that has been made during tho past five years in Eastern manufacturing manufac-turing and jobbing circles, to say nothing noth-ing of itB significance in a railroad way. Notices wore received by local representatives rep-resentatives of Eastom linos Tuceday of the reduced rates. From Chicago and intermediate points to New York tho fare from February 29 to March 4. and from March 14 to March IS, is to be ono fare and a third for tho round trip. This is practically a fiat two-cent-a inilo rate, and is a reduction that has been absolutely refused by Eastern railroads tho past five years, and ono that has been practically un-thought un-thought by the Eastern jobbers" and manufacturers. To merchants throughout the country who aro in the habit; of going to New York and other Eastern points yearly to biry their stocks, the reduction means n big saving in railroad faro lo tho. East after Chicago is reached. The depression through which tho country has passed lias caught the big manufacturers and jobbers with immense im-mense stocks. The railroads are in hard straights throughout the East and AVost at tresent on account of the falling fall-ing off in passenger and freight traffic, traf-fic, principally tho latter. The coun-tr3" coun-tr3" merchants and city merchants throughout the Middle "West, Far AVest and the intermountain country have not been buying their usual stocks of Eastern goods and to this fact Eastorn Toads attributo a largo portion of tho docrease in tho amount of their freight traffic and a portion of their passenger traffic decrease. Tho officials of the Oregon Short Line in Salt Lake two weeks ago stated that ono of tho principal prin-cipal reasons that 1500 of their freight cars arc standing idle in the company's yards was the failure of "Western merchants mer-chants to buy their usual stocks of goods this season. These arc tho conditions that have led up to tho announcement; received here Tuesday of the reduced rates to Eastern jobbing points from Chicago. The jobbers and manufacturers hope to move their stocks by getting tho country coun-try merchants into New York and other oth-er Eastern points aud the railroads hope, by giving the low rates, to have j a big lot of Western orders to haul in ' the next ninetj' d.Tys. |