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Show DIED UinR Sybil 3., Infant daughter of Inane . Jbbert nnd Jcsslo Hunt aged 5 years i Krt 3 months, of raombraneoB croup. Bfail -Rlvato uncmi was held from family fcWcace. roar of 144 Ninth East street, m. January 2S. I ' KinTrNGTOX At 832 South First West I Krtreot at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. lifeSH. Newton, January 2S. 190S, of Keumonla. John Partington of Mona, tli fiiab county, Utah, aged 73 years. The , malns car i be viewed by his family and Cfttionds from '12 m. to 3:30 n. m. today r WwedneFday), at the funeral chapel of Jo-l Jo-l ntfcoh William Taylor, 21 South-West Tcm-ttiMfe Tcm-ttiMfe street. The remains will bo shipped fc-Mona, where the funeral services will e held on Thursday. Itle BiitJND At 134 East Third South street, January 2S, 190S, of Brlght's disease, A Oaldu Olund, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. . lulfioas Swortson; born In Swedenf August VHh The funeral services "will be Hte'ld Thursday at 2 p. in., from the funeral FfllftKiapel of Joseph William Taylor. 21 South JHpest Temple street. Friends are Invited o attend. Interment at City cemetery-UGATE cemetery-UGATE In this city, January 2S, 1008, rvJtMsrgaret A. Fugate, a native of Illinois, '"vQBcj eg years and S months. Funeral hhSfrvJccs wI11 be holn" Thursday. Notice ? time and place will be given later. tCARTY At Ogdcn, January 2S, 1908, fcMrs. Hannah W. McCarty. 02 ycaj-s old. nayRirs. McCarty was the mother of Mrs. tXrfirJc P.oodan of this city. The funeral ut?IU be held at Ogden, Friday, January 31. |