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Show GOOD NEWS RECEIVED 9 FROM STATELINE MINH Will Dooiey. one of Ihe owners of thclK W.lllowdale properly down In the MjB Statellne district on Wednesday was ialHP receipt of some good news from hliHl partner, who 1s conducting dcvelopmontSB work on this well-known group. ThlilH news is that the face of the tunnel al?H present pans very generously, and it IsiK predicted that before another fifty fctjH arc driven a body of Ore scheduled lo bejH there will be found. B There lias been considerable work dcuirJV on the AYIIIowdale. This tunnel has occdIH driven in a distance of S00 feet, and bvP the time the ore "oodv is gained the maii-B' agemcnt will have all of 350 feet of backjJH at. its disposal. A shaft being driven oajH the samcyvoln Is turning out ore of slml-H lav grade to that in the tunnel, ami thk'jH leads the owners to anticipate that tlieiH ore will be found all the wn down. -IljrB will take Just such a find as appaTcntlrB Is awaiting this company to rclnstntejfB Statclinc In Ihe good graces of the goneralVH public. Old -timers are agreed that thH ores arc there, but more alluring propp-sB Kltlons closer home have prevented UtaujB capital from going in to llnd the bodle&'lH |