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Show B 4 It Issued every mornluc by ;j Sat Lnltc fHhune Publlahlng Company. 1-4 1 I TERMS OF SU1JSCRIPTION. I" Dully nut Sunday Tribune, week-..? .2D I Dully and Sunday, one month 1-00 Ij Dally arid Sunday, throe months... 3.00 K Dully and Sunday, one year 12.00 U Sunday Tribune, ono year.. 2.00 I! Sunday Tribune, six months 1.00 H Semi-Weekly Tribune, one year.... 1.G0 I. S. C. Bcckwltli Spoclal Agency. Solo - JEaalern Advertising Agent. Eastern of- L flue, Tribune Bulldln?. Now Torlt: West- Vi n office. Tribune Hulldlng. Chicago. H Business communications should bo art- hj dressed: "The Tribune, Salt Lako City. IIS Matters for publication, to "Editor The Um Tribune. Salt Lake CUy. Utah." I " . Where Tlio Tribune Is on Solo. 111 Murray. Utah Excelsior Stationery Co., 1ft Ind. phono 177-1. . , , VlW Osden, Utah Branch ofllco, Broom hotel. fKf Hrovo. Utah A. V. Roblson, 27 E. Center rm street. . p)T Xow York Hotel Imperial; Waldorf-Afl- fcjj torla; Holnllng's. Broadway and Tlur- yil ty-elphth atroot. . of fLM Philadelphia Ryan's Theater Ticket or- fm flee. , KB Chicago Auditorium Hotel; Palmer IS "House- Van'a Book and Exchange- ff9 Vfshlnglon New WUlai-d News Stand. Jt Omaha Union Station Newa Stnna. &M Kansas CHy Tonia News Co. r Portland Bowman News Co.; Oregon gj .ev.s Co. fjff, Los Angelen E. B. Amos. , ?W Sar- Francisco Amos Nows Co.; "Foster tiffe & Orear: Ferry Bide tfutchlson T News Co.; Parent's Stationery Co., hm N. Wheatloy, tfl Seattle Acme News Co.; A. M. -eyc. . Zm Denver Brown 'Palace; Kendrick Book FA. and Stationery Co.; H. P. Hanaon; Har- 'JM vey News Service. . , Boise IdRnha Hotel: Boise Book and PocnteHo ClinrTe i- Co. Butte John G. Bv.ins; Keefe Bros.. P. O. Cifli News Stand. . HgT Entered at the Postofflce at Salt Lake HR. City i? second-class matter. Bfi) mw Trilmiio Boll Telephones. KJ;' S200 "Circulation K. 5201 Advertising fj 5202,..: Bookkeeper a , ."203 Mnnarer H - v SC0-1 City Alitor , H20F Manarfnrr EcSItor U 5205 Editor In Chief H 5207 Toll desk br P20S Administration 5200 , , CompoMnr Room ' B210 Telegraph and Art ; S21I Enpravln Dep't - Independent Telephones. Mf yc- nil Dqpartmcnta 360. SM. 34S Hui Thursday, January 30. 1908. |