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Show POOR DAY'S RACING AT EMERYVILLE TRACK SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 20. Thero was not mueh of a contest In tho San Jose handicap at Emeryville today, as Rapid Water, a strong favorite, won with the greatest case. Fred Bent ran a very good race, however. Johnnv Lv-ons Lv-ons being an Indifferent third. Tim track was heavy and I he weather showery. First race, six furlougs, selling Belle of Iroquois, lot (Kelly). to 1. won; Curriculum. 10G (C. Miller), 10 lo 1, see-oud; see-oud; Boas. 01 (A. Walsh). S lo I. third. Time. 1:15 ."-5. Salvage. Billy Mvcr, Sam Barber. Matlle II.. Ambitious. Sain McGlbbon. Marvel I'. Rlmdale, .loekev Mouuce, Ray Bennett and Dick Wllsoil finished as named. Second race, throe furlongs, purs Madrllcno, 103 (Dugan), 5 to 2, won; Bill Eaton, 10S (Davis), IS to 5, second; lid-wnrd lid-wnrd Ormonde, 103 (Ileathcrton), 1) to 5, third. T'me, 3i 2-5 seconds. Narrator. Narra-tor. Mosnrt, Matchtulla. Novgorod. Dalimo. Phyllis. Achates, and El Paso, finished as named. Third race, mile and sevonly yards, purse Wing Ting, 07 (J. Butler), even.-won; even.-won; Downpatrlek. 102 (Mentry), 12 to 1. second; Judge Nelson. 07 (Dugim), 2 to 1, third. Time, IvlS 1-5. Plausible also ran. Fourth raco, mile. Sun Jose handicap Rapid Water 121 (Dugan). 0 to 20. won; Fred Bent, OS (Klrsohbaiini). 15 to I, second; sec-ond; Johnnv Lyons, 105 (Hayes), 21 to f, third- Time. 1M 1-.. Cloync and Ltgls-tllla Ltgls-tllla finished as named. Fifth race, mjle and .seventy yards, selling Gromobol, 10 fi (Se.ovllle) I lo i", won; Bolonpinri 1H (Charbonoau). C to 1, i second: Rosy Light, 101 (Sandy). 10 to 1, third. Time, 1:51. JCogo. Jocund, Ag-nola. Ag-nola. Miss M. Bowdish and Bonar finished fin-ished as named. Sixth rare, mile. Oaks preliminary Marian Casey, 105 (Duga'n). 13 to 5. won: Adonn, 0t (ICIrschbauni), 18 to f second; I Carmellna. 0G- (Heatherton). 30 to L third. Tim, 1:16 J -5. Supine, Margaret Randolph. Keep Moving. Love- of Gold, Gold Bar and Piinccssa .finished as named. . |