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Show I He Corrects Statements Published Pub-lished in the Local Greek Newspaper. LEADING BUSINESS MEN SIGN AN AGREEMENT Police Chief Says He Will Not Stand "Monkey Business" From Criminals. j Under I lie head, "Chief Pitt Inspects 'Lit tin Greece.1 " the "Ergatis," a weekh Greek-English newspaper, at tacks the chief of politic by slating that after paying a visit to that qunr-ler qunr-ler of tho city given over to the Greeks and, though unable to find nuy violation of the laws, i'ic drew up some now ordinances especially directed against the Greeks. Chief I'itt said on the subject: "f did draw up a contract, and asked the leaders, who arc referred to ns 'business 'busi-ness men,' of tho Greek community to-fiign to-fiign it. 'I'hat contract, slated that they would assist, Hie police in preserving ordr and in punishing offenders. "The statement that 1 drew tip new I ordinances for the special benefit of the Greeks is false. J did not; f look , the city ordinances, and I am going ! to see tlmm enforced. I won't stand any monkey business from anv of the criminal clement, of this city. I pro-po.ne pro-po.ne to handle it. and I am going to liandle it in my own way." ' Pari, of the provisions of tho con- tract, as published by tho "Ergatis." i read: "That tho Greek business men signing Iho contract admit that they jj are in a position to control the Greeks I of .Salt Lake City. Chief I'itt says this is (rue. "That Greek business houses shall employ no female help.-" The ."liief stated that, no reference was made to any "business houses." other than saloons and coffco houses, where liquors were sold. "These places." he said, "are in the habit of having women working in them, and this is strictly against the I law of: the cir.y. 1 won't stand for it. and they may just as well find it out now as at some other time." Another quoted provision of the contract con-tract reads: "That Greek saloons Khali sell no liquor on Sunday." Regarding this the chief said: "The Sunday closing law is in force throughout through-out tho city. All saloons arc supposed to be closed, and though wo havo never caught these Greek saloons selling liquor, li-quor, we have received protty good information in-formation that they have been doing "I have asked the leaders to help us, because they have influence with their countrymen and wo have none. When some crime is committed down in that part of town, no 'one knows anything about it, and we are not able to con vict the offender unless one of our men happens to catch him in the act. "Wait until those saloons that have "been causing the trouble and ignoring the ordinances apply for a renewal of licenses, and they -will have to show mo -whether they will live up to the law or not. Children are allowed to loaf around these joints and the' lie to us and the other men in them do, too, when we try to And out their |