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Show IHEGLECTFUL PARENT IS HELD BBBEB SOI Admits That Craving, i'or Drink . Is Cause of Indifference lo Family. In Judse DlehPs court, Saturday morii-IH5. morii-IH5. Johnston Householder wn3 bound over to the District court under ?2u0 ball, for alleged failure to provide for bis lio and live- minor children. ..Householder ireely admitted Hint his Inability to caio for his family properly was due to excessive ex-cessive drink. "It's been two years bIiko furnished 25 toward the support ot tho lilds. Judse." he said. Householder's children aie cald to have i'rir-d to their mother for food. C destitute desti-tute were the woman's circumstances. Householder dc-serU-d her two years iiko. His desertion appears to have mentally unbalanced the woman, and although citizens citi-zens generoiislv provided her with food and fuel Saturday, In response- to her need, she did not appreciato the. gifts, and even' refused some of them, c-he also roftiEed to movo from the refldenco she occupied. The houso was owned by Uaas C. YJavJs. connected with tho Capita Pea Estate Investment company, until he recently sold it. He was to give possession pos-session to the new owner January ' ' but the woman refused to vacate and ho extended the time to January 10. Sdio again refused to movo and ho evicted Iter, the' new tenant becomlnp Impatient for possession. The woman's circumstances circum-stances appealed to Davis, and be rented two rooms for her at BO West First South street, paid the rent a month in advanco and ikow'J her household foods there. Jn addition to renting a place for her for a month, be also allowed her a month si rent froo in his houso. Deputy Sheriff Sperry went before the H1 County board Saturday and, after repre- W tontlntr her condition to tbo Comnilssion- 159 ers, obtained from them a warrant on WQ the Z. C. M. 1. for ?C0. Ulshop 11. Jtflj "Worthcn, a neighbor, who has befriended IU the woman In many ways, accompanied Hi bcr to tho store at night to aid her in I ninklnu purchases, but whllo he was at the telephone and the clerk had turned awav to select another pair of shoes in place of ono that did not suit her, she disappeared from tbo Store, went to the home of her daughter, got the childron. whom she bad lf-ft there, and disappeared. Bishop Worthcn at once notified the Sherltf's oftico and, with Deputy Sheriff Sperrv, took up the search for her. With the children, sue was found at the placo rented for her by Davis, late in the night, having ''hanged bcr mind about moving. Her children have turned a pa hurt her becauso she filed charges against her husband, she says, and she Is sorry she Instituted action against him. She is about 10 years old. |