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Show cop STATEMENT H BOOSTS MARKET Speculators and Operators Hosi-."1 Hosi-."1 Ifaic Until Record of Improre- ment Is Made Certain. I i Surplus of $6,000,000: , CASH GAIN $18,000,000 VQh I ifnexplained Demand for St. - Paul Stock Is Mysterious I Sustaining Influence. 2vBW YORK, Jan, 11. Speculative Ojoporators in stocks today seemed to Ihuitate between two opinions o the immediate otftlook for values, vrith the desalt that tho market was somewhat j7cstricted in voluino and irregular in price movement until the final upnish caused by tho bank statenxut. There ' was some arrefit to tho reactionary tend-ency, tend-ency, which had bocome rather violent 1. jwtcrday, when fears became prevalent if further railroad receiverships in view m Bof..the unsupported state of tho South-jrn South-jrn Tail way 'b securities. Denials of the Bjumors of "a proposed receivership were ji miad from olncinl sources, which quieted iT Wuneasincss on the subject to aomo ex-SlltJUcnt. ex-SlltJUcnt. Jwk A special and urgent demand for St. iBfPflul, which was unexplained by any JLKnew development, was a conspicuous rKsustainincr influence in the market. 1BC0 Bvurthevniore, there was a disposition manifest to coutinuc tho takinc of profits when the market showed strength aum Iiufficient to absorb sales. Prices, in fconsoquonce, wuvered occasionally. $nfL k A :ood impression was made by au- fthoritativc intimations " given out in mercantile circles of an adjustment of- jfectetl in aQ'airs of important retail dry Ifjjlj jgoods establishments in this city, which Sinsure ample provision for their finan-4 finan-4 Jcial needs. The depressing iurluen'eo of Ite fruraors on the subject, which have con- jilinucd prevalent, was thus definitely jia-j 'jcliniinatcd. The marking up of Balti- fmore & Ohio was a reflection of the fcinainlenanoc of the dividend rate. s. An iukling of the extraordinary char fcEtcr of the bank statement apparently Itiieachcd the floor of tho stock exchange J.Jfl'oflfore its appearance on tho tape, which itm W5 ntter tra(iinC for tne 1,a(1 "i jceased, and the buoyant closing was the Lconseqnonce. Tho hope has been eu-fvi eu-fvi Itertained, but with reserve, that this lira Swec ntight see the deficit in the re-. re-. iiservo of tho New York banks reduced pTP if to insignificant proportions or wiped out vm t entire! v, The re-establishment of a i Jcoaifortablc surplus of upward of $6.-1M $6.-1M 000,000. however, exceeded the experra-ition experra-ition of oven the hopeful class. The ilM $18,300,000 gain in cash shows that the tSbm Nturn of hoarded funds has been uu-ferpcctcdly uu-ferpcctcdly heavy, Tho large loan con-m con-m iftraction Indicates the progress making ti'a the retirement of clearing-house cer-H cer-H ItificiUcs. and also helped, the effect of - Itlie cash gain on the proportionate ; 'showing of the reserve item. HI jKBouds were irregular, i n Total sales, .par value, $1,752,000. tiVi tnitel States 4s, registered, have, ad-j ad-j pranced M: and tlje. cpupon.6 while WDS hhe ?s. registered, have declined Vs per f;-ent on call during the. week. W!l Ncv York Bonds. 6V S nf 2s rep. .104? Japan 4s 771 " U S ref -Js cou. .104 4 'Japan lis ct... S"i Lm.1 5r s 3s rce 1003, Jap -J5S c 2d s.. Sr. ml firs cou IOU1L & N unl 4s.. 051 jiuji g H g ro..,noi Manliat c g is.. 02 .M L'U S n 4.s eou.. .120 Mcx Cent 4s.... 7G TT3- tinier Tob 4s... 041 1st Inc 1C fAmcr Tob Gs... 001m & St I. 4s.... SO R ftAtch gan 4s US M IC & T 4p 05 ,WH Ir adjusttn't 4s.. S4 M K & r 2nds.. SI ,jH fAtcti cv 4s S7VN" R of 11 c 48... 77 y l-Mdl cv 5s 00I.N Y C g SR SOj fAtl C Line 88 ,N J C gen 05...IIS B-& Ohio 45..... 03 (Nor Pac 4 00J EUI i.B & Ohto Sis.. 91 iNor Pac 3s C91 Jririf I-Htook R T c 4s. G'JIXorf i W c 4s. 0." W Ct of Ga 5s... 100 O S l rfdg 4s.. SS 1 lt inc (53 I Pa cv S3K 04 ta f. 2nd inc 42 '.Reading 45... 043 ;fl h il 2rJ Sac S'J-.St J.&I 31 c 5s.. 103 :ati f?.& 01ll is...l00 St L&S F fc 4h 75 fCh! & A Tvlp... 62 St I. S"west c 4s G31 ,rj i'c.B & Q n 4s.. OSi'Seab A L, 4s.... 55 JZ l0R I&P R ''S-. !2s So Pacific k.... S4 . 8- col 5a 75i.So Pfiu 1st Is ct 00 SCCC&St L S 45. Of.J.So Rj- ns 00 iflllfl li;oaI 5s K 49 3 1 Tex & P lta..."103 IUuCoo Mid 4s SSiT fc't b&W- 4s... 703i Colo & So 4s.... S7 i;nlon Pac 4s... 5s ,..103 U P conv 4s 86 gtR G 4s.... 92 !u ? ,StseI 2d 5s. S8 BIst Sec 5s 71l!Yabatli lsts ...1071 rio pr lien Is., sr.ilwabash deb B.. 44 Erie sin 4s 71 iWesi Md 4b..., 63j y Valley 41 0'JilV & L ISrie Is.. 71 Metal 4s. .. 151 ;wis Central 4s. 81 A- I NIC a New York Money. j J tl) h,?KW.T0RK- Jan- "Close: Prhno mercantile paper, G2 to h per cent, -unl & jSfwHns exchange, steady, with actual ilW f ? tc ?8f! ,n hankers' bills fit 54.85.40 J-55? fc- demand and t ?4.S1.L'5M.S1.33 ,Cli. l for. 6jy-y-day bills. " I 'il inur.wcla bills, $4.81-2:4.81 i. a Mxlctui dollars. 423c. oytjrnmcirjt bonrln, steady. ! u!!road bondf. Irregular. j 1 h rone on callv nominal. Time loan', 1 ii'.m' slxlj' and ninety daya, 5 per cent: y su rnonthE, 6 per -ent. Jf ' Treasury Statement. ,6 ..jyASHINGTOX.. Jnn. ll.-Today'a m II. len,rnt of t'e treasury balances In the l!lc??ral fund- exclusive of the ?150.000,000 nrffj heolcl reserve, showe: m f PHaWe cash halances. ?2fi5.SP9,S05. JO I So d. coin bullion, J?.0.tH4.420. Golrl certificates; 353,203,460. . jjjif T Now York Produce. i ICM trrMmV , Y0RK" Ja- 11 Butter, firm; 1 W, vr"meries. special?. ;;ijc; oxtr.is, 31c. 'ft Ci yeeFc Ann, unchanged. '53 . rnr.,5s..':n!jy; "WcRlern and Southern g ew York Sugar. si5 TORK'. Jan. 11. Sugar Raw, Wdy; fair reflnlnp. 3.40c; centrifugal. --O- i'n' iest' 3-S0c- molasaea susnr. 5.15c; re--r ftSa ""dy. cnifihcd. 5.G0c; powdered, y'-pc; sranulaled. 4.90c. 4f$Mtu ' rw York Dry Goods. filfllCh,Jrm' YORK. Jan. II The dry sooda WWtltl was fUlcl for tbc daj"-j,iL fi h,jt- M'-'lln 0U6',1C55 Is being deno In several y Jm?3- oeilorj arc more nc?re.isivc and rw,7.tr& uro becoming more active. Flno ItS. cooda urs in better demand from -"''r 11 inrs' -lobburs are flndlni? a hotter r Si or 'JomustlcB. Hurlops ar dull and Jva- Linens are quiet. JPf Minneapolis Wheat. JJi-'POias. Jan. 11. Close: T.rhat, -rtJWii;l2j; July, ;i.i2:; N'o. 1 hard. 31.14i; eliiir,1 northern. 1.125; No. 2 northcra, gj 10il 'Xc- " northern. SI.OGJfrJil.URJ. Duluth Wheat, IP iSSw.'i1' - ''fui' 11. WheutN'o. 1 W ,fJ,.lr"-,ihor1' -0!)i: Xo. 2 northein. $1.07: Sr 133i ,luly' ?1 13i |