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Show " 1 ONCE-A-YEAR SALE OF FINE LINGERIE. This important Muslin Under- g ' WCar event comes on(ve- a year. Thousands of customers 'wait for it. They save money by 2 'j fflil r ''"3 ' ' waiting. . The stock is beautiful the largest, the daintiest, the newest styles we. have shown. " M -'fe, I y - Exquisite garments for individual taste. Many examples of wonderful needlework. The jL Mi pWwSf frf&& ' very lowest prices will prevail. See the beautiful window display. llffiM' IWP fe- .-i . . LADIES' GOWNS WHITE PETTICOATS j 'Mf i&(:'0 fl handsome assemblage of neivest patterns. Every pur 'chase .Beauti; 'ul assortments, innumerable patterns and priced in i SW V " ' . ' means a timely saving. a most attractive way. tffl "sod ( vvv ( , i) ') ' wiuS V C("')j 4AV ' ' ' & '' styles iri ladies' nnisliii gowushi'h ueek. lace and eiubyoideiy Ladies'" plain -white skirL; hemstitched flounce, with three tucks and WW jf '"VJ-s (, ' ff ) v' tl,ilnm1; also low neck. Spcciaffor the saie 69c.' ' three rows of feather stitch embroidery. Special at $1.25. jST f 0rJTtl nv' ll i- ' ' Tcn strlcs lo necIc nml short sleeves; empire, slip-over and high Ladies' extra full skirt, vcrv deep flounce, with three groups of wide SSg fit A ' V $ ' nCCk' AU arc lacc 01" Olnb,'oklci,.v ,1,i,nmcd- Exceptional values at 05c. hemstitched tucks. Special at $1.95. 31l 1 HQ IvM V 4 M W J 0f ' ' -; , V'J'0 VCT d"in,y S,tyIes of ?wnsr" llck or slip-over styles;, but- A table of skirts including many pretty styles with deep flounce; 1 ' Wjffl I, . x AV f Y w -! lonca down the Lront: dainty pufl. or flowing sleeves. Special value, $1.50. somc Avith Ave rows of vai. insertion and edged with val. lace. fP48Jf AiAva I I -40 Av Mf rt r ll , 1- ';cen styles with high neck, long sleeves, slip-over or chemise effect;; , . , i n -,u -a i -i nil! :t HR -W(AVrA V R trimmed in fine, dainty embroidery, vde or filet ace. at $1.75, 2.25. 2.75 , Another style is a deep flounce, with wide open embroidery and fel 1 it !,,icl3-75- twelve five-pm tucks. MMi A C Af W ' il M ' A ncu'' daiuty st-yle is nn emPire oxvn wiUl a l)llfl!cd -voke ol! "U-over Lllcl's wilh embroidery insertion. Special at $2.75. W i W i f '.. f 7A? vA 'W IIV?yll embroidery, puff sleeves; dainty ribbons, lany other pretty styles are We have always shown a table holding about ten styles of ladies' "Hp I hi J1 4 ( lrvVV U ll M$l ' Jo' "ek- witu Avill or Pufi: sleeves, irimmcd in French or German val. skirls at a popular price. One style is a very wide skirt, deep flounce, pin JL 3 : B y ii ll 7:V I ' "wwWrw y A ' cluuv lace and embroiclerv. tucks, two iws oT imitation cluny insertion and wide lace of the same on M'Iftir ; I IlillJJl 'iJU I Imill Jv ptfML M " .N" These are vcrv good value $5.00. . ''; .flounce. Others hare wide 'embroidery flounces. Special for this sale, WM M tmm &id rU ki 3Iany other dainty ?ylos nt $G.50 upward to $15.0(L ' :jJ5- ' Wi t ' -FS" 7Wm If i 9 1 h V 1 The line of $5.00 white petticoats outmatch all other sales in previous M f ISIU Mil VJ1 4 I"- A Lar!ipr Cnrsrl- Cnvrr- ' cars- Never have we shown such beautiiiil skirts, with wide Gemaii WiM U v Ifl 1Y1 JlvAU ' iaaies corset hovers val. flounces; also deep embroidered flounces, with embroidery trimmed Wff J U('r SSw -V & Inill front corset covers, with embroidery trimming around the neck, and lace trimmed underlay, from $5.00 to $42.50. , f ; teW ' Special at 29e. ' p; i 1R r LMWMIAA Tcn very Prett-V s,yles iu TuI1 :,'ont 01' tight-fitting corset covers T . J r)raWf,ri, . ?, c!ff (Sf ' JSliPi ; sol,,e hnvc several vows r laco insei'li011 !,ncl 1:lcc edging drawn with rib- i-aaies drawers W " : U (Mf 4lR'U 09 bon. Special at 50e. Muslin drawers, vith tucked cambric ruffle. Special at 29c. M J f 4l!ffe Sff&x "-W 1 S We have made a specialty oi. a number ot very damly corset covers; r, , . c . ... . . , , , , ... . , finiifilJ- ; fer5-r i h 1 WW I ' "'"'I from, laee trimmed; others with edginc and insertion of embroidery: Cambric drawers, with hemstitched, tucked lawn rufile or.embroi- F3 WmX ' Vim 1 HwJI Secial ro1' lhis sale- 95c' W dery il,immecL Special for the sale, SOe. Bffl J ! .- j I jjvj V ll l '55 Our 'ue lllc ni1C1' corset covers is prettier Ihqn ever the bices Longcloth top, lawn flonncr with fine pin tucks; finished Avith small 'SV WWWK J f 1:,int5ei'' Others ol' all-over embroidery. I'riccs range from $J. 50 to $0.50. tucked ruffle and edged with lace. Special at 75c. wHlM f 'iS.N. ' I ilfl rJki JMl ' T 1 " f ' Longeloth top. with rui'ile. (wo groups of tucks, one row of imita -ffljiK ' ?' Qj '' (0J AttW- i , -Ladies VhemiSe. r . tiou torchon insertion, finished with Jace to match.. Special, $1.00. JST M ; ' 'llfef ' r M'ltsliiV'ehemiscV edged witli good lace, at 50c. ' J'-;k:i!: : Longcloth top. lawn ruffle, finished with three rows of val. insertion, TjmSj 3r ' of 11'" 'i Wv ijonsrcloth chemise, about TA -inches lonir; two rows of val. lace iuseV- joined together : edged with lace to match : emln-oidery Ijeadiug, drawn jOUllq gb WffiWll I-7 V ($p pt' tlWx tio around the ncclc.jinishcd Willi val. Jace. drawn with ribbon; sldrt" fin- with ribbon at top of flounce. Special $1.50. . Mjfl l HjjAife v wT 1 6 7 Op)j I VtH ished Avith lawn ruffle. Special at $1.25. . iI any other very pretty and dainty styles in lace' or-embroidery MW H' lUvf nS& ips tt IS? Ladies' chemise Marguerite st.x ie; val. laee yoke, fine tucks belov. trimmed from $1.00 to $10.00. V fflrffl f JZ3 W J f fadf1 n lMtk '0,ce' "llJ'Jfts lougj skirt ti-immcd with hemstitched ruft'le. at;.$1.75. Vassar drawers in many different trimmings. . ' yjfflff , ,3 sAlf1 ,X iWi Others with liu'-e or en'ibroidcry trimmed, from $2,75 to $5.00. , Sr ' f cl irJcJ p,Vi if r r CUdrens Drawers A." S e L-w er R Liombmation bets flffil; & VlW yuP &5V mW ' . , . . , ,, n , ' t ,- Children s plain muslin drawers, with five small tucks. 1-to 10 years, 9fah 91 ft ft pJ s n Tjvffo ft. rT ombroidcry trimmed, at $lo.o, $Kj.OO and 22.u0: ' ' 1 ni.n . . , , t . , . . ... lffcmlJ : lH )tWlf cfTh Jjfc M HP ofin S ' Children s drawers muslin lop and tucked cambric ruffle; all sizes. .Ufflj . lwff -tie MVMN Ladies' short skins 21) and ol inches long, plain or' lace trimmed. Special at 25c. ' Wm'i ' 'RrnL oDatj fi r poAooiU? Special at 50c. Children's drawers cambric top, fine tucks, narrow embroidery jSui w'lW " Short skirts plain, lace or embroidery trimmed, at 95c and $1.25. rufile. Special at 35e. ,& I v I Domestic and Imported White Fabrics 1 pi Last February we contracted for this year's supply of White Goods handled in the Domestic and Linen . 2j j( mm , section. Advances in price are about S3 1-3 per cent We are selling these goods regularly at a rea- ' " Jl;: I Ww sonable per cent based on last year's prices. During the sale strong special prices will prevail hj I cNa French Lingerie Wtite Persian Lawns India Linens j French Lawns and Cliiffons I Hemmed Sheets Dofled and Figured Swisses Sjljf- I j& Vaisting 32 inches wide. 12e grade for S :i-3c yard j All beautiful wash fabrics. j Keady for use. All the new 1903 designs. U Mm All the new plaids and" checks, a 30e value for. 19c. yard .15c grade for., He yard j 50c value for 33c yard j Size S1.SJ0 75c gradc ,-0, 48c each. 35o value for 19c yard Ul , fl 11 beautiful and serviceable fabric. 50c 35c value for. ..: ,2,1c yard ISc grade for 1,1c yard - ! Size 81.90, S5c grade, for 59c each. - hie or. ... , 2 c yard j; I M value for 35c yard. 45 inches wide. 20c grade for. 1G 2.3c yard f. iSoc vard bl" 1 Ml1 fl WW i i t , 50c value for 33c yard 25c grade for 18c yard $1.00 value for 75c yard nf mV wPTrr py p AmS 85c value for 65c yard fffl 1 1 m English Long Cloths 65c value for 4Sc yard 30c grade for 22c yard '$1.25 value for .S5c yard J J in i-nv iQn W-OO value for... 75c yard HgU V 1 -rnrnph,wi pwp1v fn,. TC 75c value for 59c yard 35c grade for 26c yard $1.50 value for .$1.00 yard Qualities: No. 100. iSo. Iy0, Is o. ISO $1 95 value for. .85e yard MmH 1 f I nov 1.00 value for 75c 'yard 40c grade for. 30c yard XT' 1 i" 1 gthS, ( 1 5'yard $1.50 value for $1.00 yard I IfeS 12.ard pieces. 50c grade for 3Sc vard JNainsooks lengths). The cheapest retails regu- J ttU 1 3! No. 500-$1.75 Piece, foi-$1.39 Piece. French White Lingerie , . , T . , . American and linclish manufac- larly for 25c up to 35c yard. Your ; i 1 No. 6.00-$2.50 Piece, for $1.75 Piece. ,t . , , 1 McBnJe Irish Dimities ture: all in 12-yard-pieces. . choice, as long as hey last, 12c The great crowds ol.Aronday were K 1 fflii N"o. 700 $2.75 Piece, for $2,25 Piece, -lo inches wide. Beautilul iabne i No. 22 $2.25 Piece, for $1.69 Piece. yard- j such that attention in the domestic Mllft f ! 1 fM Xo- S00 $3.00 Piece, for $2.39 Piece. for 11110 underwear. : - ; ' - lt-(l l11"1 Nth 2VJo Piece, for $2.00 Piece. ! J-m1. of .10 yards to a customer. department could not be given every WM M iflv No. 900 $3.50 Piece, for $2.59 Piece. 50c value for 39c yard ' ' No. 35 $3.0,0 Piece, for $2.39 Piece. All plain, white linen suitings and customer. The big domestic reduc- fSSfil m tfhvl No. 1000 $4.00 Piece for $2.S5 Piece. 65c value for... 4.7c yard j Special lot ol: fancy linens, partly No. 45 $3.50 Piece, for $2.59 Piece, waistings will be reduced for this lions of the past week will therefore JA j I V I If "N"0' 100",-5 Piece ,:r3'19 Piece. $1.00 value for 75c yard soiled, at '2 price. No. 60 $4.00 Piece, for $3.00 Piece, snle SdI-3 per cent. he continued for a few days. ttMlJ 1 5 WHITE SALE OF STATIONERY j pne Skowing New Emtroideries Previous to Enlarging the Department gj I enre stock reduced jn conneoon whjl jtis interesting display, a Sample Book is introduced. It will contain a large sample kh' I Ml . Hlll'.ullt'''s J-talia." Chiffon Tablets: Hurl but s Poplin .Linen Tablets: or every yard 0; material handled in the departmentsufficiently large to shoiv the full pattern or design. MA 1 I flwV noe slze- 10 'lQ Oc note size -....10c Combination effects are easily in' which arc so stylish this season.' Wide bands in Irish and soutache Hand embroidery, baby Irish ef- WSfflli ' I mTv ,J-llc et1:er Hize 10 rne letter she 10c the lead. The biggest stores overy- j These come in the soft; pastel shades, braid effects: also finished- edge feets, and the new empire designs Bjwjn ' I vJjlM 15c envelopes to match the above. 10c 15c envelopes to match. 10c where are showing blind filet, J embroidered on the, fiuest white ba- bands in many wiclths. are shown in profusion. p ! ; I Ilurlbut's Gahvay linen pound pa- Hurlbut's English mull. 60 'sheets, shadow, Irish and openwork in the 1 tist bands. galores. medallions, A big line of embroideries for un- ri - , , . - XjM M per; regular 60c a pound, 'for 35c. 50 envelopes boxes slightly soiled! same design. 1 ! waist fronts, and all-overs. , derwear in nainsook and cambric r f V. 1 rtl'csscs 15 a "! - U ' Mm .EuvelI)CS 10 matcll regular 15c, for Regular 75 cents for 25 cents. j Among the newest ideas arc the! The designs iu the baby sets are of sets in open and convent style. -eature ot tne display. Mi U H llkwi ... stationery, including ''Hotj Mederia embroideries and Swiss the most; dainty patterns ; some have interesting displays of corset Piatt Val. lace and insertion to j5jliMH HI ue ul C stationery, including Highland Pressed Vellum," 35c. j cross bar effects. The showing in- the (ino baby Irish effects and others cover embroidery in nainsook, Swiss match from two to six inches wide. m m t H ull nes 25c ' 65c stationery, 45c. j eludes also the colored embroideries, the eyelet and blind embroidery. and cambric. J "Worth upward to 25c. Special 10c, fjSwJ I HI Every department in the house which handles white goods will contribute to the ivhite goods sale. HI |