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Show FOHAKR FOLLOWERS AFTER Tiff FORCES First Move to Displace the So-Called So-Called "Regular" Committee Promptly Made. CLEVELAND. O.. Jan. 11. The flrnt stroko of the Foraker followers hero was made today, when, In a mass mooting, a committee was selected to displace the "regular" Republican county executive committee. The quosllon of tho legality of the' committee Bolectod aa agalnnt tho "regular" committee, 3ald by tbo Fora-kerltcs Fora-kerltcs to be a Taft organization, will now bo placed In the hands of tho county board of elections. Tho claims of the so-called Roosevelt committee; o. third element in the local situation, alao re3ta in the same situation. II will be the duty of the board to determlno which cornmlttco- is lawful and of authority to act for the party in this county. To place the lssuo Rfjnaroly before tho board, each committee has Issued a call for Republican Republi-can primaries, all on the same dato, February Feb-ruary It. Crisis Precipitated. The "regular" committee, held by the Foraker element to be without authority, precipitated tho crisis bv filing a. call for the primaries with the uoard of eloctlons yesterday. Immediately thft Foraker faction fac-tion protested the rights of the committee commit-tee and Issued a call for a convention to select a committee. Last evening the Roosevelt organization named a committee. commit-tee. Today tho Foraker committee was named. The bond has until next week to decide upon tho merits of each of tho claimants. Many policemen were on dutv today in tho convention hall, in anticipation of an encounter between the Forakcritcs and tho followers of Tnft, who carlv announced an-nounced their intention to pack t lio convention, con-vention, but It was as rpilot as a Sunday-school Sunday-school convention, and everything went through unanimously end without a hitch. Resolutions condemning tho "regular" committee and one-man power In the party wero adopted. At the proposed primaries delegates to the State and national conventions will be chosen. |