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Show NOTICE. ESTATE OF ALBERTA WINIFRED WALKER, A MINOR. The undersigned will ell at private sajo the following described Interest In real estate, situated in Suit Lake City and County, Utah, to wit: Ati undivided one-tenth of tho following described part and portion of lot 10. In block 22. Five-Acre plat A, Big Field survey, to wit: Commencing at a point 33 feet north and 363 feet west of tho southeast corner of said lot 10, and running from said point of commencement west 141 foot: thenco north 254.1 feef, thence east 111 feet; and thence south 254.1 feet, to said point of commencement, containing 131,6 square rods. Together with a strip of ground 15 fept wldfj by 254.1 feet long, running north and south and adjoining said lastlv above described parcel of real estate es-tate "on the wc3t, for uso as an alleyway by the purchaser of said 141x254.1 foot parcel on a sale made hereunder, in common com-mon with said minor, her holts and assigns; as-signs; nnd Together alo with a right of way for uso by any such purchaser In common with said minor, her heirs and assigns, for travol by foot, vehicle or otherwise, to and from said 141x254.1 foot parcel of real cslatc, over the following described .strips or parcels or real estate, to wit: 1. A strip 66 feet Wide by 251.1 feet long, running north and south and adjoining ad-joining said 141x251.1 foot parcel on tho e"l2 And a certain other atrip or parcel described au commencing 33 feet north of the southeast corner of the northcaal quarter of section 12, township 1 south, range 1 west, of the Salt Lake meridian, being a point on tho westerly side of Main street In ald city, and running thence north alnog the. westerly line of I Main street fifi feet; thence west 70HJ feet, more or Ions, to a point on the easterly line of West Tornplo street In said cltv; thuncc south along the said easterly line of Went Temple street G6 feci; and thenco cast 709i feet, morn or lean, to th,c place of beginning, on or after Saturday, the 18th day of January, 190S, and written bids will bo received at tho office of Bradley, l'lschcl & Uarkiifas. f-ulte 300 Atlas block. West Second South st:cet. Salt LokP City, Utah- Terms of sals: Cash on delivery of -Kuardlan's deed. Dated January C. 1903. WINIFRED S. WALKER. Guardian of the person nnd estate of Alberta Winifred Walker, a minor 593 |