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Show IrVEAK MEN; M RECIPE FREE wtfeni Namo and Address Today You J? Can Have 1 Free and Bo Strong Kfe have In my posBsslon .1 prescription .pr nervous debility, lack of vigor, weak-?ied weak-?ied manhood, falling memory and lame ty' oxcessrs, mu' tiiral J)rWn,s ' the follies of youth, (.hat ban E P0 mKV tliousunds of worn and Eli.01'8 mc" rlprht In their own homes any additional help or medicine . 1 think every man who wishes to jjBn IiIb manly powei- and virility, and qultly, xhoulri have a copy. AWt.' J have determined to aciid a nopv iiJKai 1 i,rPtcrlptIon. tree of charge. In a HEJj''on3'narv sealed cnvelopn, to any SbS'' v-M 'p' t:0,l,c:? oni a J'r,vnt' an,J r arn convinced It. Is the .itireat-iP'jCm5 .itireat-iP'jCm5 combination for tho cure of defl-M defl-M , mtmh ood an(' vlsor-fallure nver put :JB' '''Ink 7. own It to nsy follow-nien to S5WJ.a tneni a copy In conlidcnco, no that man, atij whoif. who Is weak and $lm!,t!!i0', repeated failurci iiihv 3lE?uJ,,"uW'"P himself with harmful patent jRXi-actlnfr. ic-lor.itlvo. upbuilding. FAT FOLKS FAVOR Home Mlxtur That Takes Off the Fat 1 Rapidly Caunefi No Wrinkles No ' Stomach Ills and Requires Nclth-I Nclth-I er Dieting Nor Exercise. Too much fat In both uncomfortable rind dangorou?, tint usually flesh- people prefer to put up with its Inconvenience rather than punish thomselvca with tho tiresome exercising nKually prescribed, or endanger I heir health by taking the so-called so-called "cnrt'fi" and patent fat "reducers." This Helf-sacrlllcn of comfort and health to overabundant fat is entirely unneces-nttry, unneces-nttry, however, as IVlra, I.uella Bigger tcllo us there Is a home recipe that Is ' far superior In every way to anything money will buy for reducing (juperlluoua flesh. It is naid thin simple mlvturo will I lako tho fat off of man or woman at the rate of at hiast a coupln of pounds a woe): without oven causing wrinkles. Moreover, It docs not disturb tho ntom-aeh, ntom-aeh, but hi a good thing for the system, clearing away pimples, and. host, of all. It dons not Interfere with the Hint. You can 11:10 II and at the uiio time oat 1 whatever you like. Thl receipt Is as follows: 1 ounce Mnrmola: 1-2 ounce I Kluld EMracl Casenra Aromatic and.:: 1- ounces of .Syrup Simple. Oct those in- ' giodlc.nls at any drug stoic, mix them together at homo and take one icanpoon-ful icanpoon-ful after each meal and nt bedtime. M.ic. Rigger, as In well known, is a. famous beauty expert, and whatever .hn recommend Ik sin re to be found cml-ncntlv cml-ncntlv .-aUsfactoi I HAMILTON'S I I SMART SHOP Great Coat Sale 1 Monday the Greatest Sacrifice will be made to 8 j close out every Garment in Our House. 0 Less Titan Off f PRICES AS FOLLOWS: I iio So 1 i I ii I 0 Iso!oo " j 25J SEE WINDOWS. Another great sacrifice will be made on Gowns j and Fancy Dresses to CLOSE EVERY LINE. 1 The prices are less than off. Some great bar- I gains this week. a 1 '. : i ! The Tribune Gives Your Wants the Largest Circulation. Dainty CFe&m FOR Oaioty Skins IS OUR "WARD'S MASSAGE COLD CKEAM" It keops the coinploxioii cloar and fresh by softening aad foed-ing foed-ing the tissues aud keeping tho pores active Put up In three sizes, 2Bc, COc and 75c jars. DAYTON DRUG CO. Cor. 2nd South and Stato Sts. A COMPETENT OPTICIAN Should bo consulted about eye difficulties. diffi-culties. Wo will examine your eyes, free, and If a physician's caro Is needed need-ed we will not advise glasses. If glasses are needed wo will lit them correctly. J. H. KNICKERBOCKER, O. D., Practical Optician. M3 .Main Street. After the Mush of tho holidays Is a good time to i$! have your watch repaired, or yonr jewelry repaired or remade. ; Our facilities are the latest and n our workmen the very best. "Wo i '. . have time to do your work thor-. oughly. Vjjj; ll SALT LAKE CITTAtt. U :.'"' 1 THE CHARLTON If SHOP lpt 122 MAIN STREET. :W OUTFITTERS FOR WOMEN. ' I Tallor-mado suits, dresses, powns, eoata for street, ervonine. rain or mo- ; fi'1'; tortne. ;; SKIRTS PETTICOATS WAISTS (1 R "They laco In front." j'Jj fZusmni lifl c o r a c t Yn lil Utah Dental Co. I m RELIABLE DENTISTS. r, g,f 234 Main. Salt Lako City. 'J,!,? Branch offices. Ogden. Logan, Brig- VWi ham, Provo, Park City. Guarantees Ur ml J good at either ofHce. i Jg IjTTsNAP" We're OttoSSn I Road this list and comparo onir inducements with any other offer in I )mi! J Salt Lako. 1 ft 9 Shirts, $1.25 to .$L'.00 - Qtf Four-in-hand tics. "i5c and, 51.00 I .", S values, for JtJtL. values. f&tf 1 ' ! J Gloves. "McKibbou make, all colors scing at 8 V, 9 and atvles, -fl SfZ Four-in-hand ties. 35c and 9?Zf I ! ti l( Q for. ...' JL.OeJ 50c valves, .just I JW I - 20 Less . Than Actual Cost j fm J On All WOOL UNDERWEAR I M . J Big reduction ou suspenders, hose, handkerchiofs, and everything olse I j ft in Gcfit'3 Furnishings. H j j; THIS BIG SALE BEGINS MONDAY, AT 9 A. M. 9 !', IM BE ON HAND AND MAKE AN EARLY SELECTION. g ?lv TURK, GENTS' FURNISHINGS ; 172 South State, 2 Doors North of Second South. g t j |