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Show CARL C. FRIEDMAN ; EXPLAINS HIS ACTION j Carl C. Frlodmnn explains that his suit I against J. B. McCarty In tho Third District Dis-trict court Is for the appointment of a receiver Of a note which no gavo to Mr. McCarty In the purchase of tho McCarty Hat and Parisian Tailoring company, and has nothing whatever lo do with the store. Mr, Frlodmati feols that the announcement an-nouncement that a receiver has been applied ap-plied for for tho store hna dono him an Injustice. j Mr. Friedman explains that when he I purchased Mr. McCarty's Interest he paid part cash nnd gave a nolo for $1500. Ho I now says that bills for goods bought by i Mr, McCarty In 1H0G and 1007 are coming In, nnd he baa asked for a rocelver for the note, In order to protect creditors. It also Is said by Mr. Friedman that tho bills aro In excess of the amount represented repre-sented to him when he purchased Mr. McCarty's Interest. "I havo taken this action solely for Iho benefit of creditors," said Mr Friedman in conclusion. "If Mr. McCarty owed thcuo firms. I would rather pay the proceeds pro-ceeds of the note to them than lo pay It to Mr. McCarty." |