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Show DEUOCRATIC PARTI 1 OF 1AY STATE SPLIT! 'i Appsircntly'No Chance of Mending Mend-ing flic Break That Occurred Last Spring. BOSTON. .Ian. 0. That the split In tho ranks- of the Democratic party in Massachusetts, manifested at the memorable memo-rable Slate convention at Sprlngllcld lant October, Is still wide open, as shown today to-day at a meeting In this city of twentj -Bcvcn out of tho llfty-slx members of tho Slate oommlttoc. Many members of tho committee refused lo attend the incetln- and declared they would heed the call for what they consider tho regular meet- ' Ing of the committee tomorrow. Tho call for today's meeting was Issued by Wil- , liri in S. McNary of llostort, second vice-chairman vice-chairman of last year's State convention. The call for tomorrow's mooting la by, John P. Fpcney of Woodburn, chairman of tho Sin lo-committee, u Is expected I that there will be two Slate conventions i this spring, and that the claim of Ihr . two seta of Democrats lo the Denver con- I vcntlon will have to be ad Judical cd by the Democratic national committee. 1 Two Calls Sent Out. The call today was sent lo the tiiirly- , eight members of the committee who wore chosen at tho district caucuses last September, and also to tho eighteen anom- hers at larce chosen at the Whitney convention In .Sprlngllcld, whh h was sub- , sequcntly decided by the ballot law commission com-mission of the State to have be.n regular Democratic Stato convention. The call for tomorrow's mooting Un been acnt to the same district members and also lo the members at largo chosen by the B&rt-letl B&rt-letl coinenllon at Sprlngllcld. Of llio twenty-seven members who i gathered at the Qulncy houso this after- ! noon, three member later withdrew on what, they claimed "unfair treatment Indie In-die chairman." At tho conclusion of tho meeting, which lasted about two hours, Mr. McNary announced I hat the Democratic Demo-cratic t?tnte committee of I ho Stale had organized for the year by tho election ot officers and the adoption of a set of ruler and by taking preliminary steps toward the calling of tho spring convention. Tho ofilccr8 of today's meet lugs wore ' authorized to call caucuses to elect dele- I gales to tho spring convention at which delegates will be elected to the national convention. |