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Show 4,"?"I,I-IrM',I,,I"I-H"W'IH City and Neighborhood JOHN SPENCER, one of tho old residents resi-dents of Utah, died at his home, US South Third East street. Tuesday morning, morn-ing, January 7. He was born In, Bclper. Derbyshire. England, May 2G, 1827. and eamo to Utah across the plains with his wlfo in 1S6G. Six years later he returned lo his native land and remained there until 1SP1, when ho again came to Utah nnd settled In Logan. Ho has been a resident of Salt Lake for a numbor of years. Ho Is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Mary E. Lonsdale of this city. The funeral services will be held at tho Thirteenth Thir-teenth ward chnpel Sunday afternoon, January 12. at 1 o'clock. THE PUPILS of Gordon academy held a skating party at Heath's rink Thursday Thurs-day evening. About thirty students wero present and all had an enjoyable time. After the party had tired of skating they had lunch down town. The pupils were chaperoned by Miss Bishop and Mrs. Clark. CHARGED with committing a statutory statu-tory offense on a Miss Black of Basin. Joseph Mattlnson, employed by the Oregon Ore-gon Short Line railway, was arrested here by Deputy Sheriff Iko Emory Wednesday and turned over to Sheriff Harmon for return to Provo. lo await trial, Thursday. MR. AND MRS. G. W. SHERMAN of Boise. Ida., extend their most sincere thanks to the many friends for thoir kindness and sympathy In the death of their beloved duughtcr, Mrs. C. A. Cecil. WORD HAS been received at tho University Uni-versity of Utah that Donald Beauregard, a Utah student, has received distinction In Franco by obtaining the llrst prize In tho "Technical" at tho great art school, the Academic Jullen. A SECOND meeting of principals of the city Bchools was held In the offlco of Superintendent Chrlstensen Thursday. Several interesting addresses were delivered. deliv-ered. MRS. MART A. MAi'BERRY had a toe amputated Saturday at the Holy Cross hospital anil Is doing nicely. Dr. Root is tho attondlng physician. A. DAUGHTER was born to Mr. and Mrs. Payno of 769 East Sixth South street on January -i. THE Court of Honor lodge will give a progressive whist party at Odd Follows hall Frldny night. |